In the animation festival, Tianman's exhibition area is always the target of fans' key strategy. At this time, Tianman will not only release some new works, but also all the things released in the exhibition are limited edition!

The album, which is made entirely for the exhibition, is only issued in limited quantity at the exhibition. It will be sold out and never sold again!

For some fans who like to collect, it is self-evident what the three words "limited edition" mean. In addition, the most important point is that other people release limited edition, which generally means that the price is expensive. After all, it is limited edition, and rare things are expensive. However, the price of Tianman's "limited edition" is very low, and it always adheres to the original idea of hechen.

"Do you have any new materials for Oriental Fantasy this time?"

For more than half a year, there has been no movement. A group of Oriental fans are eager to see it. They even wonder if the master Porter has completely forgotten the fantasy town.

This exhibition is their last hope, because the first appearance of "Oriental Fantasy" series was at the exhibition. Every year, the exhibition will definitely produce a new expansion film.

"Yes, yes, people in front of us have already heard the news. This time, Oriental fantasy land will release a new expansion film again!" Next to him, a man with glasses looked at his mobile phone and said the exciting news. Immediately, he was surrounded by people around him to inquire about the news.

"Really? What's the new expansion

"Is there a new scene?"

"What new characters will come out?"

The man was overwhelmed by these "enthusiastic" moves: "don't squeeze, don't squeeze, I can't speak any more... Who touches my mobile phone!" A roar. At last, the crowd was subdued.

He cleared his throat. Just slowly said: "now no one plays. I don't know the scene or the character yet... "

With that, they all "relied on" and went back to their own team to continue the conversation with their peers. See no one to take care of themselves, the man quickly said: "but the name of the new expansion has come out!"

"What is it?"

"Oriental flower reflecting grave."

"Huayingzhong? Why does the name sound so familiar? " Hearing the name, some people feel very familiar with it.

Someone nearby clapped his hands and thought of it, reminding him: "the cemetery set up for the characters in the animation. Isn't it huayingzhong? "

It suddenly dawned on everyone that since they came to participate in the animation festival, it is impossible to miss the scenic spots built by Tianman. In the previous ten days, most fans have visited there.

Fans in the back row were discussing with high interest. With the official opening of the exhibition, more and more news came from the front.

Fantasy town has revived.

The white of winter is embellished by the sunshine of spring, and fantasy town has completely regained the color of vitality.

During the winter, the power of sleeping colors awakens and covers the dreamland.

And flowers at the same time, monsters are also active.

It's a very beautiful nature. To the surprise of all the residents of fantasy Town, they soon found something different.

cherry blossoms. Sunflower, wild chrysanthemum, Platycodon grandiflorum

It's still spring, but all the flowers of the year are in full bloom.

Most of the human beings and all the monsters have accepted the gift of nature and are excited for the short time.

However, the most cheerful human beings in the fantasy town are rarely alarmed.

"This kind of change is obvious at a glance, and it must be solved as soon as possible. Otherwise, we must say it's my neglect again! "

As usual, the unruly witch rarely picked up her abandoned integrity and ran out of the shrine by intuition.

Others, based on curiosity, sense of responsibility, or just want to get rid of boredom, set out from their respective places to find the truth.

Here is the story background of the new material "Oriental flower reflecting grave" in "Oriental fantasy land", and it is also the beginning of this new change.

"Why does it feel like we made this change?" This time is full of "coincidence" again, giving people a kind of ridiculous.

"What do you say?"

"You see, the cemetery huayingzhong built by Tianman was not very desolate at first, was it?" The man explained to you.

The crowd nodded, and the man said, "then we planted the forget me not flower in memory of those characters who have passed away..."The man glanced at everyone, and his words were not yet spoken, but they were self-evident.

After all these days of deep "mourning", the barren huayingzhong has been covered by the little white flowers who don't forget me, and the bare cemetery is now worthy of the name of "huayingzhong".

But everyone just planted flowers on it. The story of fantasy land changed because of the flowers. Although we know that the two are completely irrelevant, people still have a sense of dream in their hearts.

In front of the queue has been queuing to buy these people, have been unable to restrain their hands, directly participate in the next game trial activities.

Hanging on the top of the booth, the big screens on all sides broadcast the video of the game trial for the fans in the boring queue.

This time, there was the same mode of group war as that of Yongye copying.

Players in the process of looking for the source of change, will encounter players did not choose to the role. This time, the decision mechanism is based on the number of players. One player will encounter one, two players will encounter two, and so on. Therefore, the maximum number of players in this expansion is only half of the total number of characters in the game so far.

However, in theory, few people are willing to play a barrage game with such a large number of people. It's not that the more people there are, the better. On the contrary, if there are more than ten or twenty people, there will be a super combination barrage, which is more vicious than the rampage and magic moon, which used to abuse countless fans. There will be no dead corner in the whole screen, except B, Basically, we have to wait to die.

Tianman's game trial activities only give four positions, the difficulty is not high, not low. However, most of the people are still frustrated in the group battle. After all, this is fantasy difficulty.

However, some people have been prepared. Now this has become a formal E-sports competition of Tianman. Have a professional team game. There are also countless folk experts, and they are indispensable to Tianman's booth.

Two days ago, the finals of "matchless fantasy" just ended, but here are two of the world's top "Oriental Fantasy" professional teams.

According to Tianman's past practice, if a new expansion of "Oriental fantasy land" is released, then there will be a game trial. For Tianman fans, the prize is absolutely mouth watering.

So they came here early to line up.

For other players, it may be a very difficult group battle mode. For the professional team of "matchless fantasy" whose selling point is group war, it is very simple. Of course, because the game is just started, the difficulty itself is not very high, which is also a reason.

Four members of the professional team gave the players a wonderful team battle in fantasy Town, and at the same time, they finally promoted the process of the game, so that the players could see the new role of shooting life pill.

This is the only boss in the game who can move at super high speed (fantasy mode).

Even the reaction of the professional team, because of the first contact with such a crazy boss, was also confused and embarrassed.

She Ming Wan Wen. The crow dog is no different from human in appearance. Back wings, black silk miniskirt, only from the appearance, is a very lovely girl. At the same time, she is also a (eight trigrams) girl, who specializes in collecting and compiling the (eight trigrams) news of the beautiful girls in fantasy town. She is a famous reporter in fantasy town and the author of Wenwen daily, a best-selling magazine in fantasy town.

But in fantasy country, the more lovely things are, the more dangerous they are.

Especially the reporter, can it not be dangerous?

And she Ming Wan Wen is one of the most powerful monsters in fantasy town. It's a matter of course that we can have the strength of such lunacy.

This is also a survival mode. Wenwen doesn't like fighting. She just comes to look for gossip. Although the speed is fast, but the barrage is not enough to make people despair, so beat her alive, delay enough time, even if the pass.

After Wen Wen, there's Meredith? Melanie Kerry, compared with Wenwen, this abandoned doll turned into a goblin brings much less pressure to the players.

This level can be regarded as a transitional management card for players who have experienced continuous fierce fighting. However, the vast majority of players always believe that this level is a trap that hechen deliberately uses to paralyze them, because the difficulty will suddenly increase after the next level, and the sudden change of rhythm will make people less responsive, so they will fall under the next level.

After meidixin is the fragrance of the wind, how can the change of flowers not make people think of the master of flowers in the four seasons?

This is also the only character that players can't choose in this expansion.

After all these "passers-by" are defeated, we can see the leading person at the top of the main three routes. Cho... Onosuzuki is the biggest boss of the whole fantasy village and the biggest enemy of all the poor milk alliance. She has the most ferocious milk in the whole fantasy village, and she is the God of death standing at the top of women, Her heartless sickle will take away everything from a woman's chest( The above is pure fiction, if there is any similarity, it is pure coincidence)Of course, if there is a god of death, there is no lack of Yama. Machi's boss, Yama, the supreme magistrate of paradise, Siji Yingji? Yamaxanadu.

Finally, the customs clearance, this change is still not solved, but people in fantasy town are no longer worried.

No matter the God of death in santuhe or the Lord of hell, they can't recover the flowers in fantasy town.

As a result, the flowers of fantasy country continue to bloom.

These flowers bloom because of the souls of those who have lost their places.

The number of flowers in full bloom decreases as the ghosts continue to cross the santu river.

The sunflower that comes from a cheerful person is good,

The flowers of the other shore that come from the lonely people are good,

And Ziying, who was opened by someone who committed a felony

It'll be back before summer.

If the outside world returns to normal, the number of ghosts will naturally decrease.

The other shore of illusion seen by human beings outside is returning to this shore of illusion( (to be continued)