"1ee, do you know Zuo Wei? Is there such a person in Chinese history? "

Li Qing is an international student at MIT. 1ee is his English name. When he heard someone calling him, he turned to see that he was his roommate and best friend. It's a very rare thing to meet a roommate in a foreign country.

"Zuo Wei?" Li Qing muttered, his roommate's name is Justin? Barney, the short name is JB. Since he knew the meaning of the word in China, his roommate would never let him call him the short name again.

Bain's Chinese is not good. Li Qing didn't hear it clearly for a moment. They just finished class, so Bain wrote the name in his notebook for Li Qing to read.

However, Li Qing shook his head. He didn't remember any famous person named Zuo Wei in Chinese history. "Don't you know?" he said as he walked with Li Qing? Do you know Huang Longshi? How about Huang Longshi? "

"Huang Longshi? Who is that? " Li Qing looks at him suspiciously. He doesn't know why he suddenly asks himself these names.

"A chess player, playing go, I heard that he is very powerful!" "There is also a man named benyinfang xiuce who plays go, but he belongs to the island country. Do you know that?" he told Li Qing

"I don't know much about go..." Li Qing shrugged, "in other words, how can you suddenly be interested in go?"

From Barnen's excited description of him, Li Qing realized that it was the roommate's idol, master Porter, who drew a cartoon about go. He also likes comics, because both of them have the same hobby, so they can "smell the same". These two years of Animation Festival. They all went together.

however. He is busy experimenting recently, so he has no time to read comics. He doesn't know that there are new comics. And Barnen and he are not professional. They are not busy recently.

"How good is the spirit of chess?" Li Qing became interested. In his eyes, go is the pronoun of boring, stubborn and old man. It's better to think of chess and other simple things. Gobang is more interesting than that. This kind of game is only popular in Asia, here in the United States. It's a go desert. There's no market at all.

What kind of story is it that makes a man like Barnen, who doesn't understand go and can't like this boring game (Li Qing knows Barnen's temperament very well), become interested in go?

"Interesting! I just know, originally go is also so interesting! You can also have a look! In other words, China is clearly the source of go. Why do you, as a Chinese, even don't know the go celebrities in your own country? "

Barnton looked down upon Li Qing.

"..." Li Qing is speechless. If he wants to talk about a go celebrity, he knows one.

Li Changgao. Although his surname is Li, he is a stick. It can be said that he is now the first person in go and has won the championship of any world-class go competition, truly realizing the "Grand Slam" of the world go competition.

The most important thing is that he is very young. There are a lot of news and advertisements about him. Even people like Li Qing who have no interest in go and don't know about it all know that Li Changgao is a very good go player.

As the source of go, Huaxia's only famous go player is a stick. It's a sad thing to say.

So he didn't even bother to say the name.

They first went to buy a dish, and then drove to the dormitory. Li Qing would eat some home cooked food, go out and eat enough of the "coarse" food, so that Li Qing, who had never cooked before, was forced to learn a few skills. After he tasted it once, he was completely immersed in Chinese cuisine, so he could not cook, so he took on the task of buying vegetables and washing dishes.

However, since he can eat these delicacies, this little thing is also very happy for him.

After frying a few dishes, they solved their stomachache. From beginning to end, Barnen's mouth never stopped. He gave Li Qing a series of comic books about how to catch up recently, among which the most popular one was "the spirit of chess".

Li Qing wants to stab this guy to death. Doesn't he know how bad a spoiler is?

Not long ago, there was a murder case caused by "spoiler" in the island country? Seems to be to base friends spy Conan, and then be unbearable base friends almost killed.

Even let "Conan" once again into the legal news, and some people clamour to ban "Conan". Unfortunately, the power of the masses is great. The serial of Conan has become a part of many people's lives. Such a move is obviously unpopular. And the island country is an electoral system. I'm afraid the official career of the man who clamors to ban Conan is also worrying.However, according to the grapevine, it seems that this person made such a statement because his wife fell in love with Kidd and Xinyi, so he was jealous of a virtual character.

When you think about it, it's no surprise that he made such a move.

After dinner, Li Qing put down his bowl, and the rest of his work was for Barnes. He went back to his room and forced the door to close, and the world was finally clean.

After so many spoilers, he had a rough idea of the story. In a word, it is a story about a chess crazy soul who is dedicated to go, who is attached to a child who can't play go at all, and then let this child start the road of go.

It's really simple and conventional, but the great devil has the ability to turn decadence into magic, which makes this story which is very boring for other people to write paintings wonderful.

Among the three people that Barnen asked him, one was the name of the ghost of the chess maniac, and the other two were the first two people who were possessed by the chess maniac. After reading it, Li Qing went to search for the three names.

He Chen added another name here, that is Huang Longshi, a very famous chess sage in Chinese history. He was smart and brilliant since he was a child. He recited it over and over again and never forgot it for a hundred days. He was especially gifted at go. When he was young, he was famous for his high level of go in Zili and Jianghuai.

Young Huang Longshi is not satisfied with the corner, in order to pursue the exhibition of chess, he is determined to visit the famous players all over the country. Since the third year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi, Huang Longshi, 13 years old, has been traveling north and South with his father. After two years of fighting in the capital, Huang Longshi's chess skills have become increasingly excellent. When he was 16 or 17 years old, he played chess all over the capital. He was invincible and had brilliant achievements. He was known as the "ever victorious general". At the age of 18, he played in Beijing with a famous national player who has been galloping in the field of chess for more than 50 years. He won seven battles and seven victories. The victory over Shanda you symbolized that Huang Longshi reached the peak of his chess skills in the early Qing Dynasty and established his status as a "chess sage".

In addition to his ambition of "exporting Chinese culture", he Chen also has his own consideration.

First of all, the age of this man is nearly 200 years earlier than that of benyinfang xiuce. Zoe has been wandering for thousands of years. Can't there be only one benyinfang xiuce who has found him? Add this person, you can highlight the thousand years of go that deep dedication and love.

Secondly, this person has the same background as benyinfang xiuce - both of them have the name of child prodigy, and both of them have made their debut in go since they were very young (benyinfang xiuce won the name of Chi er's mastermind after playing chess with Hunan yinshuo in Osaka when he was 18 years old. After reading the chess score, Zhang he was surprised to see that he had been a genius for 150 years, compared with the chess sage daoce 150 years ago.

They all have the setting of "being possessed by Sasaki will be so extraordinary".

Third, although the details of their chess styles are different, they both have the same characteristics and are good at layout. Huang Longshi is flexible and changeable in the game. He has a broad situation and great spirit.

There is a preface in his book Yi Kuo, which is a summary of his actual combat experience. His insights are incisive and people think deeply. It reads as follows: "to open up the frontier and open up the universe, there is no outside outline, to make the capital close to the danger, and to make the fortress brief. This is the starting point." This is to say that the starting layout should take up the main points of the field, and "make the capital" and "make the fortress", so that the chess can have a basis and attack and defend the fortress; We should think about the whole situation from the local perspective, and consider the future development from the starting point.

Finally, this is a description of Zuo Wei. Zoe Wei pursues the "one hand of God" of go, and does not stick to the old-fashioned style.

In the original book, when he first came here, he played chess with TA Yanliang. TA Yanliang described Jin Teng Guang (Zuo Wei) in his heart. He used the most ancient xiuce Dingshi. If he used the rules of go in those years, it would be a good move. But now the rules have changed, this move is very common.

However, in the later chess score, Ta Yanliang felt the change of the style of chess, "as if xiuce was learning from modern Dingshi", which shows that Zuowei has always been making progress.

Wandering for thousands of years, the times are changing, the rules are changing, and so is Zuo Wei.

However, the only constant is the heart that loves go deeply.

The change of the story is not big. It can be said that only one more story of Zuo Wei was added to the dialogue. However, this small sum can add a more profound historical atmosphere to Zoe Wei. The general history can also make people deeply feel Zoe Wei's persistent heart of seeking Tao, and lay a deeper emotional foreshadowing for Zoe Wei's change and departure.

Years later, Hua Bin came to Ping'an city again, but he didn't come to play chess with him.

"... hechen, is there really a Zuo Wei in your body? Do you think the "spirit of chess" you drew is an adaptation of your real life? " Hua Bin looks at he Chen strangely.

He Chen's terrible progress made him unforgettable. Therefore, when I saw the cartoon "spirit of chess", I unconsciously linked it with he Chen. Even more than that, if he Chen's case is established, then Huang Longshi and Ben Yinfang xiuce in historyWhen people are old, they always like to think.

"I said yes, do you believe it?"



He Chen is speechless( It's not finished yet!
