"Welcome to the afterlife front!"

After he Chen, there was no exception, so everyone of the "false alarm" was relieved. After that, just when we were wondering why the great devil hadn't released a new work after such a long time, "angel beats" was so gorgeous.

In the warm tone of "my soul, lure r-beats", which seems to soothe people's heart, but it is like a cool Requiem, the audience came to such a world with the world after death as the stage.

Death is a sad thing for most people. It's hopelessness, it's the end, it's the future that can't be seen any more, it's the end that has been announced. From the moment of death, every second is a memory. It's definitely not a topic that can be called "interesting", and it's often taboo by people. It's the biggest thing in life and the last thing.

However, for some people, death is a helpless beginning: can not escape, can not avoid, is not the real sense of the starting point, but a near the end but in any case can not reach the end of the embarrassing initial

They do not recognize "death", but they are in the endless "death".

They claim that they want to disobey God's "world front after death". They are laughing and fighting all day, but they are more bitter than anyone else.

How can people who can't even say the common saying "I'm desperate to die" get rare happiness?

Because they are dead.

Death, no matter what the work is, has always been the essential element of "sensational" to hit the heart. For fans, this has always been the case in the works of the great devil.

Zedu Zhenqin is the protagonist of surging emotions to the peak. At the end of the story, the figure of the young fox gives people a beautiful vision; It was the end of that summer thousands of years ago that shennai prepared his life. However, for a small town just a year later, "death" has become an opportunity for teenagers to meet girls. Unable to dodge; Yifengzi's spiritual floating and guhezhu's retrogression from time to time are even more vivid examples. The sleeping girl is unwilling to be lonely. The sleeping girl was rescued by the opportunity of the town; Of course, there is no less white beard and ace in one - which opened a new era

The definition of "death" by the great devil is always different from others: its arrival always makes people cry. However, when the concentration of emotion has become saturated, even "death" can become the prelude of "rebirth", and the happy ending always takes a lot of effort to usher in.

It's the work of the devil king, and it's still named in English. With the familiar flavor, I'm afraid many old fans who are familiar with the devil king will jump out and say "ha ha. I'm not going to be fooled this time And so on.

But this time, the great devil did not give them such an opportunity. At the beginning, it was the world after death... The people who had died, and who could not be killed, should not be able to die again? It's impossible, isn't it?

But "angel beats" is different from the usual examples. The great devil almost takes "death" as his latest joke. He makes all the characters die from the beginning, and then die again and again. Death after death, four hopeless without complaint, understatement to let the character was crushed by the boulder. Being pierced by a sharp knife, being cut into several sections, and spitting grains to dilute the smell of blood are the mischievous ideas of siwuji Zen.

It's this funny story of happy jumping that greatly reduces the vigilance of fans, and the novel world setting also attracts their attention.

"The devil has been addicted to crossing recently? How did the regiment leader and SOS also cross? "

The emergence of fake SOS regiment and puppet regiment is the most natural thing that fans can not make complaints about. In particular, Youli, the head of SSS group, and Lianggong chunri are both the characters of the great devil, and the fans firmly believe that this is the evil taste of the great devil again. The two person as like as two peas is identical. It can be said that changing hair color and wearing absolutely can not produce any similarity that is not compatible with the sense of discrimination. Finally, even the dubbing is the same person!

Because of the prestige of the SOS team leader, so naturally. You Li got the name of a fake leader.

"Angel beats" has many advantages and disadvantages. For example, at the beginning, for various reasons, there were only 13 words, so the characters who should have been full of stories had no time to show their stories, so they directly received the Bento.

The early stage is inexplicable, and the middle and late stage rhythm is too fast, so that the bedding has not been completed yet, so the audience can't "tear up" naturally.In the game of angel beats, the story has been supplemented to a certain extent. When he prepares angel beats again, he refines the story, adjusts the rhythm of the story, enriches the experience of each character, expands the content of the story, and modifies some deficiencies, So it became Tianman today broadcast this 28 episode complete and complete animation.

The ups and downs of the story rhythm has always firmly grasped the hearts of fans, and the full story bedding has sublimated the final * * to the extreme.

This time, the great devil overturned all her previous creation laws, which is the ultimate presentation of black humor and the ultimate concentration of bloody sadness.

"In order to be ourselves, we have to work hard not to learn." listening to a ridiculous passage, it is the survival law in Angel beat that is more difficult than no food and clothing. These young people who died early do everything to "save" themselves.

After death, the world front, referred to as SSS regiment, their story color, such as dye dusk, with the last touch of Twilight before the barely clear, is a weak cry for help all night.

The story of angel beats itself is not complicated: in the hypothetical world after death, the young girls who are unwilling to die unite to fight against God's direct slave angels in order to prevent their consciousness from being assimilated and dissipated.

Behind the laughter, the topic gradually turns back to its essence.

"Who is this angel?"

"Why on earth did these people come here?"

"What is the world after death? What is the meaning of its existence? "( (to be continued)