If God can give him another chance, pingmaruyi will take his own steps without hesitation.

"The devil, the devil..." Ping Wan Yi, with tears in his eyes, cursed a devil who lured him into hell, but his hands quickly drew the script.

"Tut, I'm doing it for you. Why don't you know? You have no foundation, rough drawing skills, boring ideas, lazy attitude, and no understanding of comics! You still want to be a cartoon master, marry Bai Fumei, and have your dream He Chen is lying on the sofa, holding a bottle of expensive red wine and enjoying it leisurely. He sarcastically says to Ping Wan Yi.

This time into the world, the difficulty is a little higher, he thought he would be into Yoshida, in reality, this is Fujin Yibo's editor, in the story, this is the editor of the flat pill.

In the story of dream eater, even a passer-by's perspective can't be given to him. How can he meet pingmaruyi and complete the task?

He Chen, who has been sold, a ghost and a leader, has already developed his ability to be in a state of shock. He inquired about Jiying society on the Internet and found that Jiying society is about to conduct a round of public recruitment recently.

It seems that this should be the difficulty that the system has increased for him. He Chen is sure that becoming an editor is the simplest, direct and effective way. So he Chen checked the existing comics in the world a little. And the information of Jiying society. I went to the recruitment.

The use of the graduate school set up by the system comes. Waseda University is a golden brick, and there is no door that cannot be broken. The content of the written test was too simple. In the interview, he Chen was generous and decent. He was well grounded in the comics and the development of the comics industry. On the spot was signed down, known as a small editor.

When he Chen inquired about the information of Jiying society, he found that pingmaruyi had not yet entered the comic industry, and the protagonist Gao Gao and Qiuren were still struggling in the street.

He Chen didn't know what pingmaruyi was doing, but he knew that pingmaruyi had heard Gao Gao and Qiu Ren talking about comics on the tram, and after watching jump, he thought he could talk too, so he quit his job and went to draw comics.

At that time, Gao and Qiuren met with the editorial and Service Department of Jiying society. On the way back, according to these two clues. He Chen squatted on the tram and finally let him wait until pingwan Yiye.

Because the painting style of the third dimension is different from that of the second dimension, he Chen also thought about how to confirm it. But after seeing pingmaruyiye, he immediately knew that it was this guy!

The whole body exudes the decadent breath, like a dead fish.

After seeing him, he Chen understood that this is a lost lamb that needs to be saved by himself.

Under the temptation of he Chen, Ping maruyi quit his job and contributed to Jiying society. He Chen, as the person who dug it out, naturally became his editor.

Accustomed to the simplicity and efficiency of the sky, the cartoonists and editors are behind the scenes and inefficient. It really makes him unable to make complaints about what he has said. He has entered the big information age. Why do they not change the trend of the times?

However, everything here has nothing to do with hechen. He just needs to finish his task.

"Liar! Didn't you say I was talented? Why do I have to draw so many other things besides the comics I want to draw? " Ping pill a also gnash teeth geological asked he Chen.

"Tut Tut, talent is to determine your upper limit, and your effort or failure will determine your present achievement. You have a higher upper limit than others, but if you don't work hard, you just lose people. You don't know anything about comics. You rely on your talent. The foundation is a big weakness that restricts your progress. What I ask you to do is to train your basic skills. " He Chenyi put it bluntly, a "Laozi is for you, give Laozi less BB" attitude of "kindness".

"Liar! liar! You said you could make money without going to work! "

"Aren't you absent from work now?".

"Asshole! Why did I listen to your nonsense? What need not go to work is deceitful! Cartoonists go all year round! yes or no! Why do humans have to work! If you want to sleep, you can eat if you want. The truth is that you are born into a panda in the zoo! I won't draw any more! Let the cartoonists go to hell

The gap between reality and dream makes pingmaruyi collapse and break out. He throws the pen and leaves the table!

He Chen went over with the wine, put his hand on his shoulder, handed the wine to him, and said, "come on, have a glass of wine, I'll be shocked."

Pingwan also very impolitely grabbed the quilt, and said, "it's mine." he looked up and dried the red wine.He Chen came up to his ear and said, "how's it going? Is it good?".

Ping Wan also smacked his mouth: "it's delicious."

He Chen put his arm around his shoulder and let him turn around. He pointed to the villa and said to him, "this house is comfortable."

Pingwan nodded.

Then, hechen's voice suddenly became low, like a whirlpool, to swallow his soul.

"You have resigned. For a member who does not respect work at all and may leave at any time, do you think any company will want you?". This is the island's unique regional consciousness, lack of circulation of company members, strict class system, together created such a situation.

"If you don't draw comics, you will lose your income. Without income, what do you use to repay these loans? If you don't pay off the loan, you will be driven out of the house, and you will no longer be able to enjoy the comfortable mansion, the wine and the respect of others. In other people's eyes, you will be a failure, a social maggot, others will despise you, no woman will take a fancy to you, you will be lonely all your life, always with your right hand for company... Do you want to give up such a life now? ".

As he Chen whispered, pingmaruyi also changed his face. He Chen said each one, pingmaruyiye's face on a white, to the end was very white face is a pale. The body is shaking.

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult.

He Chen narrowed his eyes and patted pingwan Yiye heavily on the shoulder. Pingwan Yiye pursed his mouth, picked up the pen and draft, sat down silently, and then drew cartoons.

"The devil." Pingwan Yiye's heart is dripping with blood and tears.

The house was bought by he Chen after he sold his original house. If he lost his income, he would be homeless.

However, why does he feel that he Chen is the owner of the house he bought?

"Asshole! That's my wine! You put it down for me Seeing hechen stroll to the wine cabinet again, he finds a bottle of high-grade wine and opens it again. Pingwan Yiye's heart is bleeding like diabetes insipidus.

"Tut, it's so mean. Isn't it just a bottle of wine?". Hechen doesn't care.

"Tens of thousands of dollars! You give me the money

"Then let's talk about your comics, what crap! I didn't realize the true meaning of the cartoon I told you. It didn't mean anything. Do you still dream of becoming a great God? Cut the waist, cut the waist

"... are you still short of food and wine?". If you cut off your waist, you will have no income. If you have no income, you will lose your present life. Pingmaruyi is also very aware of current affairs.

Only by giving him external pressure, can he break through himself again and again and show his talent.

For a shaking m, we need a shaking s like he Chen to cure it.

With pingwan Yiye's strength, it's no problem to eat a mixed meal, but if you want to "win ten times in a row", it's basically impossible - attitude. Especially the new wife Yinger.

In order to complete the task, he Chen is very strict with pingwan Yiye.

Pingmaruyi also has talent. He does not interfere in his creative ideas, but just strengthens his basic skills. He Chen has trained so many assistants and taught many classes. Now he has his own way of teaching students. What's more, we can find personal characteristics from the details, so as to carry out targeted teaching.

"Do you find it interesting to be alive?".

Ping Wan Yi also asked he Chen in a sad tone.

"Do you think it's interesting to die as a virgin?".

He Chen asked pingwan Yiye in the same tone.

Pingwan also knelt on the ground, he forced down the ground, he was not reconciled, he was not reconciled to leave the world with this shame!

"Do you think it's interesting? Do you want to know the meaning of survival? Hiss, that's a good idea. It can be used in comics. " He Chen suddenly came to the inspiration and felt that he had something to do with it.

"Sea otter No. 11" painted by Ping maruyi is very interesting and highly praised by the editorial department. It has become a new serial work of the same period with the protagonist Yamu chengmengye's "suspicious detective trap". Pingwan is therefore known as a different type of genius from his new wife.

However, in the face of so many interesting stories, if he Chen wants to complete the task, it is impossible to take "otter 11". So he Chen has been thinking about how to win and let Ping Wan go to "ten consecutive championships".

It's hard to compete with the talented new wife Ying er who is going to create "death, death, pen and record" in the future. So we must innovate and have new ideas. He Chen wanted to induce him to draw full time hunter.However flat pill a also of complain, suddenly brought inspiration to he Chen.

He Chen thought of infinite terror.

There is no such theme here. Neither tomorrow's edge (reincarnation of killing) nor killing city has appeared. (killing city only appeared after the full-time hunter was serialized, and the story of Nakai is also the prototype of Fujianese Yibo. Although the times have become modern, the overall development of comics has also shifted, So killing city has not yet been born( (to be continued)