"His wife and unborn children left him like this. He was so sad, but the villagers pointed at him and scolded him that he killed his wife and children. After his wife died, he stopped being a teacher and went to the village shop to buy rice wine all day. Every time he got drunk, he sat in the village rice field and cried bitterly..."

"Looking at him like this, my heart hurt like being cut by a knife. That night, while my family was asleep, I went to his house to find him and told him all the feelings buried in my heart. That night, we had a relationship and I gave him my clean body."

"I'm afraid the villagers know, so our tryst is in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, the paper still can't cover the fire. Our business is finally known. The person who exposed me is Zhang Huixiong's aunt in Shuanglong Village. When Zhang Huixiong saw me in the town, she thought I was suitable to be her daughter-in-law, and then she tried every means to find out which village and whose girl I was from, and then came to my parents."

"But Zhang Huixiong gave me a gift of 1000 yuan. When my parents saw the money, it was like seeing their baby son. I refused to force me to marry for 1000 yuan. Until the end of last year, when I went shopping with him in the town and he bought me a candy, Aunt Zhang Huixiong saw it. She ran to my village and said to the villagers, me and other objects. My parents fainted on the spot."

"My family found the village head and told him that if he didn't break up with me, he would drive him out of the village. I was ready to elope with him. Because the village head wanted to drive him out of the village and break up with me, I was so angry that I promised to marry Zhang Huixiong. We didn't have a wedding, so I packed up my clothes and came to Shuanglong Village. On the first night of sleeping with Zhang Huixiong, he found that I wasn't the first time, so he punched and kicked me. He would scold me for being coquettish and changing my state while doing it I will ravage me with a iron stick and a wooden stick. I hate this change of state! "

"That time, I went back to my mother's house and saw him. He was old, and I suddenly loved him very much. I asked him why he wanted to break with me. If we left the village, we would live a good life now. He said, I am still young, the road is still long, and others are old and have no money. How can we survive if we leave the village? No one will ask him to work, and there is no land to cultivate when we leave the village, and we will starve to death..."

Zhong Shiyan wiped away her tears and cried, "my mother's family cried that I was a bitch. Zhang Huixiong scolded me as a bitch. Is it wrong that I just love him?"

Tang Huai comforted her: "love is not wrong, taboo sister Yan, love does not exist wrong and right."

Zhong Yan cried, "it's me... I love someone I shouldn't love. He's not doing well now. He's being pointed out by the villagers."


Zhong Yiyan and Tang Huai said a lot, which is a thing of the past.

For her daughter, Zhong taboo Yan didn't mention a word.

At the end of the visit, Zhong Huiyan got up and followed the prison guard to go inside. Her steps were heavy and her hands hung on both sides of her body. The whole person looked lonely and desolate.

Suddenly, she turned around and smiled at Tang Huai and Jing Xuan: "Tang Huai, Jing Shao, I was gone when you got married. I wish you happiness all your life!"

Jing Xuan, who has been expressionless, raised his eyes and took a deep look at Zhong Huiyan.

As soon as Tang Huai heard this, her heart was shocked and her eyes turned red. Before waiting for her response, Zhong Huiyan looked at her and said, "don't be defeated by anything. If you love someone, stick to it and don't be broken up by anything, you know?"

"Know..." Tang Huai's heart was astringent and his eyes were full of tears. He smiled at Zhong Huiyan, but his voice choked.

Zhong Ziyan raised her lips again, smiled, turned around and walked away with a long step. She murmured, "you didn't give birth to me, I gave birth to you, you are old, you hate me for being late, I hate you for being early -"


Out of prison, Tang Huai's heart has always been very heavy.

In his ear, the bell also sounded the desperate words of Yan: you didn't give birth to me, I gave birth to you, you are old, you hate me for being late, and I hate you for being early.

When Zhong Huiyan was born, she was not old at all, but this poem is so appropriate for them.

She always knew that Zhong Huiyan was raped, but she didn't know that Zhong Huiyan and such an unforgettable love had loved a man since childhood

The men who fall in love when they grow up are easier to separate than the men they fell in love with when they were young. The men they fell in love with when they were young are like a fire in their hearts.

In her previous life, she had a good impression of Jing Peng when she was very young. He was like a fire in her heart and didn't catch a cold with any man. Even if there are better suitors than Jingpeng around——

For example, Jing Xuan also liked himself very early and imprinted himself in his heart. She married his brother and he finally chose to be single all the time——

Her elders, Jing Xuan, and Zhong Huiyan in this life, are all poor people who become poor for love.

She is dead and has the chance to be reborn. I hope Zhong Biyan can be reborn like her

"Don't be sad." Feeling Tang Huai's heavy heart, Jing Xuan hugged her shoulder and said softly.

Tang Huai stopped, looked up and looked at him complicatedly.

Jing Xuan looked at her for a few seconds and smiled softly: "Tang Huai, how can you look at me with this kind of eyes?"

"Brother Jingxuan, I've decided!" Tang Huai's heavy expression suddenly became determined and persistent.

Jing Xuan wondered, "what has been decided?" Robbing Zhong and taboo Yan's prison?

"I decide that no matter who opposes, I will follow you all my life!"

"It's a good thing!" Jing Xuan was so surprised. He thought he was going to rob the prison and scared him.

Tang Huai took his hand.

Jing Xuan bowed his head and gave her a kiss on his forehead: "I'll take you to eat."

They came to a barbecue shop for barbecue.

They are all cooked with pure charcoal. If the technology is good, the meat is particularly fragrant.

Jing Xuan is responsible for barbecue and Tang Huai is responsible for eating.

Jing Xuan is very handsome. The barbecue moves are so handsome that the guests around him can't turn their eyes.

Tang Huai sat opposite Jingxuan and looked at him with a smile: "the action is very skilled."

"In the past, when I was in the army, I caught game in the mountains and roasted it."

"It's good to have game."

Jing Xuan raised his eyes and looked at Tang Huai with a smile: "do you want to know what game it is?"

Tang Huai blinked: "what?"

"Snake, mouse, frog."

Jing Xuan thought Tang Huai would say disgusting, but unexpectedly, Tang Huai looked like he wanted to try: "it must be delicious!"

"Silly girl." Jing Xuan drowned with a smile. He handed Tang Huai the roasted lean pork: "eat more meat for your husband."

With that, Jing Xuan looked at Tang Huai vaguely. He deliberately missed the baked words.

With delicious food and Jing Xuan's enlightenment, the heavy heart from prison broke up.

"The meat of a husband is so evil that it makes people think." Tang Huai took the kebab and ate it mouthful by mouthful.

In order to praise Jingxuan for his diligent barbecue, she looked at him with a loving expression: "eat well, brother Jingxuan, you're great."

PS: I feel unwell. I don't have time to write during the day. I come back and sit in front of the computer for a long time at night. I only write 4000 words, which is half of my 8000 words. Alas~

Warm dad last night: I'm not in good health. Eat less meat. It's all hormones.

Dad: how can you get nutrition without meat? Eat more meat to be strong.


Do you want to eat less meat or more meat?