Lihuazou has long been called an angel by you Li and others. She is considered to be the messenger of God in the world after death. She is constantly faced with battles provoked by you Li and others.

According to Li, lihuazou is "emotionless, expressionless, and basically silent". Lihuazou's aloof character is not only influenced by his personality, but also gradually transformed from the world after his death.

She mistakenly entered the world after death in order to thank the transplanted heart for giving her life and youth. In the long waiting process of the world after death, she helped many friends in the world after death successfully extricate themselves from reincarnation with her gratitude and yearning for life.

The sense of belonging of friendship is extremely unstable for lihuazao. She often meets the loneliness after her friends disappear. In the loneliness, she gradually loses the ability to communicate with people normally and becomes clumsy. She only relies on her own idea to "free those who had a sad fate in their lifetime" and tries again and again to make Youli and others return to the right path, Enjoy the youth campus life that you didn't enjoy before you died.

Because of the disorder of social needs, that is, the instability caused by the disappearance of friends one by one, lihuazou's personality is indifferent and her behavior is clumsy (Li and others make weapons to fight, but she only uses software to develop defense ability relatively). Lihuazou's psychological factors contribute to all the twists and turns in the world after death.

From the various characters in the story, we can see the theme of angel beats: "it's nice to be alive".


Iwazawa goes all out to pursue his music dream. Yuri transforms the self accusation of failing to protect his younger brother and sister into the actual action of protecting every partner; "Even if I am such a scum before I die, I can give others an answer in this world," he said; Zhijing got recognition from yinwu and "got people's heart back"; Even if you can't hit a home run, you've been fully active. So that's enough; Playing for a thank you, never tired for the world after death, "the fate of life sad people" work hard. Even in isolation. Hit by a bullet again and again, the wound bleeds (the wound will recover automatically, but the pain of injury and death cannot be avoided). After being understood and accepted by everyone, he tried his best to save his partner and work hard with a cold-blooded and emotionless man

The behavior of these main characters makes "angel beats" exude a deeper idea: life is not only to live, but also to live wonderful and valuable. There are pursuits or things that need to be guarded. You can be desperate for them and just live a meaningful life.

In this way, the fact may be pessimistically close to contradiction《 Every character in angel beats is striving for a valuable life, but they all encounter tragedies before they die, and their life ends in a hurry. The so-called pursuit is mercilessly broken by all kinds of unexpected natural and man-made disasters, and death becomes their common destination. It was because they could not tolerate unreasonable life before they died that they set out to fight against the God and the messenger of God in the world after death.

Angel beats gives each character a sad fate. To some extent, it is an exaggerated interpretation of the reality that art comes from life and is higher than life. Life is hard to avoid suffering, fatal or non fatal, for real life is normal《 The tragic fate of the characters in angel beats is not only a metaphor of reality, but also a natural manifestation of the world view of "material sorrow".

"Wu AI" is a view of life and death. It pursues "instant beauty", just as every character in angel beats is in his youth. On the way to pursue the dream, life withered in a flash.

In fact, the characters in angel beats are free from their sad fate, which is confirmed by the thought of Zen Buddhism. The core idea of Zen is "direct to the people's heart and become a Buddha by seeing one's nature". Zen believes that all human beings have Buddha nature. The reason why human beings can't become Buddhas and live in bliss is that Buddha nature is covered by human nature, and they can't really see themselves and the world they live in. To become a Buddha requires awareness. Zen believes that awareness is only between thoughts, that is, to become a Buddha requires epiphany. But Epiphany is not water without a source. It can't appear for no reason. It needs a series of actions to pave the way. At a certain stage, the dusty mind reappears and becomes Buddha (liberation).

In the story, the people's Liberation and reincarnation is due to the realization of their original heart. In short, they reach a reconciliation with the previous life and the life after death.

Of course, it's not a temporary success to reach a settlement. For example, Yanze's soul was completely relieved because he sang the song he always wanted to sing; The satisfaction from Li's outside (sheltering his partner) is gradually transformed into the internal satisfaction (you Li can't let go of his failure to protect his younger brother and sister); Youyi completed the campaign that he was paralyzed and couldn't carry out before he died, and got a reply from day to make up for his regret

Although some external forces were used in the process, the satisfaction of all people's hearts depended more on the power of "self understanding and self realization". From the insight, they awakened their regrets in life, but they made up for their regrets after death. There was no more sorrow, People really accept that "what they have lived is a real life, without any false life", get rid of the entanglement of sad fate, become Buddhists and reincarnate calmly.……

"Isn't xiaozou able to survive with a heart transplant without sound? So she should have died after no sound? But why did yinwu come to the afterlife behind her

Ma Meizi was confused by the complicated relationship.

"I came here to complete the regret of my life. You can think like this. Although yinwu died first, Lihua's regret was to say thank you to yinwu. So yinwu, who didn't regret and shouldn't appear here, came here when he died." He Chen said to Ma Meizi.

"He, for the sake of playing..." said Ma Meizi.

"The relationship between them has been foreshadowed from the beginning, hasn't it?" Yi Jing Hui said, "one is lihuazuo, the other is yinwujiexian. He has donated his organs, and Lihua's life, which has come to an end, has been continued again because of yinwu's heart. He has added a string of life to Lihua with his heart, and Lihua has played a song of life with yinwu's heart. "

Ma Meizi was moved to cry again.

Standing in the flashy world, playing the sound of nature( To be continued...) i1292