Now it is the end of 1994, and the production technology of DVD player is not unique to Wanyan company. It is very regrettable.

The DVD player plays "the end of the world", which is the first Hollywood blockbuster introduced in China, Harrison? Welfare has also been known by Chinese people since this film. The film is showing that the wife of the doctor Jin Bao is killed. Jin Bao is suspected of murder and sentenced to death. On the way to the prison, the prisoners in the same car try to rob the car and escape. A train roars. At the time of thousands of shots, Jin Bao jumps out of the car and runs away

Xie Wanqing, Xu Si and Zhi Tong were so breathless that they were attracted by the exciting plot. Zhang Ke stared at the screen, but his mind was trying to recall the details of the disc player industry.

Domestic cinemas began to introduce foreign commercial films in a big way in 1995. In 1994, "the end of the world" was the first blockbuster to be released, which greatly enriched the domestic film source, but the genuine discs at that time should be more expensive?

Zhang Ke picked up the disc box of "the end of the world" and asked Wanqing, "sister Wanqing, is this disc quite expensive?"

"It's not too expensive. It's only more than 50, which is more convenient than going to the cinema..." Xie Wanqing felt very strange when she saw Zhang Ke's concern at this time. She looked at him and soon shifted her attention to the screen.

Fifty yuan a disc. Only Xie Wanqing who hasn't suffered from money won't feel expensive. Zhang Ke asked, "how much did you buy the disc player?"

"It's from a friend. I don't know the details. It's about 4000," Xie Wanqing turned her head and stared at Zhang Ke. "If you have time, just focus on your study. Your last exam embarrassed everyone. I don't know how to face your parents. Don't try to play."

In 1994, CD players, video recorders and music centers were all household appliances that wealthy families could afford. Like digital mobile phones, they all belonged to the ranks of luxury goods. However, as long as a large amount of capital is invested, the price will drop sharply. However, unlike the mobile phone manufacturing industry, Wanyan group has not applied for a patent, and there is no technical threshold for the disc player industry to enter.

In 1994, there were only disc players launched by Wanyan group in the disc player market, and the sales volume in 1994 was only tens of thousands, as if there were only 20000. In addition to the expensive factor of the disc player, the price of the disc is the biggest limiting factor. Fifty yuan a disc is extremely expensive for ordinary families, and it can not promote the development of the disc rental industry.

However, after the rampant piracy in the southeast coastal cities, the spring of the disc player market suddenly came.

Zhang Ke can't remember whether the rampant disc piracy industry is next year or the year after, but judging from the current situation, especially the technology of pirated disc making is not difficult, and the cost is very low, so the disc piracy industry may break out at any time.

The price of pirated discs is less than one tenth of that of genuine ones, thus promoting the development of the disc rental industry. In the mid-1990s, most people's congresses did not have the concept of intellectual copyright. Small rental shops for pirated discs began to appear outside the streets and in and outside the community.

After that, we will usher in the spring of the disc player industry, which will be a sudden outbreak of an emerging industry!

"What are you thinking?" Xu Si asked Zhang Ke. The film has been broadcast, and Zhang Ke's eyes are still staring at the screen. His mind is not a film at all.

"Ah, I've finished reading it." Zhang Ke came back. "What other good-looking discs are there?"

"It's all old films. There are still videos at home, but the discs look clearer. They're all bought back. Go and have a look. They're all in the drawer below..." Xie Wanqing said with a faint expression. Just listening to her tone, she heard that she was not interested in those old films.

Zhang Ke opened the drawer under the TV cabinet and was discouraged when he saw the words "Albania". It was not until 1995 that China began to introduce foreign commercial films on a large scale. At that time, Chinese talents suddenly found that in addition to Hong Kong films, there was such a wonderful and exciting commercial film world.

The logo of Wanyan group is pasted on the upper right corner of the disc. Zhang Ke remembered that the earliest disc was also developed by Wanyan. Having a CD player without a disc is like having a gun without a bullet. Wan Yan formed a complete set of molding technology in early 1994. At least in 1994, he still dominated the VCD Market. Unfortunately, his understanding of intellectual property rights was destroyed. In the industry, the general manager of Wanyan group is compared to the "revolutionary martyr" on the road of China's digital optical disc technology development, which is somewhat not very regrettable.

Regret is someone else's business. Zhang Ke's fingers are on his forehead, but his mouth is smiling. One thing is certain that no one can realize that it will only take two or three years, and the demand for disc drives will increase hundreds or thousands of times.

Zhang Ke's expression was too strange. Xu Si and Xie Wanqing looked at each other and couldn't guess what he was thinking. They went to look for a disc. Their fingers stopped on a disc, but their eyes didn't know where they had gone.

"What's the matter with you?" Xu Si reached out and shook his eyes. Seeing that he didn't respond, he turned to Xie Wanqing and said, "we don't pay attention to him. He's always used to being distracted."

When he walked out of Xixia District Procuratorate, Xu Si's sadness poured out uncontrollably. After more than half a day, he had been able to clean up his mood.

Xie Wanqing smiled, got up and stretched out to help Zhang Ke choose a disc so that he wouldn't be distracted. Everyone would be bored with him.

Xie Wanqing walked over, but Zhang Ke stood up and went to the phone next to the glass corner cabinet. His fingers pressed his forehead and quickly dialed a string of numbers. After waiting for a while, the other end of the phone was connected: "is Jiang Wei there?"

Jinhu is no longer a mere shell company after being laid off by Haitai. The previously slightly open office can not accommodate so many people. Jinhu also rented a large office on the same floor of xinhaitong building to be used by the project planning department and the catering Plaza operation company to be established recently. The original office was richly decorated, Only for management and relevant administrative assistants.

After a long time, no one answered at the other end of the phone. Zhang Ke stood on the phone and waited.

"Why are you still looking for Jiang Wei at this time? Haven't you asked her about the situation of the paper mill today?" Xie Wanqing pushed the disc into the disc bin, and the TV showed that she was reading the disc. Xie Wanqing saw Zhang Ke distracted for a long time, and suddenly wanted to call Jiang Wei. She felt very strange. You should know that Jiang Wei often complains that Zhang Ke gives too few decisive opinions. They, who are used to sitting in administrative organs, prefer to get clear instructions before they feel that they can carry out their work at ease. Zhang Ke even grudges only a few words. They only look at the work log submitted by the management in their daily work without evaluation.

Zhang Ke nodded, smiled, felt that he should not smile, and said, "there are some things to find her."

After a while, the phone at the other end was picked up again. Jiang Wei's voice appeared at the other end of the phone: "Ke Shao, what can I do for you?"

Wu Tianbao called out the "Ke Shao" first. People who knew the details of Zhang Ke called him that. When they mentioned his status, Jiang Wei, Zhou Fu, Zhou you and Zhou Wenbin were all under him, but he was young. Calling him "Mr. Zhang and Mr. Zhang" solemnly always made people feel uncomfortable, but "Ke Shao" sounded like a dandy. Zhang Ke's biggest dream is to be a dandy and enjoy it.

"You borrowed two people from Liu Minghui to collect as much information as possible about the DVD player. Yes, it's the kind of DVD player produced by Anhui Wanyan group. Ordinary people don't see it. Your family entrusted someone to buy one from the provincial capital. At present, this kind of DVD player may only be sold in the International Plaza in Haizhou city. I'll bring two back to Haizhou from the provincial capital. It's best if you know. I don't need to know more about it Explain what. The manufacturing technology of DVD player is not exclusive to Wanyan group. You should prepare first. I'll go back to Haizhou tomorrow and maybe let you go out for a trip recently. Three people, one goes to Anhui, you go to Shenzhen with another person, and if possible, go to Hong Kong. How long will it take to complete the formalities for going to Hong Kong as soon as possible... Well, you go first, and I'll also go through the transit formalities A complete set of technical data and market analysis are required... "

Zhang Ke thought that at this time, the production technology cracked in Hong Kong might be one step more advanced than Wanyan company itself.

"Why is it so urgent?" Jiang Wei asked on the phone.

Xu Si and Xie Wanqing were also shocked by Zhang Ke's words. In the afternoon, they stayed at home and watched a disc. They rushed to send someone out to investigate the industry background of the DVD player? Can't help but stand up and look at Zhang Ke in confusion.

Zhang Ke smiled at Xu Si and Xie Wanqing and said to Jiang Wei at the other end of the phone, "first get familiar with quite a lot of information as much as possible..." if there was no spare words, he hung up the phone.

Seeing the doubts on Xu Si and Xie Wanqing's face, he smiled and said, "why don't you watch the disc?"

"You're surprised. Can we not be curious?" Xie Wanqing said with a smile.

"Nothing," Zhang Ke disguised a smile and asked Wanqing, "can I buy this DVD player in Oriental square at this time?"

"I'm going to put all of us in the drum at the beginning," Xie Wanqing smiled. Her trust in Zhang Ke was almost instinctive, and she couldn't imagine why he gave such a mature and steady impression at such a young age? "People could have delivered the DVD player to the door, but it's still early for dinner. It's also a good idea for four people to go to the Oriental mall."

This time, Xie Wanqing didn't drive himself, but took a taxi to the Oriental square in the city center. Not only did she accompany Xu Wei and the girls in her dormitory to the Oriental square last time, but when Zhang Ke was studying at Donghai University, he was used to visiting beautiful women in the Oriental square when he was free.

If it were not for various reasons, Zhang Ke would not return to Haizhou after graduating from university. He has always firmly believed that living in the provincial capital is a kind of happiness. What makes Zhang Ke feel more happy is the beauties with different customs. They may be the local beauties who are infected with the local beauty, but more are the beauties who are greedy for living here, moisten here, linger here and touch the flavor of the city.

Xu Si never hid her love for the city. Maybe Haizhou has too many unbearable and painful memories for Xu Si, but what makes her miss the provincial capital should be the memories left by her four years of college life in the provincial capital.

Whether it's the QianPi alley in the south of the city or the high-end writing building in the East, a touch of light makeup, fresh and elegant girls will make Zhang Ke tremble inadvertently. Xu Si should be the beauty of the city. She is gorgeous but not demon, beautiful but not vulgar. The smile carved naturally is full of thousands of customs.

Walking into the Oriental square, this is the place with the highest frequency of beautiful women in the city. It is also the place where Zhang Ke is most willing to stroll during his four years of college. The beautiful people with beautiful purple and sweet welcome, smiling and looking forward to each other.

The last time I came here, I was entangled by Xu Si, Xu Wei, Jiang dai'er and other beauties. I didn't pay close attention to the beauties in the provincial capital in 1994. Now I walked behind Xu Si and Wanqing with Zhi Tong's hand. I enjoyed them recklessly, but compared carefully, although Xu Si was dressed plainly, she was so charming that few beauties could reach. At least she walked into the Oriental square for most of the day, I haven't seen anything as beautiful as Xu Si.

Although Zhitong still refuses to speak, she looks as innocent and lovely as a porcelain doll. Her black eyes are smart and flawless. She is probably the most attractive little beauty in the Oriental square. Some girls can't help but run over and pinch Zhitong's face: "what a beautiful girl!" due to the presence of Wanqing and Xu Si, Zhang Ke can only keep a restrained smile and wants to turn Zhitong out alone next time, Zhi Tong is undoubtedly a sharp weapon for her sister.

"What are you looking at around?" Xu Si took the clothes he was trying on and gently slapped Zhang Ke. She was not used to the luxury of the city. Xie Wanqing pestered her to try on her clothes, and Zhang Ke kept fanning around.

Zhang Ke sat on the soft leather cloth in front of the fitting room and irresponsibly put his chin on Zhitong's head. His legs clamped Zhitong's tender body to prevent her from getting hurt, but he lingered around in the past.

"There's no blind look. You hide inside to try on your clothes and don't stand up to show me. I'm thinking how charming these people's clothes should be on sister Xu Si!" Zhang Ke's shy face stared at Xu Si's shy face.

"What nonsense?" Xu Siheng glanced at him and pulled the struggling Zhi Tong out of his arms, "I know bullying Zhi Tong."

"Zhitong, did brother Xiaoke bully you?" Zhang Ke looked down at Zhitong's innocent eyes and asked.

Zhi Tong stared at him, stretched out his tender little hand and hit Zhang Ke's knee twice. Seeing that Zhang Ke's canthus showed a ferocious look, he giggled and hid in Xu Si's arms.

Xie Wanqing came out of the fitting room, folded the clothes she tried on on her arm, looked at Zhitong's crisp laughter like a silver bell, and her heart was very warm. She could hardly feel the loneliness and sadness in her heart at this time.

Accompany Xie Wanqing and Xu Si to stroll out of the women's wear department. Finally, they want to have a look at the DVD player.

In 1994, there was only Wanyan's DVD player on the market. Xie Wanqing spent more than 4000 yuan with a gold shopping card in Dongfang Plaza. He bought naked opportunities to give away a few discs. After reading the introduction materials of the DVD player, Zhang Ke knew that Wanyan group purchased copyright from 11 audio-visual companies at the same time and issued 97 kinds of discs. It can be said that it has developed a complete set of disc player technology. Unfortunately, Wanyan company did not apply for a patent for the whole set of disc player technology in time. This set of technology should have leaked out, Otherwise, Jiang wanmeng may be the first super millionaire in China.

Zhang Ke bought four DVD players and gave 20 free discs at any time. Zhang Ke was obsessed with hard grinding and charming smile. The female manager of the home appliance Department of Oriental Plaza finally couldn't get around and agreed to give another 20 discs as a gift. Zhang Ke doesn't want to be greedy for such a small bargain. The discs given along with the kind are not retail. At this time, pirated discs have not been available. There may be only one shopping mall in Haizhou that has DVD players for sale. Zhang Ke really can't imagine where there are discs for sale in Haizhou.

Although the price of DVD player is a little expensive, it is not the main problem. The key is the lack of film source, but the price is not high.

The nanny who asked for leave during the day also came back, and the nanny prepared dinner.

Zhang Ke and Xu Si, Wanqing and Zhitong are heartless and heartless on the sofa to continue watching the disc.

Zhang Ke carefully selected 40 discs, half of which are Hong Kong films. The representative works covering the golden decade of Hong Kong Film and television can naturally attract the attention of Xu Si and Wanqing. Zhang Ke is also willing to revisit these classic films.

In 1994, Hong Kong's films were at the end of the golden decade. During the most prosperous period in Hong Kong, there were five cinema lines. Basically, each cinema line maintained the state of one new film per week, with an annual output of more than 300. With a small area of tens of square kilometers, Hong Kong created a similar achievement as Hollywood in the United States.

It is precisely because the commercialization of Hong Kong's films is very obvious. Although Wanyan group developed the first DVD player, it is only one year later that Hong Kong's manufacturing technology is the most advanced. Pirated discs are also introduced into southeast coastal cities from Hong Kong and nearby areas.

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