This is a war that has long been doomed.

Although the individual strength of parasitic animals is strong, they are not invincible. Their bodies are still human bodies. If their bodies die, they will die, and they cannot reproduce.

In the face of the overwhelming number of human beings, even if the parasitic animals can kill hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of people, but in the face of a fully armed army that has learned how to distinguish the parasitic animals, the defeat of the parasitic animals is sooner or later.

In the battle with goto, Xiaoyou and Xinyi ambush goto, but the calculation is wrong. Goto is too powerful, which leads to the failure of their sneak attack. ".

In this sneak attack plan, Xiaoyou separated from Xinyi's body to interfere with goto's sense. You can't fight for a long time in this way, otherwise the little right will die because it has been out of the body for a long time.

After the attack failed, Xiaoyou and goto were deadlocked.

In order to save Xiaoyou, Xinyi rushes over, but Xiaoyou asks Xinyi not to come over and lets Xinyi run away. Only when Xiaoyou drags down goto can Xinyi get enough time to escape.

As a staunch egoist, the parasite has always taken ensuring its own survival as its primary purpose, so it can attack anything that hinders its own survival without hesitation, even if the other party is its own kind. At this critical moment, Xiaoyou chose to sacrifice himself to save Xinyi.

If he had just been a parasite, he would not have made such a choice. He even said that he did not understand such a choice. When Tiangong did not escape in order to protect his children, his surprise and shock still reverberated in his ears.

In its judgment, whether the new one comes or not, it will die. For a parasite. If you are destined to die. It doesn't matter. If new comers fight back, maybe they can gain a chance of life.

However, he chose to die by himself and left his life to the new one.

It no longer thinks for itself, it learns to think for others.

"Goodbye, Shinichi. We'll say goodbye here, Shinichi. Fortunately, you were the first one I met. Fortunately, it didn't take away your brain, so we can become friends and share all kinds of happiness... "

"Consciousness is more and more far away, sleepy, and loneliness is more and more intense. Is that death?"

Small right more and more weak voice, let a person sad.

In this war of survival between humans and parasitic animals.

Born as a parasitic animal, but got the greatest maternal love in human nature.

There's also the emergence of being human. But it has already exterminated human nature, and is more like a parasite than a parasite.

Born though a parasitic animal. But it's on the right side of the human race.

The mayor, who was a human being but a parasite, was born.

At the same time, it also gave birth to a new generation, which is not only human but also parasite, neither human nor parasite.

The difference between human beings and parasitic animals lies in the choice of self-interest and altruism. The little right, parasitic on the new one's right hand, instincts are absolutely rational and take individual survival as the criterion to judge. They are puzzled by human beings' irrational sacrifice sometimes, and gradually understand human nature in the time of living together with the new one.

"It scared me to death. I thought Xiao you was dead."

Xiaoyou and Xinyi's body are completely integrated. What splits out is 7O% of it. The unconscious part that remains in the body seems to talk to him in his sleep. He feels that Xiaoyou is not dead.

Finally, it comforted the tender hearts of the fans.

Maslow, a psychologist, put forward the hierarchy of human needs theory, which includes physiological needs, security needs, social needs, respect needs and self realization needs. This theory can be said to be an explanation, but also can be seen as a result of a large-scale investigation of people.

"After thousands of years of evolution, it is a fact that the needs of human beings are not satisfied with food and clothing; With more needs, human beings will certainly grab more from the surrounding environment, which is also a fact. My view of this fact is that it already exists and cannot be reversed, so accept it. "

"I can accept the human nature of self satisfaction. However, it seems that human beings are more willing to cover up some cruel facts with some beautiful statements. For example, it is moral to protect the environment, and it is just to get rid of the unfavorable factors (biological or other). I don't like that. I think it's unreasonable and hypocritical to pretend that you are superior when you are just satisfied to make yourself better. "

"However, denying or whitewashing is also a kind of psychological defense mechanism. It has been developed for a long time. People are really complicated. I know that, but I don't like it. ""As far as I am concerned, what I prefer is to fully understand my actions, then take actions, and then take responsibility for my actions. I will agree more with people around me who have the same idea, or people with two dimensions. "

"In parasitic beast, he will unconsciously like Xiao you more. He has a good understanding of himself, his surroundings and the whole world, and will continue to learn and update his knowledge base to deepen his understanding of the world; On the other hand, they will ignore many human characters. They seldom know what they are really doing, and whether the things they do can be well undertaken, as a result, they have never thought about it at all. For example, the female student who poured sulfuric acid on the parasitic animals, for example, the dead female Er Ganai. However, it may also be because they know the whole picture of the matter, and the people in the play don't know much about it. "

At first, I like Xiaoyou because of its novelty, its right hand, and its interesting and cute.

However, with the deepening of the story, as a parasitic animal, in his life with Xinyi, he gradually understands human beings, understands human nature, and possesses human nature, which makes people rethink biology, survival, human beings and nature.

"The most moving part of the story is that Xiao you, knowing that he was defeated, tried his best to block the attack of the same kind and wanted to run a new fast."

"This cold-blooded animal who insists on his own survival is the first factor and regards the killing in order to achieve this goal as natural, but finally has feelings like human beings and understands the value of emotion and the meaning of sacrifice. In little right's mind. It's incredible to think that human beings will sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. For a time, it was even regarded as the instinct of ethnic continuity. It's like ants and bees protecting their nests. "

"But in the end, it was because of this unusual friendship that it made such a decision. It must be in the eyes of the porter master that this is the treasure of mankind. It's a pity that people are increasingly indifferent to each other. The result of free and open thinking and the diversified development of society has also led to more and more difficult communication between people. Because of this, people are more willing to pay for all kinds of moving consumption. "

"Even so, it must be admitted. Although this powerful emotional force is difficult to become a powerful tool to save human beings due to the lack of effective organization, it at least gives people a glimmer of hope as individuals, because it makes it possible for people to make self sacrifice out of good emotions rather than survival interests, and further understand moderation, so as to reflect on themselves as individuals, And put it into the action of starting from me and starting from small things, so as to realize the sublimation and leap of one's own spiritual level. "

"It would be better if we could further influence each other and gradually produce a difficult reversal of the overall development direction of seeking common ground while reserving differences. However, considering that on this truly meaningful Road, the pace of human beings is always slow and almost hopeless. So I don't think it's going to be human hope. As a matter of fact, the progress of human beings has always been good, and the scar has forgotten the pain. It's just a high-profile tightrope

"Shinichi's last hard cut. In my opinion, it's more like cutting at human beings, because goto is no longer a species aiming at survival, but a real "monster" that attacks and hunts human beings for fun, which is so similar to human beings. "

"It's also a parasitic animal. Xiaoyou gets a good part of the human spirit, but houteng unconsciously has the evil of human nature. It not only enhances the depth of the work, but also brings more powerful shock to the audience. Perhaps with the rapid renewal and development of human material civilization, accumulation and thinking are doomed to be doomed, but still sincerely feel that it is a wonderful thing that such a master of thought exists in human beings. "

Philosophers always persuade people to reflect on themselves, but how many people can resist the torture and even denial of themselves in the process of "reflection"?

Xiaoyou and Xinyi are not philosophers. They just experience the real feelings in their daily life and later contact with other parasitic animals. To borrow the classic concept of Marxism, they are "alienation".

Put aside the tedious explanation, the real feeling of "alienation" is: "always feel what's wrong?"

It was, or should have been, but it turned out to be totally different.

This is true of Xiaoyou, Xinyi, human beings and parasitic animals.

In the early stage of the story, it shows a frightening world: the parasitic animals sneak into the human body, wait for the food in the dark, and the human can only become the food in their mouth when they don't know the truth.

But in the mid-term, the situation changed. People who were aware of the existence of parasitic animals began to resist. At this time, the parasitic animals hid in the crowd, one by one to be examined, found one, and put on a shot.

The strong has become the weak, and the weak has become the strong. In the mutual transformation of this position, both parasitic animals and people have to think about the significance of this situation.In general, they are antagonistic, but there are also some symbiotic companions. Because Tiangong is pregnant with human life, he also began to think about the significance of his existence. After all, parasitic animals devour human beings, not breed human beings.

The parasitic animals such as goto take the ultimate approach. The mutual fusion of parasitic animals forms a strong individual, but it completely collapses under the invasion of garbage toxins made by human beings. People can't help but think of the words that Tanaka said at that time: "we are very vulnerable."

Strength and fragility, rationality and brutality, symbiosis and phagocytosis, conflict and reconciliation constitute the keynote of this work( (to be continued)