Tonight, she also had a very strange dream. The dream was not clear, but it could wake her up!

She was really frightened to wake up. She suddenly sat up from the bed and found that she was sleepy until dawn.

She rubbed her aching head. Is it too hot and humid recently? Why do you have such a dream?

This is the second time she was awakened by a dream when she was reborn.

The first time I was in the county, I suddenly dreamed of my father Tang Youxin.

This time, she was also awakened by a dream, but when she woke up, she couldn't remember many dreams.

It seems that I dreamed of my parents, the dead Tang Zhixuan, Jing Xuan and the restaurant

The only thing that impressed her was that she dreamed of blood.

A pile of blood, in the center of the blood, lay a man.

Far away, she couldn't see the man's face clearly.

She approached step by step, but in the middle of it, suddenly, a man appeared out of thin air, holding a sharp dagger and rowing at her throat.

She was startled and hurriedly dodged. She stepped on something, staggered and fell to the ground.

When she fell, her body was pressed by a snake, which was a big Cobra.

The cobra's head suddenly poked at her. She was startled and woke up

Tang Huai seldom has such messy dreams.

Her sleep has always been good.

After repeatedly rubbing his sore head, Tang Huai lay back in a big shape on the bed.

"Have I caught a cold? Or am I ill?" How can you have a headache? Since she had the essence of scorpion, she didn't know how healthy she was. She couldn't even be lazy if she wanted to get sick.

"Master, you are not ill. You have my essence in your blood. How can you be ill?" The scorpion's voice sounded in the Tanghuai sea.

Tang Huai stared at the ceiling: "then why do I have a headache?"

"If you dream too much, your dream brain can't have a good rest. Even if you are healthy and think too much, you will have a headache."

"Do you know why I have these messy dreams?"

"Because you're flustered these days."

"Why am I flustered?"

"I don't know that. Master, you're not strong enough. I can't be strong enough. I can't predict so many things."

"Ah..." Tang Huai pulled his hair crazily and said to the scorpion, "is brother Jingxuan in danger?"

"I don't know that. We are too far apart. Master, don't always worry about Jing Xuan. If he is in danger, his grandfather will tell you."

"What if he wasn't in danger, but... Betrayed me?"

Tang Huai has seen such a scene on TV. When his beloved man betrays the heroine, the heroine will also panic.

In order to let the audience know that she is flustered, she will take some scenes of cutting vegetables, cutting hands, drinking water and breaking cups

If Jing Xuan is in danger and she is flustered for so many days, how can Jing Juntai not know?

However, if Jing Xuan had a relationship with Zhang Shiwan in another country, Jing Juntai wouldn't know so soon.

Tang Huai gently touched his dull heart. It's not peaceful here. It won't really happen because of what happened to Jing Xuan and Zhang Shiwan, right?

"Pop, pop... Pop, pop..."

At this time, the sound of firecrackers came from outside. Tang Huai shouted, "is there a happy event?"

The scorpion said, "the aunt across the street is married to her daughter-in-law. I'll go through the door today."

Marry a daughter-in-law

Tang Huai suddenly remembered that today is also the day when Jing Peng and Tang Ying got married

Shuanglong Village.

Mrs. Jing said that she would simply handle the marriage between Jing Peng and Tang Ying.

But the banquet is so big.

All relatives and friends were invited, and Yang Hongxing also invited her relatives and friends.

The village head also hired all the workers working in the coal mine.

Shuanglong Village, the largest threshing floor, is lined with tables and chairs, neat and tidy.

A temporary kitchen has also been set up next to the threshing floor. The chefs and those who serve and wash vegetables are all from the village.

The opening time is 4 p.m. the wedding has been busy since yesterday.

Jingpeng wants to marry Tang Ying, which makes many people envy!

The woman who once didn't talk to Yang Hongxing or looked at her with colored eyes because of Yang Hongxing's divorce is now fawning on Yang Hongxing.

Yang Hongxing is in a bad mood these two days!

She enjoys being flattered. If a person had a tail, her tail would have been up in the sky.

When the time came, Jing Peng, dressed neatly, came to Yang Hongxing's house to pick up his daughter-in-law.

Tang Ying is wearing a new red skirt with long sleeves and waist tied. She is also equipped with a pair of red shoes. Her hair is curled up and a big red flower is pinned on her head. The whole person looks happy.

Wearing the red skirt on her body made her skin more white. The red was dazzling. In addition, Tang Ying was a beauty. When she came out of the room, Jing Peng's eyes flashed a touch of amazement and beauty!

It is a custom here that when the groom comes to the woman's house to pick up the bride, he should hold an umbrella. The umbrella man is the bride's brother.

The bride has no younger brother, so can her cousin. Tang Ying's cousin has only Su Linfang's youngest son. Her youngest son is at school and can't carry an umbrella for her.

The groom's brother had to take the umbrella. Jinghua came back, so he took the umbrella for the couple.

Jinghua seldom comes back. Many relatives and friends see Jinghua for the first time. They were satisfied with Jinghua. Seeing that Jingpeng and Tang Ying had such a grand banquet, they all wanted to marry their daughter to Jinghua.

Jing Peng came over, took Tang Ying's hand and walked back to the village head's house with her under the umbrella and surrounded by the crowd.

The children around them will sprinkle sugar for a while. They are excited to surround the bride and groom when they think of eating sugar. Of course, adults are watching the excitement. Many girls envy Tang Ying's beauty and good life. At the same time, they also stare at Jinghua with an umbrella.

Jinghua has no expression. He has always been used to this expression. Even if his brother gets married, he can't say blessings with them like that.

Where have those girls seen such cool men?

Besides, Jing Hua has a sense of dignity that Jing Peng doesn't have. He's so handsome!

Such Jinghua is easier to impress girls!

A few bold people came forward to chat up with him on their own initiative. They were swept over by his cold eyes and were too scared to keep silent.

But in this way, they still like it very much!

All the way back to the village head's house.

The bride should cross the brazier and set off firecrackers at the door at the moment of entering the door.

Then, the bridegroom took the bride's hand and crossed the threshold. When the bride crossed the threshold and stepped into the bridegroom's door, she was a member here!

This is the custom in rural areas in this era. It doesn't matter if you can't get a marriage certificate even if you're not old enough to get married. If you enter a ceremony like that just now, you'll be officially married and become a member of the man's family!