PS: look at the exclusive story behind the father of rebirth animation, listen to your suggestions and pay attention to the official account (WeChat add friends add official account - enter qdread), quietly tell me! The vision soon subsided, the warning on the radar disappeared, but the world did not change at all.

Bismarck said sadly to sunazel, "Your Majesty... Failed..."

At this moment, everything has been decided. Sunazer, who has been completely driven to death by hechen, is unable to return to the sky. Nine round table knights died in the battle. Finally, sunazer is captured alive by Cornelia on his flagship.

"And Lucius?" Sunazel asked Cornelia.

At this time, there was no need to hide any more. Seeing that the most outstanding imperial brother had been defeated so badly, Cornelia felt the same way and said to him, "he's not here."

Schneizer chuckled and said, "I should have seen it before..."

After that, he stood up and pulled his collar. Even if he was captured, he still kept his own demeanor called "sunazel".

Later, Cornelia received the news of hechen's return, but this time, he didn't come back alone, and along with him came Arnia. Arnia fainted outside the ruins, because hechen wanted to destroy the passage, so she put Arnia in a safe place in the distance.

When he came out, he was in another place. He didn't know where he had stolen are. So he drove with are and ran to Shengen island to find aniya and bring him back together.

At the same time, he Chen has also known the news of sunazel's defeat. Brittany has been destroyed since then, and agnia has no object of loyalty.

The disappearance of Charles, the capture of sunazel, the treason of Cornelia and ufemia, and the opposition of ruluciu, the former prince, are the shaking of Brittany people's heart.

Even though the first prince was in power in a hurry, he wanted to resist, but now Brittany. Even if Zhang Liang and Han Xin are attached, they can't stop he Chen's progress.

A month later, Brittany was liberated - again because Brittany was so big that he spent most of his time running and recovering from the occupation. After all, he did not destroy it aimlessly. After the occupation, he naturally had to consider the future development and the issue of appeasing the people.

Since then. There is only one country left in the world!

That's the land, the ball, the Communist Party and the country!

The real peace that people expect has come

It is the so-called thinking of danger in times of peace that there will never be only one intelligent civilization in the universe. Therefore, the army has not been disbanded, promoted by he Chen. The world has changed from fighting against each other to uniting with the outside world. The army is the first pioneers to go to the universe. Lloyd, lakcharta and others began to study the technology to go to the universe!

People's eyes are finally on the long-term. With only a little cherry stone resources, they are killed. They all doubt whether their brain is in trouble. The undeveloped universe is full of "gold" and inexhaustible resources!

If they can go to the universe earlier, can they still play for that resource?

You can't beat anyone on earth. You can also go to the alien colony. The universe is too vast. Even a rice bug may be able to find a wonderful planet full of food!

He Chen copied the mature system in his own world, eliminated the unsuitable and left the suitable. As people settle down and society develops slowly, these systems will continue to improve in progress. of course. One point is the bottom line of hechen, which is territory.

A world that is hard to unite. He doesn't want to fall apart immediately. He incorporated the article that "the territory of the Republic is sacred and indivisible" into the constitution, prohibiting any change. Anyone who tries to split the country is guilty and punished as treason.

Even if the territory is expanded in the future, the territory of the Republic can only be increased, not reduced - even if it is forced to be reduced, it is temporary, and it must be taken back one day, because since ancient times

In addition, the power of Geass began to be announced.

Under her leadership, Geass research has made rapid progress, and finally discovered the essence of Geass - human brain waves can form a "field", which is the so-called spiritual power.

The strong "field" can interfere with the weak "field", which is the effect of Geass. Because of the difference of individual spiritual strength, namely "field", it creates different Geass effects.

Even Nina can artificially stimulate and strengthen the brain waves, so that it has a similar effect to Geass - she even uses her own human experiments, and has research results!Without a contract with Nina, she has her own Geass!

However, she didn't tell hechen what her Geass was. Whenever hechen asked, she would turn away the topic with a blush, making hechen particularly curious.

Knowing the essence of Geass, it's much easier to eliminate Geass. You only need to destroy the stability of the "field" to permanently eliminate the power of Geass.

However, Geass are not available to everyone. Even contracts depend on people's qualifications. Contracts can not be made at will. Otherwise, the order would not have only a few Geass and would have occupied the world with them for a long time.

As a result, while announcing the mysterious power of Geass, he Chen also established a school - Geass campus city!

Power is not good or bad, there is no distinction between high and low, only lies in the use of this power - he Chen has always believed so, so when he heard that he Chen's plan was stunned, he announced this mysterious power which will be kept secret to people!

Even more popular!

He Chen felt satisfied that he was stunned.

In fact, different paths lead to the same goal. If the scientific and technological power is the external evolution of human beings, then the Geass power on the mysterious side is the evolution of human beings.

Whether it's external or self. The transition is partial to either subject, which is incomplete.

Only by combining the two can we achieve the sublimation of human beings as a whole!

"Is it time to carry out the agreement?" Come to hechen again.

He Chen stares at him and smiles: "you still don't want to face up to your inner desire."

"I'm tired." He said in silence.

Hechen stood up and stood in front of the window. Looking at the society that has gradually stepped into the right track, he leisurely said: "how do you feel about the world?"

It can be said that hechen, the witness, has changed the world. Both the society and the people who live in the society have been deeply changed by hechen.

I didn't say.

Hechen turned around and went around to the side of the teacher. He gently looked away and looked out of the window.

"I like you." He Chen said.

"Liar." A.

He Chen shrugged, then picked up a letter of appointment from the table, handed it to him with his right hand, and put his left hand flat in front of him: "in that case. Then I'll give you two more choices. Give me the code and I'll free you... Or, take this appointment and become the headmaster of Geass campus for me! "

His eyes turned back. Instead of looking at the letter of appointment, he gazed into hechen's eyes. Hechen looked at him with a smile.

"If you don't believe me. Then find your own inner desire. This is a happy world created for you, I believe, this gentle world. Can contain you all, can wash away your tired and sad, at the same time also can let you realize your real desire

"... choose."

With her head down and her eyes struggling, she raised her hand and slowly extended it to hechen's empty left hand.

It's the moment of contact. Suddenly she got the appointment from hechen's right hand and stood on tiptoe. He hugged hechen and imprinted his lips with hechen's

Then I took a bite.

"... are you a puppy?" Hechen covered his lips. He said in dismay.

There was a sly smile at the bottom of her eyes, as if she had unloaded something. Her feeling suddenly became relaxed - she finally had the youthful vitality that matched her appearance.

"It's a contract." Back to hand, holding the letter of appointment, leisurely left, leaving only a light floating words, floating into hechen's ears.

He Chen smiles and looks away. Then he sighs and says, "I'm sorry," to the photos of Nana Li, Kalian, Charley, ufermia, Cornelia and others taken on his mobile phone

Charley's heart suddenly hurt, as if something had been dug out.

Ufemia felt lost in her heart, as if she had lost her soul. Suddenly, she couldn't lift her heart to all things. Seeing her sister's, Cornelia called in a puzzled voice: "ufei?"

Youfei looked in a direction and whispered a name: "Lu Lu Xiu..."

Nana Li's hand suddenly froze, and the paper kite she was folding for her brother fell from her hand to the ground. Shizi picked it up for Nana Li in doubt, but suddenly tears welled up in Nana Li's eyes.Nana Li kept wiping her tears and said, "why do you cry? Why do you feel so bad... Shizi, I want to see my brother and take me. "

The steps of leaving pause for a while, and then continue to move forward, but the pace is no longer light.

She had already dried up, forgetting the taste of tears in her eyes. Once again, she left hot tears, which fell into her mouth along her cheek. It was salty, astringent, bitter and painful.


Kalian is always in a bad mood. She comes to find Lu Lu Xiu. She learns from the soldiers on guard that Lu Lu Xiu is in the office. However, when she opens the door of the office, it is empty.

The bad feeling in her heart became more and more strong. She quickly walked to the table with a note on it.

"I'm going to liberate the universe. In the deepest place, I'm waiting for you!"( It's a good activity to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Focus on the point / official account (WeChat adds friends - add the official account - enter qdread), join in immediately! Everyone has a prize, now pay close attention to qdread WeChat official account! (to be continued)