Lin Han looks at the chat record of sun Yurou and the other party, and he can't help but smile and nod.

When other companies are worried about money, Lin Han has to worry about how to invest the money.

After all, as long as the income can keep up with the inflation, otherwise, the money in the account will only depreciate with the inflation.

With Lin Han's memory of later generations, he really admired Damei's global shopping platform from the bottom of his heart. Even the founder once became the richest man in the world.

What's the concept? In other words, the wealth of the whole founder, even if it costs 100 million yuan a day, will never be spent in his life.

Because the daily interest generated by banks alone has exceeded the profits of many small and medium-sized enterprises in the whole year.

As for foreign trade companies, naturally, they send their products to foreign countries by international express delivery with low prices in hot summer, although it seems that the price is not much different from that in China.

But what?

Without changing the rate of Ch é ng R é n, it is enough to generate high profits.

If it wasn't for sun Yurou's reminding, Lin Han really couldn't remember. After all, for Lin Han, the memories in his mind are very limited.

"OK, you can keep in touch with him. You can tell him that I have a lot of suggestions on foreign trade. I want to have a chat with him. As for money, I don't need to worry about it. In addition, even if we succeed in taking a share, Quantong investment will not interfere with the founder's operation of the company."

After Lin Han explained these words to sun Yurou, he went back to his office again to be busy. Because of continuous advertising, Lin Han's mailbox can receive many applications for investment every day.

Of course, a large part of this belongs to that kind of spoof, which means that he has cancer and needs Lin Han's help.

Either his wife ran away with someone else and suddenly found that his son, who had been raised for 12 years, had no blood relationship with him...

if it had been the same as before, Lin Han would have chosen to reply and scold each other. After all, whose youth is not crazy?

But now for Lin Han, if he can't list Quantong investment company in half a year, it means that Lin Han has missed the best opportunity!

Even at the end of the year, a company that has been established for less than half a year can plan to go public. If Lin Han's decision is known by others, he will definitely be regarded as a complete lunatic.

Because this is a dream!

In the stock exchange, for the Internet industry, you can continue to make a lot of losses, but you must be able to see the future profitability.

For traditional industries such as Lin Han, the only thing they like is sustainable profitability.

On the one hand, Lin Han is so anxious because 2008 is the winter of global Internet, on the other hand, Lin Han wants to build a certain scale of Quantong investment.

With a lot of cash to complete the Hongwei plan in my mind, once Lin Han succeeds, I'm afraid it can directly make the hot summer's Economic Commission more than 10%.

Of course, at present, the plan is still in Lin Han's mind. It needs a lot of money and contacts, as well as some official cooperation.

Because Lin Han wants to let every inch of land in the hot summer never have people who can't even afford to go to school.

The reason why Damei is the largest economic system in the world is that it takes the US dollar as the core and constantly searches for people from all countries in the world to support Damei.

This kind of thing, for Lin Han in his previous life, is almost a shame, which leads to the idea of changing the future pattern after rebirth with memory.

The biggest difference between a businessman and an entrepreneur is that after the entrepreneur ensures the development of the company, he will also take it from the people and the people.

This life, whether rich or poor, is not a short one?

The person in charge of the enterprise who is chatting with sun Yurou was just complaining with sun Yurou, and did not plan to introduce investment.

After all, for some enterprises, the investment can certainly increase the scale of the market quickly, but similarly, if it attracts a shareholder who is just waiting to drink blood, it will be a devastating blow to the enterprise.

But the other party in hear Lin Han let Sun Yurou tell his words, immediately fell into silence.

After several minutes of silence, I entered such a sentence from the chat dialog box.

"Is that what your boss really said? If it's true, I'd like to make an appointment with your boss to have a good chat after I return to Qingshui city the day after tomorrow. "

Sun Yurou see this scene, delicate cheek also appeared a little faint smile, this morning's pay is finally some harvest.

At the same time, on the construction site far away in the suburb of Qingshui City, Lin Changsu and these workers continued to work in the hot sun. The sweat flowing from his forehead and back would reappear every time he wiped it clean for up to two minutes.It's only a short time. I've wet the towel on my neck again. When I wipe my face again, my eyes will be burning because of sweat.

"Boss Lin, you'd better have a rest. It's important for your health. At least we've been working for half our life."

"Yes, boss Lin, don't be tired out. If you break down, who will pay us then?"

Standing next to Lin Changsu, a middle-aged man was wearing his upper body. His skin had already been tanned by the hot sun, but his mouth and teeth were very white.

In fact, not every migrant worker does not like to be clean. If conditions permit, who would like to sleep dirty?

That is to say, on Lin Changsu's construction site, not only the solar energy for bathing is provided, but also toothbrush and shower gel and other things are all bought by Lin Changsu in advance.

This thing really doesn't cost much, but it can warm the hearts of these migrant workers.

"No, I'll go and have a rest first. Don't be tired. During the lunch break, I'll ask the kitchen to cook more dishes, and then I'll get some beer!"

Lin Changsu waved his hand. After that, he sat in the shade and gasped. Now, almost two-thirds of the project has been completed. Even if the construction period is only the last six days, Lin Changsu is sure that he can finish the project on time with quality and quantity guaranteed.

However, at this time, when four golden cup bread suddenly drove into the construction site, the rapid brake suddenly raised dust all over the sky.

Then, under the leadership of Qian Dazi, a total of 23 people have opened the door and come out.