PS: if you want to hear more about your voice, and want to receive more suggestions, search for WeChat official account "qdread" and pay more attention to it, and give more support to the father of reborn animation. Maybe gentleness is more able to arouse people's care. The voting lasted for a week, and finally Shiyin won the champion of this voting by a very weak margin - 1974334 votes.

Then came the ancient pear flower, which won 1971256 votes under the triple bonus of loli, maimeng and Wunv.

This time, Ju, Ru, Ren, wife and the party had the upper hand.

Also once again confirmed the "milk is not huge how to gather people's heart" this wise saying.

However, he Chen felt that if he submitted the voting lists of ancient hand pear flower and sanduzi to the police, I wonder if the police would provide him with a certificate and a banner to purify the social atmosphere?

He Chen thought for a long time and decided to give up the idea - although he didn't vote, it was because he knew what the vote was. However, fans don't know that in the case of ignorance, behind every vote is their love for these characters, and he Chen has the same love (for the poor and the suckling) as them. As a like-minded comrade, how can he betray Ge Ming?

"Next, it should be the home of Shiyin, right?"

Long live the sound of poetry

Won the victory, fans like big Pu Ben.

"When the cicadas cry" is also a cartoon and animation broadcast at the same time. After the animation broadcast, some people feel something wrong.

In the cartoon, there is no sound, no theme song, no BGM. Readers are completely immersed in the rhythm of hechen's cartoon, and their brains make up countless happy BGM.

But the OP and theme song of animation. But let people have a great sense of disobedience.

"I feel that this theme song is not in line with the atmosphere of animation at all. It's a cheerful story in the animation. Why does this theme song sound so exciting. There is always a feeling of depression and sadness? "

"It's not just the songs, it's the pictures in the Op. They are also full of dark colors, and from time to time, some pictures that can give people a kind of gloomy and terrifying feeling will flash quickly

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way."

"Is it a sinister and terrifying story?"

In the face of this theme song with different styles, fans are speculating.

What clues are revealed from those seemingly cheerful stories, such as various mysterious legends of mianliu festival in the village, the events of the dead in the village, etc., all make the story complicated.

Especially in the trailer at the end of the first episode. The audience should sound like a preview of the sound of pear blossom, but it's not a soft voice like pear blossom, but a mature voice with cold, tired and vicissitudes.

It said, "can you believe it? What you see with your own eyes. Can you believe it? What happened. Can you believe it? I don't know

Three "can you believe it?" It seems to be a question to the audience. After finishing the title of the next episode, he said, "can you believe it?".

At the end of the second episode, it's still the voice of Indifference: "all you can see is the house of hypocrisy. All you can see is empty eyes. All I can see is a repeat of the tragedy. " At the end of the title. It's still "can you believe it?".

What it says is "can you believe it?" What is it?

Is it Li Hua or someone else who said this?

&nbp The questions in the next episode and the preview will make the audience suspicious. The content of mianliu chapter of "when the cicadas cry" officially begins. He Chen adjusts the order. Since the fans chose the poetic sound, he started from the blackening of poetic sound.

There are only four episodes of animation in mianliu. He Chen uses two episodes of cute and daily to show the background of the story to the audience. Then, the audience immediately ushers in the real essence of "when the cicadas cry".

At the beginning, Jiang Yan looked at "when the cicadas cry" with a relaxed mood and a cute girl's attitude. As for why a girl likes to watch cute girl, it's a personal interest.

But she suddenly found that the painting style had changed!

It's not that kind of sudden change. But the style of painting has changed literally!

Just like "the little round face of the magic girl" at that time, daily life and fighting are two completely different styles!

And in the time when cicadas cry. She felt it again. Obviously, it's still those people. It's still like that. It doesn't change much, but it gives people a world shaking feeling.It's like pet elf and curse are so different.

Although the feeling of change is very dramatic, but it is very magical that people can not feel the sense of disobedience, as if it has always been such a style.

From her channels as an internal employee of Tianman, we know that although Gao Yang and Qiu Yun, who are very good at cute subjects, are the assistants of "when the cicadas cry", they are only assistants for the daily cute part - that is, the content of the first two episodes of animation, and the next part, Because Gao Yang and Qiu Yun didn't seem to be competent enough to meet he Chen's requirements for later painting.

According to Li Meng, one of he Chen's assistants who has a good relationship with her, it seems that another Porter's "ghost assistant" has taken over the latter part of the painting. It is rumored that the porter has a very powerful assistant beside him, but he doesn't like to make it public, so he never leaves a name on any works, So the mysterious assistant is called "ghost assistant", which is one of the seven legends of Tianman.

In the first half of each chapter of "when the cicadas cry", which is the part of daily cute, he Chen uses the ordinary cute style, while in the second half, which is the part of plot reversal, he Chen uses the painting method he understands when he completes the task of unlocking the system.

The perfect combination of "cute" and "Thriller", which are two styles that should not be allowed by fire and water, promotes the appeal of the picture to another level.

He Chen is not a private person. The better you draw, the better he reads comics, isn't he?

So he will learn this skill. He imparted it without reservation, but the difficulty seems to be a little high. Even he Chen's assistants are very talented people. For the time being, I haven't been able to fully grasp it. I can't use this style to help hechen.

So he Chen only asked Gao Yang and Qiu Yun to help draw the first half. The latter half of hechen let Lingyan participate in it - Lingyan, which is beyond the specification, soon learned such a style. Although he Chen had the ability and time to serialize by himself, only a small part of them, Ling Yan seemed to want to practice his painting skills, so he asked him to try when the cicadas cry.

He Chen is indispensable.

Although Jiang Yan is an employee of Tianman, he Chen's assistant and the animation department and game department who can get in touch with the story ahead of time are fighting against the evil creature "spoiler party". They all have confidentiality rules.

Therefore, even Jiang Yan can only follow most fans in the same way.

She knew that the assistant of "when the cicadas cry" had changed a little, but she never thought that the style would change so much!

It was as if she had been watching "chinchilla", but when she looked at it, she suddenly found that she was watching the bloody horror version of "chinchilla"!

It's scary to watch alone at night, OK!

What about the Hougong?

What about some of the popular plots?

At the end of the mianliu chapter, Guiyi lies in the hospital and has been identified as the ghost of death. His face was covered with blood. He crawled out from under his bed and grabbed his wrist.

Lying in the warm bed at night, I still feel the biting wind. Jiang Yan almost threw away the iPad on his chest.

Enchantment sound is very beautiful, even if the face is full of blood, it is still not terrible.

However, he hechen's creation of the atmosphere is too powerful. Here, the image of the charm sound that he drew from Guiyi's first perspective is even more powerful than the rendering power of the horror cartoon "Zhenzi" that had similar plots at that time.

At that moment, Jiang Yan even felt that her wrist was caught by an invisible force, like the wind from hell blowing all the way from her toes to the top of her head.

She opened her eyes wide and stared at her wrist.

The rest of his eyes swept the bottom of the bed in horror, as if a black shadow would come out from under the next moment.

On a warm bed. She felt cold.

She was wrapped in a warm quilt, so that she did not feel the slightest bit of security.

For the first time, she regretted not listening to her parents. Find a partner, if she can find one. At this time, she could at least hold her tightly and chat for comfort - as for whether the other half was male or female, she didn't care any more.

It's just a love story in the harem. Why should it be so scary? Is there any public morality!

Jiang Yan's heart issued a silent cry.

She suddenly remembered that "when the cicadas cry" didn't seem to be harem's love from the beginning... It didn't even have a label.At the beginning, she thought it was the fault of Tianman staff, but the absence of a label did not affect the viewing, so she did not care.

But now, I'm afraid the boss did it on purpose!

All these are just wishful thinking misunderstandings. Who can make you think only of the harem when you see a man or a woman, a school transfer, a cute girl and so on?

The worst thing is that the broadcast time of "when the cicadas cry" is still at 11 pm.

Although as a work listed as "no viewing under the age of 15", it is basically arranged in the late night.


How scared she is(《 Rebirth of the father of anime will have more fresh content on the official wechat platform. At the same time, there will be a 1OO% lucky draw for you! Now open WeChat, click the "+" number on the top right, add friends, search the official account "qdread" and pay attention to it. (to be continued)

ps Seven legends of Tianman

1 : Ghost assistant.

2 : whenever the porter jumps the big God, there must be a classic.

3 : Xu Yue's gender.

4 The dubbing of Ling Boli.

5 A work with an English name must be a tear jerker.

6 :……

7 Wait till I think about it.