Severance orders saber with a curse - destroys the Grail. Zenith novels,

The burning black mud has brought disaster to the land of Dongmu city. Even ten years later, it is a scar that cannot be erased.

"I remember that face, with tears in my eyes, because I found a man who was still alive, and he was so happy that I could not help thinking that it was not me who was saved, but him..."

In the ruins of this catastrophe, this is the young taxi Lang's memory of his heir.

Shi Lang was not only saved by his heirs, but also found his heirs in the ruins. For him, it was also a kind of Salvation - in his life full of killing, this was the first time that he felt the salvation of life with his own hands.

After the collapse of his heart and belief, Shi Lang injected hope into his "dead" heart.

Saber, on the other hand, returns to the hillock of the sword fence, the world where time has stopped, and the ruins full of corpses under the setting sun, reverberating with her sorrowful cry, reincarnation, will continue

After that, Chesi went to einzbelen Castle many times, but because of failure, the border that shrouded the forest was never opened for him.

Until his death, he never saw his daughter, Elia.

It starts with the most brilliant beginning, but ends with the most miserable ending. Here is the cruel fourth Holy Grail War that brought disaster. The scar on the land of Dongmu city has always remained in the hearts of the audience, bringing them endless reflection.

"It's really interesting to talk about Chieh Si. In a sense, he is really a wonderful person, of course, in my opinion. The Grail War itself. I can understand and even feel that there is nothing wrong with some of his actions - the Grail War is not the war of the innocent. Everyone involved knows that the result is either the enemy's death or mine. It's unnecessary and meaningless to abide by chivalry like Lancer or saber

"I respect Lancer and saber for following their own principles and not compromising at all times, but I have to admit that there is nothing wrong with the means of cutting off the descendants. One of the most bizarre fallacies about him is that a bloody executioner's ideal is to save all mankind, and he is sincere - how ridiculous, even a little ridiculous. "

"In fact, the confusion of Chieh Si is also a public confusion. Is the justice of the majority important or the justice of the minority important? What is the justice of sacrificing the minority for the sake of the majority? If we use one sentence to describe his ideals and actions, I think he hopes to "achieve a just trial result through an unjust procedure", but it is actually unknown whether injustice can lead to complete justice in fact - he himself is not sure, so he thought of using the wishing machine, He believed that no matter what, the wishing machine could help him reach the final justice. Although he did not know how to achieve this complete fairness, it was precisely because of this paradox that he was finally fooled by what he thought was a "miracle"‘ In fact, the old problem still pointed out in "fat zero" is that it can't be impartial to the whole human being. The proposition he sought is essentially unsolvable. "

"To some extent, the failure and tragedy of qieshi are inevitable. The idealists were finally crushed by their own ideals, and the master and servant of saber group could not escape this fate. "

After the end of "fast zero". There are countless topics coming out, and lulo is one of them.

"The reason why I like this film is that it tears the gorgeous and tragic lives of the characters to you, and does not promote the causality theory that good is rewarded and evil is rewarded. People full of ambition eventually die with regret when they can't see the other side of the sea. People with unrealistic idealism are forced to see a satirical ending opposite to their own hopes. They are full of confusion and nothingness about life, but they look for people who destroy and destroy in their heart, and realize their desire that they don't know the process. "

"Chieh Si has changed from the vague silhouette in" fast stay night "to a man full of flesh and blood, with contradictions and struggles. From "just partner" to the master whose hands are stained with blood, he experienced too many forced separations, most of which were caused by his own hands. For the sake of righteousness, it is inevitable to sacrifice some people - this is what he has always thought

"However, the bloody scenes he saw in the Holy Grail constantly impacted his idea of truth. Is it right to sacrifice the minority for the majority? The master Porter left this problem to Chi Si and to us. The whole winter wood was destroyed by the Holy Grail into a hell on earth. Maybe it was the curse of Lancer, or maybe god slapped him in the face in order to let him see what he had done before. So when he rescued Shirang from the ruins of Dongmu, should he feel redeemed? The tragedy of this man is to find out in the end that what he did before was all wrong. ""Fake priest - this is Lin's name for Qili in" fate stay night ". I just want to say that this is probably the positioning of the master porter for Qili. At first, I felt that he was like a puppet, with empty eyes, blindly following the arrangement of his father and master. He said that he was not understood by anyone, and he never saw what he really advocated. However, under the seduction of archer... Oh no, under the guidance of archer, the characters gradually become more and more colorful. From the beginning, I didn't know what pleasure was, to the end, I even directed bloody plays. The irony is that he's a priest. " Said a fan of "fast zero.".

But there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand, and a thousand heirs in the eyes of a thousand.

Huang shaotian is indispensable in such a lively comment, especially such a controversial figure. Some people like it, others hate it. Only in this role can we find the conflict of human nature. Instead of being a perfect saint or scum, people are complex and can't be as simple as facial makeup.

"He is self righteous, cold and arrogant, but if we want to list his shortcomings, we can't explain more. It's not right or wrong. What he adheres to is his own idea. Once the idea is the benchmark of all actions, he is not selfish and full of sacrificial spirit of self sacrifice, so others can't say anything about it. You can't even refute him from the same standpoint as him, because your idea is not so powerful. Even if you kill yourself, you have to prove that it's a personal dedication to faith, not right or wrong, but just a kind of performance art. "

"Art can show its meaning and value only if it is beautiful or not. Other people can't intervene. At the extreme, it can only be a personal matter, so it's a personal belief and loneliness, a personal one-man show. Chieh Si feels that he can bring peace to the world. He is so sincere that he doesn't evade anything and can offer anything. Even if it is a personal self satisfaction to his ideal, he is full of sincerity and doesn't cheat anyone. "

"Is he a despicable person? I can't say no, but I like his behavior track of seeing the result at a glance. He pays attention to practical things. No matter what the process is, his goal is clear and won't be hindered by these things. He should be an anti hero, but he can also be a hero. In another sense, he is absolutely fair and just, absolutely selfless, In terms of quantity, we completely ignore our personal emotions. "

"Man can't be God, only God has the qualification to judge, but what God does is just to watch, which is their duty. If God interferes in man's world, then man will no longer have the right to choose. In a sense, he is trying to use God's power to fulfill the obligation that God does not exist, and failure is inevitable."

"He is a vain Sisyphus. He should bear the same responsibility as Sisyphus. He should push the rolling stone repeatedly and feel that he has hope. Yes, he has hope. He really thinks that the world can be peaceful. He has done so many meaningless killing for it, but even if he doesn't do it, Those people will still die, will he? He will think like this, and then point the gun at his brothers and sisters in the world, and pull the trigger with tears. He is so admirable, he is so sad. "

"For his futility, his worthlessness, his pain and his emptiness, I find myself deeply infected even when I stand in the position of a bystander. I hope he will not change. He hopes to go to the black man for what no one will do, for the man who will not die. If he acts as the God of death, more than half of the world will rush to hell, Then peace will not come. "

Sisyphus is a character in Greek mythology. Similar to the more tragic King Oedipus, Sisyphus is the founder and king of Corinth. He even once kidnapped the God of death, so that there is no death in the world.

At last, Sisyphus offended the gods. In order to punish Sisyphus, the gods asked him to push a huge stone to the top of the mountain. Because the huge stone was too heavy, he often rolled down the mountain before he reached the top of the mountain. All his previous achievements were wasted, so he kept repeating Do it endlessly - the gods think that there is no more severe punishment than to do such hopeless labor.

Sisyphus's life was slowly consumed in such an invalid and hopeless work( Not finished, to be continued