Last night, I told Zhou Wenbin to come and pick him up after lunch, then drive to the provincial capital, stay in bed until 11 o'clock, get up and wash, return the room key to the service desk, go out of the small building, feel cold, rub your hands, and prepare to find a place to solve lunch. When I heard Xu Si calling him, I turned around and saw that the Ford car was parked in the corner, and Xu Si's hand was waving out of the window, Most of her face is covered by sunglasses, but her lips are particularly bright red and moist. This kind of woman with extreme beauty can show all her customs even if she reveals one star and one corner.

"Why did you come?" when Zhang Ke came out of the small building, he was afraid of the cold air outside. Seeing Xu Si, he was a little excited. He opened the door and sat next to Xu Si.

"Zhou Wenbin's child is frozen at night. The couple hurried to the hospital to hang water for the child and let me drive you to the provincial capital."

Zhang Ke planned to let Xu Si send him to the provincial capital yesterday, but he had no excuse. He thought that Zhou Wenbin's child's cold was really timely. He pursed at the thought of here. Xu Si sideways asked him, "Zhou Wenbin's child has a cold. What are you proud of?"

Zhang Ke pointed to the thin ice on the window glass and said, "it's cold outside. The car glass is frozen."

"The lowest temperature today is nine degrees below zero. It's very cloudy. It may snow again..."

Zhang Ke forgot that there was such a cold temperature in Haizhou. In his impression, the rivers in Haizhou were not frozen. When Xu Si said it might snow today, Zhang Ke didn't think so. It doesn't matter much. It's estimated that the expressway will not be closed during the day. After having lunch with Xu Si in the city, he drove on the highway.

On the third day of the lunar new year, there are few high-speed trains. As soon as I got on the expressway, it began to rain, which made me feel a great headache. When I entered Xintai, the road was full of thin ice. Fortunately, there was no car on the road. Xu Si drove at a speed of twenty or thirty miles. It was originally three or four hours' drive. Today, I'm afraid I can't get to the provincial capital until midnight. Listen to the radio. Fortunately, the expressway hasn't been closed yet. When I got to Xintai toll station, I hung up on Wanqing and told her the road conditions. The city's motorcade was escorted by police cars. The party rushed to the provincial capital before the freezing rain. Even if the highway was closed, it would not be affected at all.

In 1995, mobile phone roaming communication between cities had not been opened, so there was no difference between having a mobile phone and not going abroad. This is also the reason why Zhang Ke has not equipped himself with a mobile phone. Compared with the established habit, he feels that his use is particularly restricted, and it will be extremely uncomfortable to use it. For the same reason, Zhang Ke didn't install a computer for himself and didn't want to force himself to relearn the DOS operating system.

The car to Taixi County in the west of Xintai City is also a toll intersection out of Xintai City. The defendant was told that the expressway in front of him is closed. At this time, it is not possible to return to Haizhou. He had to get off the expressway from Taixi and take the national road to bypass Huishan city. Anyway, there is no difference between taking the high road and the National Road at this speed. The road condition is better. He can drive to the provincial capital in another six or seven hours.

Zhang Ke later learned that the age requirement for obtaining a driving license in 1994 was not so strict. Before 1997, those who were under the age of 18 could change their license, and then everything was cut. Zhang Ke asked his uncle to apply for a driver's license from the vehicle management office before the winter vacation, but he had no chance to open it. At least he had to keep a good appearance of abiding by the traffic plan in front of his family and Wanqing.

It was dark. After dinner in Taixi County, Zhang Ke changed Xu Si and drove himself. The expressway from Huishan to the provincial capital was not closed. There was a moist drizzle in the sky and there was no feeling of freezing. Zhang Ke and Xu Si were in a good mood and rushed to the provincial capital for a snack around 9 o'clock.

Xu Si asked him to press the speed. Zhang Ke didn't want to be a novice. As soon as the steering wheel came into his hand, he pulled up a hundred and galloped on the wet road.

Zhang Ke was not familiar with the road conditions when he took the Huishan expressway for the first time. The light from Huishan disappeared far away. When he met a section of uphill road, Zhang Ke stepped on the brake and felt the car floating left and right. At that time, he didn't expect that this small section of road alone would be frozen. He stepped up the accelerator and rushed up the gentle slope. At the moment when the front of the car sank, he saw a flashing light in front of him

Zhang Ke was startled and suddenly stepped on the brake. There was ice on the downhill road. The car inertia slipped. He felt that the brake was useless. Zhang Ke could only hold the steering wheel tightly with both hands. He saw that more than a dozen cars collided with each other where the lights in front flickered, forming a steel barrier.

Xu Si woke up from half sleep. Fortunately, the brake worked.

It stopped not three or four meters from the truck in front and almost got into the truck. Zhang Ke patted his head. He was in a state of panic. He saw Xu Si on his side. He sat in the car and was at a loss. He untied her seat belt: "get out of the car quickly, there may be a car rushing down behind." he pulled Xu Si out of the car. Only then did he see the tragedy of big cars crowded with small cars in front. There were almost a dozen cars, and the corrugated guardrail on the roadside of the expressway was also loosened, The debris is everywhere.

Zhang Ke looked back. There were lights behind him. When the car crossed the ramp, it obviously forgot to slow down. The uphill road was covered with thin ice and couldn't rush up without the fuel door, but it couldn't stop the car when it went downhill.

Most of the car would hit. Zhang Ke took Xu Si to the side of the road and grabbed the guardrail to turn over. He heard a man's call below. He felt a little far away. He found that it was a bridge. Below was the river valley. Zhang Ke held Xu Si in his arms. Xu Si realized that there was an unknown River Valley under the bridge. Zhang Ke's hand was just holding on to her chest. He felt her heart beating. His breath was very short and some were frightened. He said in her ear, "we're all right."

In the middle of the road, a man came out of the police car on the back tire of the truck. Zhang Ke shouted to the man, "run for your life!" the man looked back and saw the car crashing down on the gentle slope. He subconsciously ran to Zhang Ke and had to turn over and jump over at the roadside. Zhang Ke suddenly grabbed the man: "there is a river below. Someone has fallen down." then he saw that it was a female police officer, I can't see clearly.

The light hit close enough to see a minibus, swaying left and right, rushed over, wiped Zhang Ke's Ford, and suddenly hit the police car in front. The sound shook the bridge.

There were still cars coming back, but Zhang Ke couldn't expect the car to be saved. He hadn't recovered his mind yet. There was a light. A large truck couldn't stop and rushed. He saw that it was going to hit a Ford. He suddenly crossed over and didn't overturn. He stopped in the middle of the road. The three cars in the back showed faster speed, brake pads The friction between the tire and the icy road made me panic. Three cars hit the truck one after another, and one car was thrown onto the guardrail and rubbed a trail of sparks.

Looking at people coming out of cars, trucks and minibuses, Zhang Ke loudly reminded them to go forward: "there is a river below. Don't jump down." looking at the deformed guardrail hit by the car, it's not safe to stand on the roadside. Zhang Ke asked Xu Si to follow the policewoman to climb to the front. There is no scope out of Huishan city. Let them find someone to call the police with their mobile phone. The highway is not closed, I don't know how many more cars will hit.

Zhang Ke went to see if there was any injury in the car and couldn't get out. Fortunately, the truck came across. Once the car drilled into the belly of the truck, it was difficult for the people in the front seat to save their lives and help a driver get out of the car. The lights staggered, one bright and one dark, and the road could barely be seen clearly. The female police officer climbed to the top of the truck and came down again. She told Zhang Ke that there were people in the police car.

The truck is horizontal in the back, which can temporarily block the car behind. In case another big truck comes and knocks it away, the people left in the police car may become meat patties. Zhang Ke walked to the police car. The rear of the car was completely rotten. The man on the left side of the back seat was almost broken. The blood flowed out of the deformed door and had solidified. The man's body was buried in the rotten body. Zhang Ke pried open the door of the front compartment and dragged down a police officer in the co pilot's seat. At this time, someone in front organized self-help and moved the police officer to the front with his head and feet.

Zhang que ran to the front and found that there were seven or eight cars in front of him. A girl was caught in the almost disintegrated pusang Li. There was a painful cry. Several people gathered around to discuss saving the girl. Within a few minutes, the cry stopped.

Zhang Ke went to find Xu Si. The ground was very slippery. At this time, it rained and snowed again. It was too cold outside. The smell of car diesel was everywhere in the air.

Zhang Ke found Xu Si. At this time, he heard another car hit him. On the third day of the lunar new year, it was night. There should not be many cars on the road. He asked a driver to know that it had been an hour since he dialed 110 to call the police. The other party only said he knew.

Zhang Ke was angry and the road administration responded in time. He and Xu Si could be blocked outside the toll station before going to Huishan expressway. At this time, when they met these irresponsible state civil servants, they didn't have the strength to change everything. In addition to their anger, they were sad. Fortunately, I heard that someone reported to the police of Huishan Expressway Administration Bureau.

The rain and snow began to increase, and the temperature was designated to fall below minus 10 degrees. If the wounded left in the car were not rescued in time, they might freeze to death. Everyone began to organize self-help.

It was not until half an hour later that the vehicles of fire brigade, ambulance and road administration caught up, and there were more and more traffic police. Zhang Ke was so cold that he returned to the Ford. It's really a miracle. Apart from being unharmed with Xu Si, the spoke car was not damaged at all. I borrowed my cell phone to call the provincial capital and Haizhou. I didn't dare to say that I had a car accident. I just said that there was a big accident on Huishan expressway. The expressway was blocked and people were blocked in Huishan.

Xu Si doesn't have a phone at home. Besides, her family won't think that she and Zhang Ke will take Huishan expressway. There's no need to call to report peace.

Zhang Ke wants to squint in the car and sleep for a while. He hears the cry of a child under the bridge. He climbs out and lights it with his hand. He only looks at the dark water. The traffic police go down to collect it. It was too cold outside. Zhang Ke got back into the car and took off his coat soaked in rain and snow. When he touched Xu Si, he found that she was shaking. Touching her coat, she was also soaked by rain and snow. Seeing that she had not recovered from her panic, she helped her take off her wet coat, let her hide in her arms, and whispered, "it's all right. We'll go to Huishan first at dawn."

Xu Si nodded, put his face on Zhang Ke's chest, put his back hand around his waist, whispered, and slept for two or three hours before dawn.

When he woke up, the road administration had lifted the car behind him and put it on both sides of the road to clear the middle passage. Zhang Ke turned his car to the side of the road. A traffic policeman came and asked him if he could take some people back to Huishan. Zhang Ke nodded. The traffic policeman turned and brought the three people. Zhang Ke opened the door and let them sit in the back compartment. A female police officer ran after him and said to Zhang Ke, "I don't know how to thank you. Can you leave your contact information and I'll contact you later." she was a female police officer who grabbed Zhang Ke and didn't almost jump off the bridge. The river valley was more than ten meters deep, but the river was very shallow. More than ten people jumped off before Zhang Ke and six died.

Zhang Ke handed Xu Si's business card to her. He only knew that a police officer in her car died and another police officer was seriously injured. He didn't know how to comfort her.

There is also thin ice on the way back to Huishan. Driving carefully is not easy to have any problems. Out of Huishan toll station, the three passengers got off the bus and left business cards for each other.

The location of the accident is very close to the toll station in Huishan city. If Huishan police receive the alarm and close the expressway in time, at least two-thirds of the cars will be blocked out of the accident, and Zhang Ke has no strength to be angry. On the third night of the lunar new year, there will be enough anger to vent to Huishan police. Zhang Ke doesn't know what he can do for the system reform of this country. Although he inexplicably returns to 1994, it seems that he can't make a shocking move at once, and this country will not easily make major changes for someone, but Zhang Ke will never easily give up this opportunity that can only be created by the hand of God. There is no doubt that Zhang Ke knows the powerful power of capital in this world system.

I didn't sleep well in the car in the early morning. I could hear the cry outside. Xu Si's face turned white. Zhang Ke asked her to lean against her shoulder. She smiled and didn't want to affect Zhang Ke's driving. The radio broadcast that there was freezing rain all over the province, and the expressways in the province were closed. Zhang Ke was tired all night and caught a cold. He decided to stay in Huishan for a day, have a rest, and wait until the weather gets better.

Although the air conditioner in the car is warm, it can't dry clothes soaked in rain and snow. Before doing business, it's to find a place to dry wet clothes. When you get off the highway, the first hotel you encounter is Huishan Pengyue hotel. When they got off, they reluctantly put on their coats. As soon as they got to the suite, although the air conditioner had not been turned on, Zhang Ke couldn't wait to take off his clothes when he entered the bedroom, wrapped himself in a quilt, went to Xu Si's room, saw Xu Si get into the quilt and asked her, "who asked the waiter to take the wet clothes and dry them?"

Xu Si recovered from the panic of the car accident and said, "when the air conditioner is turned on, the clothes are spread out. As soon as he wakes up, he'll almost dry."

Zhang Ke saw that Xu Si's nasal voice was a little low. It was almost the same as himself. It was the first sign before he caught a cold. He smiled and said, "well, my image is not too bad now. I called someone over." he tried to take Xu Si's clothes to the living room. He stepped on the corner of the quilt and almost fell down. Both his clothes and quilt fell on the carpet. Zhang Ke didn't * * in front of Xu Si. He was only wearing boxer underwear. He was embarrassed. When he looked back at Xu Si, her eyes dodged. Just now he was looking at himself and said with a smile, "if you peek again, you'll take the money." seeing Xu Si buried his head in the quilt, he smiled and took his clothes to the living room before picking up the quilt and wrapping it.

Zhang Ke asked the waiter to take out their clothes and wash them. He also asked the waiter to bring cold medicine, including Chaihu granules and Banlangen. There was a bathrobe in the bathroom. Zhang Ke put on the bathrobe and washed two cups of Chaihu granules into Xu Si's room.

"Drink this and be careful of catching a cold..."

Xu Siyi was at the head of the bed, wearing a tight cotton padded jacket. Unfortunately, Xu Siyi pulled the quilt to her neck. Seeing that Xu Si's cotton padded clothes were damp, Zhang Ke said to her, "there is a bathrobe in the bathroom. I'll bring it to you."

Xu Si reached out to pick up the cup, the quilt slipped to her knees and wore a close fitting cotton padded jacket, but the cotton padded jacket was close to her soul stirring body, outlining every perfect curve from chest, waist, hip to long legs. The moving part was no worse than * *'s body.

Zhang Ke's heart tightened for a moment. Before leaving the room, he couldn't help turning around and looking at Xu Si. Xu Si grabbed the quilt with one hand, blushing and staring at Zhang Ke to prevent him from looking blind.

Zhang Ke brought Xu si a bathrobe. Xu Si had turned off the lights in the room and the curtains had long been closed. The light in the room was dim, making people look more warm. Xu Si didn't want to be too embarrassed. She hid in the quilt to change clothes. Zhang Ke listened to the rusty voice and couldn't help thinking how moving the delicate body should be. He picked up the cup and drank the Chaihu granule while it was hot.

Xu Si put on her bathrobe and drilled out of the quilt, but the collar of the bathrobe was a little open. She held the opening of the collar in one hand, took the cup in the other hand, and said to Zhang Ke, "go back to the room and lie down. Be careful not to freeze again."

Zhang Ke looked at Xu Si's bright eyes and asked her, "sister Xu Si, don't you want me to talk with you here?"

Let Zhang Ke say "sister Xu Si". Xu Si's heart trembled slightly, hesitated, and moved out.

Zhang Ke put down his cup and got into the quilt. When he got into the quilt, his bathrobe loosened, revealing his body wearing only boxer underwear. Xu Si turned her face to the side. Her face was a little red. When Zhang Ke sat down, she would turn around and help Zhang Ke tuck in the quilt corner, which would inevitably press on Zhang Ke. Zhang Ke tried to think about something to distract his attention. He held his breath and didn't smell the faint fragrance from Xu Si's body.

"Why aren't you afraid?"

"Ah," Zhang Ke was stunned and thought that Xu Si was asking about the car accident. He thought that as long as he met the car accident twice, and inexplicably returned to 1994, his fear of death would be much less, and there was no fear. Zhang Ke smiled and said, "now I'm afraid, but there's nothing."

Xu Si stared at Zhang Ke's eyes. He didn't see any fear from his eyes. He took a thin breath and hesitated for a while before saying, "it's good to have you around."

Zhang Ke watched Xu Si finish drinking Chaihu granule and asked her, "lie down and talk."

Xu Si stared at Zhang Ke for a long time before lying down on his side. Zhang Ke was flustered and drunk. He lay down close to Xu Si's body. His hands trembled slightly. He took Xu Si's slender waist and pressed it. He felt amazing elasticity, and his heart was about to jump out.

"Why don't you talk?" Xu Si said softly.

"Turn around and talk face to face." Zhang Ke didn't know who he could fool.

"Just talk like this." Xu Si didn't move and gently held Zhang Ke's hand on her waist.

"It's better to turn around and talk." Zhang Ke insisted, holding up his body slightly. In the light and shadow, Xu Si's side face lines were very beautiful. He stretched out his hand to pull her body over. Her crystal clear eyes were covered with a layer of fog. Zhang Ke knew that she had some uncontrollable feelings like herself.

When Xu Si turned over, the collar of her bathrobe opened. Zhang Ke touched her smooth skin and felt her tremble gently, and the warm breath in her mouth sprayed on her face.

Zhang Ke's hand slid down, but suddenly Xu Si grabbed it tightly.

"What about Tang Jing?" Xu Si suddenly asked Zhang Ke bitterly, staring at his gradually mature face. Under his messy hair, his eyes were confused and hot, and intoxicated himself. Girls like Tang Jing must deeply like him, right?

Zhang Ke got up from the, watched Xu Si stand up wrapped in a bath towel, but he had to protect his crotch. He couldn't help laughing. When he reached out, he saw blood stained in the mucus. He thought Xu Si was menstruating. When Xu Si came to the door, he remembered something wrong. He jumped out of bed, hugged Xu Si and hugged her tightly from the back.

Xu Si's body stiffened. Looking at Zhang Ke's bloody palm, he immediately lost all his strength. His body collapsed and sat on the carpet, crying

Zhang Ke didn't hold Xu Si's body for a moment. He sat down with her and hugged her in his arms. At this moment, he knew all the grievances Xu Si had suffered. He felt pain and pity in his heart. He was close to Xu Si's face and asked softly in her ear, "why do you grievance yourself?"

"I haven't wronged myself. I knew for a long time that the so-called borrowing money was just my wishful thinking and self deception. I have accepted my fate. My family can't afford to pay the money. How can I afford 270000? I can only exchange this body. I can only exchange this body. When I borrowed the third money from Xinfeng, I made up my mind. I didn't expect him to ask for it When I do those things, what can I do, what can I do... "Tears are exposed on the back of Zhang Ke's hands, one by one. Xu Si is violently choking and pushes Zhang Ke away," I'm a bad woman... "

Xu Ke climbed up to Xu Si, picked up her pitiful face and said firmly: "I've never been so firmly aware that I can't lose you. Even if I lose everything, I can't stand losing you. The past is not long past. Let everything pass. I've never been so firmly sure as now. I'll never hurt you again." Take off the quilt and wrap Xu Si tightly with herself. Let Xu Si Yi in her arms and let her cry happily in her arms.

Just after Ding Xiangshan's first instance judgment, Xu si still silently admitted what she should not bear. Zhang Ke never thought loyalty or purity was a simple thing to explain. No matter what Xu Si did, perhaps at the first moment, his heart moved Xu Si's beautiful appearance and sad fate, but there was no doubt that Xu Si hit him at this time It seems hard to understand that it was her who moved her. Maybe she didn't know it and went deep. Going back to 1994 and changing Xu Si's original fate is probably the most meaningful thing.

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