Although purple mother has disappeared everyone's memory, the feeling that was once deeply hidden in her heart will not fade away. Even if there is no memory, the smaller lumia and the bigger Lingmeng are still close, as if there is an invisible line linking them together forever.

In the Oriental young spirit dream, people are cured by the pure smile of the baozi face.

In the Oriental Dream, fans' hearts are filled with the same pure smile on the face of lumia's steamed stuffed bun. It seems that an indescribable power emerges in their bodies. People know that it's called "moving and happiness".

People can't help but come up with a red and white figure in their mind. Her face is blurred. No one knows what she looks like, because she always wears a strange mask and hides her feelings under it.

First for the burly witch, mama.

She used her own life, in exchange for today's happy picture.

As like as two peas, the only one left behind is the dream of the mother, who only followed her willpower, and no longer needs to eat pure human.

That's Mama's guardian.

Lingmeng grew up from a little girl to a young girl. Over the years, the hair band has become a bit shabby.

It was Mama's seal on lumia. The hair band was broken and the seal began to loosen. The hair band is broken, the seal is gone, and the darkness that carries lumia and grandma is completely broken out.

The powerful power, even the great border of Boli, began to corrode, endangering the dreamland.

Purple Mother hid her feelings. Carry everything on your own. Trying to solve the problem on her own and make lumia disappear completely.

However. The deep fetters between Lingmeng and lumia urge Lingmeng to save lumia.

There are countless strong people in fantasy town. This time, almost all the people in fantasy town come to help. However, only Lingmeng can save lumia in the end.

Last time, it was Reimu's smile that saved lumia, this time. Only dreams can save lumia.

With the help of everyone, Lingmeng stepped into the corrosive space of lumia alone. The thick darkness, like magma, was raging in this space.

When you see the face of the long lost adult lumia, the story in the dream of Oriental young spirit flashed through the minds of the fans like a lantern.

The seal has been destroyed, lumia has recalled everything, but the huge darkness that carries her mother and herself has corroded her.

Lumia knows the consequences. Fantasyland will be destroyed, but she won't stop. She's venting.

Mama's dream is to release the darkness of her life and fill lumia's "hunger" with herself. Lumia, who carries the darkness, naturally feels Mama's pain.

As the guardian of the fantasy country, she is feared by human beings and hated by monsters.

I've always been alone.

All along, she has been working hard for the fantasy country, but in the end, she is afraid and rejected by all people.

Is she always wearing a mask to cover up her sadness?

Lumia is venting, not for herself, but for her mother.

With the memory restored, lumia not only recalled everything in the past, but also the memory of her mother.

Mingming has been working hard to protect the fantasy Town, but all she gets is hatred. Since the fantasy town makes my aunt feel sad, then she will destroy the fantasy town!

The spirit dream, which was hit by lumia, lay quietly on the earth.

As a burly witch, how could she not feel what lumia said?

However, in the face of what lumia said is the "wrong world", must it be destroyed?

But in this world, in addition to these sad things, there are many happy memories. Do you want to reject them?

"Even the power to kill depends on the usage... Different usages, even the power to kill, can bring happiness to people."

Ling Meng recalled what purple mother had said to her.

"If you have any dissatisfaction with the current situation, just change it."

The wrong world should not be destroyed, because it will deny happiness. To leave happiness, to change the wrong world!"But it will be more difficult and difficult than you think... After all, it's a road that no one has ever taken so far... Do you have that consciousness?"

Lingmeng slowly opened his eyes.

"However, if you can achieve it, it will certainly become a world where human beings, monsters and people can laugh. Maybe it will be such a dreamland."

The spiritual power around her body suddenly burst out, and her spiritual dream leaped up. She swept away the past laziness, her eyes were firm, and her spirits were high.

There are some sad memories, but there are also many happy memories.

She didn't want these precious memories to disappear.

Since the world is wrong, change the world!

She wants to save not only fantasy country, but also lumia. No one is allowed to die. She wants a happy fantasy country full of laughter!

He Chen's excellent painting skills have also raised the fighting scene of Oriental spiritual dream to a higher level.

Moving and hot blood burst out in the hearts of the audience at the same time.

I haven't learned the "natural dream" that belongs to the Buri witch all the time. The spiritual dream finally uses it and defeats lumia.

They hugged each other. Time has changed. Things are right and people are wrong. The picture of lumia and her mother hugging each other is closely overlapped with the picture at the moment.

The difference is that the last time she disappeared was her mother, but this time it was lumia.

It was not until the end that lumia confided.

In fact, all this was on purpose. After she felt the tragedy of her mother, she didn't want her dream to repeat her mother's mistakes again, and she didn't want the tragedy to repeat itself again. So she made this change, not to destroy the fantasy land, but to convey her mind to all the people in the fantasy land in this way.

In the fight with Lingmeng, she felt the strength of Lingmeng, not the strength, but the strength of mind and will.

So she was finally able to let go of the last worry of her life.

What's the saddest thing about lumia after her memory recovered?

It's mama.

That is the person she loves most, but she ate the person she loves most personally in the end. She survived and didn't need to eat any more people, but the happiness she longed for most was lost at that moment.

Is there anything more painful when you know that you will eat your most desired "happiness"?

After accepting this memory, she was tortured by great guilt and pain. She had no reason and qualification to live.

"... is lumia going to disappear?"

Watching lumia's body gradually disappear, the fans have already been in tears.

Last time, they lost their mother. This time, they want to take lumia away from them, too?

It's cruel.

Lumia lies on the shoulder of Lingmeng, with tears and a satisfied smile, which touches the hearts of countless fans.

"In retrospect, I've done stupid things in my life. I don't know what I want to do. I only regret what I have done. But, despite that, I did a happy thing. It's great to meet you... With that person... And then, most importantly... With you. "

It's so nice to meet you.

This is the happiest thing in my life.

However, the story does not end. The same tragedy cannot be used twice.

After lumia's death, she came to a world. Her dead grandmother appeared again. She showed lumia another fantasy land, which is a fantasy land where "fantasy" and "reality" coexist.

This world is actually the boundary set up by purple mother and youyouzi to avoid the underworld, until lumia. That's why Purple Mother seems so weak and sleepy. She has been unknown for many years, maintaining the border.

Now I can't afford it, and the border begins to collapse.

Maybe I'll go back to the underworld, maybe I'll disappear, but

Lumia and grandma look at each other and smile. No matter where they are, as long as they can be with each other, that's where happiness lies.

However, there was another man who followed.

Lingmeng's little figure followed lumia's skirt.

This is a dream born only of spiritual dream, which ignores all laws and even the passing of nature. It is a "dream born" floating on all thingsMama is a human, lost * * has been unable to go back, but lumia incarnation of darkness, but can go back.

With a little push, she pushed lumia to Lingmeng.

This is a perfect ending to the story of witch and ogre.

As the sun goes down, Lingmeng drags out the shadow of tasting on the earth with the smaller figure of lumia on her back. This scene overlaps with that of a long time ago.

Tears and happiness, flooded the fantasy Town, but also flooded the hearts of fans.

"Thank you, master Porter, for bringing us a very happy story. It's great to see this story. " At the end of "Oriental Dream", countless fans send their sincere wishes.

Although this is just a short film, it is insignificant compared with the numerous novels, but it is really an unforgettable move for the countless fans who are deeply in love with fantasy town.

It's great to meet you.

It's great to see fantasy country( (to be continued)