When you fall in love with the same person, you are doomed to get hurt. More likely, you will get hurt both. What's more, apricot and Starling are twin sisters, which makes their mood more complicated. In Apricot's cheerful and reckless personality, for emotional things, it is so delicate, even can be said to be cowardly, so fragile.

I like Okazaki, but I'm afraid that I can't even be a friend after I'm rejected. When I hear that my sister also likes Okazaki. So he chose to suppress his feelings and help starling. He thought that this would not only make starling happy, but also make him close to Okazaki. He thought that when starling and Okazaki were together, he could bear it.

But when Xing talked about peony, he said that boar's parents and brothers could not be together forever, which implied that even the twins could not be together forever, that is, he could not stay with Okazaki forever.

At that time, when she said these words, she didn't know how sad she was. She seemed to be mocking herself, stabbing her wounds, and telling them to herself and Okazaki. Perhaps too much understanding of many factors, apricot more and more unable to suppress their feelings, but it is impossible to rob with his sister, so let himself suffer torture, sad regret.

Especially when Okazaki said that he liked long hair, his regret for his choice deepened, and his heart kept turning to "maybe Okazaki also liked me", but Okazaki and Starling's communication was promoted by himself. Now, apricot can only regret lonely, burying everything in her heart and licking her wound silently.

However, although Xing's mood is so painful, even though she had been waiting for Starling's confession to be rejected due to a moment of distortion, she helped starling from the beginning to the end, repressed her feelings, and didn't do anything wrong to Starling. Even in order to calm down their own affairs with Okazaki. Even to Chunyuan proposed contact... However, always with a fool like Chunyuan, the mind is very delicate. Will Apricot's idea completely see through, and apricot not in front of. He knew that apricot liked Okazaki.

And these words from Chunyuan were heard by Okazaki. Make apricot mood more complex contradiction. On the day of the school anniversary, apricot saw starling and Okazaki kissing, and finally let her feelings can no longer suppress. I heard starling say that she had chest pain when kissing Okazaki. Seeing with her own eyes made her completely collapse.

She always thought she could bear it, but when she saw it with her own eyes, she knew that she couldn't. She couldn't face Okazaki and Starling. This tangle and pain has deeply affected her life, she can no longer pretend to know nothing, heartless life.

Drenched in the rain, trying to cool down their feelings, trying to make themselves clear, but also in this way, to alleviate the pain in the heart.

However, Okazaki was brought by peony.

Okazaki's tenderness and warmth deepened Apricot's grief several times. "Your tenderness will make me misunderstand.". What kind of mood does apricot have to say these words. Sane and sober, for her sister's sake, she stopped Okazaki and went on. He can only care about starling, and reminded Okazaki is Starling's boyfriend.

"I'm a fujilin apricot, not a fujilin starling." It also made Okazaki realize that they were twin sisters. The last farewell is also a farewell to one's feelings.

At the beginning, it was just because of the fear of confession, but after helping starling, he didn't want to make starling sad. Even if he regretted, he thought that he shouldn't save anything, even if it was as clear as now. So painful but still thinking for starling.

"Why does starling tell her sister that she likes Okazaki? Why do you accept my sister's help? "

At the beginning, it was revealed in the story. Apricot will be very happy to talk about Okazaki with Starling every day when she comes home. It's just like this that starling has a vision for a person he has never met.

However. Starling clearly feel the apricot like Okazaki, why do you still do this will make sister sad? Why did you stab Okazaki by saying how happy she and Okazaki were after dating her?

Although Starling's personality is very introverted, her attachment to her feelings is so firm and strong. Starling grew up in the light of her excellent sister. Maybe it is the combination of her desire to surpass her sister and her persistent love that finally leads to this situation that makes all three people miserable.

Later, she also regretted what she had done, but knowing that it was wrong, she still wanted to be with Okazaki.

Maybe Starling's love for Okazaki is just an illusion at the beginning. She listens to her twin sister talking about Okazaki happily every day, and Xing can't help revealing her original implicit love because she tells her sister. Although she may say that expensive device is a fool and late, she can't fake her feelings, Starlings are also infected by their sister. She gradually felt that she also liked Okazaki.

As it happens, the third grade division makes starling and Okazaki become classmates. First, the illusion makes her care about Okazaki's existence, so she wants to surpass her sister's heart and inexplicable production. Starling chooses to use her sister's character to suppress her feelings to help herself.However, after the association, that illusion unconsciously became love, but soon felt that Okazaki liked his sister. So she said, "I'm going to be my sister's stand in", which is to the extent that she is willing to deny her existence.

Although it was an illusion at the beginning that starling gradually fell in love with Okazaki after dating, Starling was infatuated. This infatuation made her willing to abandon her "self" and want to be with Okazaki.

Okazaki didn't want to talk about girlfriends, or he didn't think that people would like him when he had a bad review at school, so he was so unprepared when starling advertised. With the help of apricot, he tried to communicate with Starling, and began to feel the love and need that his cold family could not get, and the satisfaction that he could make others happy. So Okazaki also wanted to live a warm and sweet life with Starling.

However, he gradually found that he and Starling were always hurt when he was seen by apricot. When he saw apricot in the heavy rain that day, he finally realized that what he really liked was apricot, and then found that he had been looking at her sister apricot through her twin sister starling.

They blame themselves in the rain. Okazaki can't help holding apricot. This is the truth he has always wanted to feel, but he is in pain. Because this is a betrayal of Starling, apricot is also in pain. Feeling the warmth of being held by Okazaki makes it more difficult for her to give up her feelings.

After that, Okazaki hesitated all the time, aware of the pain of his true heart, and didn't want to hurt Starling's troubles; If you think this chapter is good, please don't forget to recommend it to your QQ group and friends in Weibo!