When eating, a table of people are silent, all head down, playing with mobile phones.

"Hey, hey, let's put it down after dinner..." he Chen speechless urged.




All of them, including Ling Yan, nodded and agreed to hechen, but they didn't put it down at all. They were playing with the mobile phone weapon race girl wholeheartedly.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Walnut gave a very obscene laugh, such laughter has been common in hechen, walnut muttered to himself: "I've got another 姌姌 and I'll let 姌姌 fill my back palace!"

He Chen thought about it, and thought whether to order Luo Hao to do something for walnut's ID, so that she could never succeed?

As he thought about it, he Chen took a bite while eating, and the strange smell reverberated in his mouth.

"... mamiko, which country are you cooking this time?"

He Chen's face changed suddenly, but he swallowed it reluctantly. There's no doubt about Ma Meizi's cooking skills. With such a strange taste, he Chen can only think that Ma Meizi has started to develop new dishes again... At least this taste really makes he Chen unhappy.

He Chen screamed, but Ma Meizi didn't respond. The dish with chopsticks has been in the air for a long time. He Chen seems to be able to hear the roar of the dish. Do you want to eat it or not!

Ma Meizi devotes herself to looking at the mobile phone, sometimes poking it on the screen with her finger.

He Chen called again, and then Ma Meizi came back and asked, "Mr. Chen? What's the matter? "

What's up?

He Chen said the problem to Ma Meizi again.

"I'm cooking Cantonese food this time?"

Ma Meizi puzzled and put the food in her mouth. The brow immediately wrinkled. He rushed to find a napkin. I spit things out of my mouth and throw them away.

Hechen is even more terrifying... How do you make dishes that you can't even eat!

Needless to say, he Chen already knows the spicy taste of this dish!

Because Ma Meizi's thin and tender lips had become bright red, and tears almost appeared in her eyes. Then she took a sip of the porridge in front of her, but just tasted a small mouthful, she was choked out.

She was breathing in the air. Just looking at her appearance, he Chen felt that he was going to die.

Ma Meizi tasted every dish, as if she had been tortured. Her pretty faces were all crowded together, like a bun.

Ma Meizi's face was ruddy and ashamed. If the floor wasn't too strong, maybe she would dig a hole and bury herself.

"Mr. Chen... I'm sorry. Sorry, I made a mistake. It's the wrong sauce. I'll... I'll do it again. " Ma Meizi stood up and said repeatedly as she bowed to he Chen.

A bow, a head long directly thrown into the porridge, and caused her scream, will make himself in a mess.

Face red black, I'm afraid for introverted she, want to die heart afraid have.

All in all, some dishes need to put salt, forget to put, or put too much, some sweet porridge, put salt as sugar, some dishes put too much pepper

"..." for this "accident", he Chen really has nothing to say. In the past, he was most relieved that although he was introverted and timid, but he was serious about Ma Meizi, who could have such a thing, "What's the matter? Are you sick? "

He Chen asked Ma Meizi with concern that this was her first accident in such a long time. The only thing he could think of was that she was "sick" or something happened in her heart.

Girls, in their early twenties, are good times for youth and beauty. It's common for them to have something in mind.

He Chen reflected on whether he used to call on Ma Meizi too much. After all, Ma Meizi is not his "maid" in terms of identity. It seems that she will have to have more holidays in the future.

"Thank you, I, I'm ok, I..." Ma Meizi pinches.

This attitude is more important to hechen's conjecture.

"If you have something to say, I promise your father to take good care of you, so you will not be wronged." He Chen said to Ma Meizi without shame that he promised to take care of Ma Meizi by going to Tuohai, and then he took Ma Meizi as a maid.

"No, no, I'm... I'm really sorry. Yes, it's my fault that I messed up everything by playing" weapon race girl ". I won't play any more... I'm sorry."

In the face of hechen's gentle and concerned inquiry, mamiko was speechless and ashamed. She honestly told her problems and kept saying sorry.“……”

Hechen was silent. At this time, he didn't know what kind of expression to make.

Just smile?

Other people at the dinner table have been immersed in mobile phones for a long time. What happened here can't wake them up at all. They are numbly repeating the action of "putting vegetables into their mouth". Like a robot with a set program, they are mechanically swallowing. The taste that is hard to swallow seems not to be felt at all.

Masako is ashamed to prepare to take these dishes down.

He Chen seemed to have some idea in his mind, so he waved to Ma Meizi: "go and be careful. It's shameful to waste food... Let them eat it."

"Well, is that good?" Ma Meizi looks at everyone. She has tasted the food and deeply understands the terrible taste of the dark food on this table.

"It's OK. They can eat anyway." He Chen smiles a little, there is a kind of evil smell. Ma Meizi suddenly had a little fear of hechen. She seemed to see a devil's tail growing behind the angel who represented hope and light in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I'm going to delete the weapon race girl." Ma Meizi said immediately.

"It doesn't matter to play games, but remember not to do such things again." Although he Chen said so, Ma Meizi decided not to play any more. If she made another mistake, what kind of punishment would Chen Jun let her enjoy?

Ma Meizi shudders when she thinks about it.

"Chen Jun, what do you want to eat? I'll make it for you later." Ma Meizi asked softly, as if she wanted to brush her favor to avoid the unknown danger.

"Come on, don't do it. Please, I'll take out."

Since the birth of mamiko, he has never eaten takeout. Now, it seems to be a good enjoyment to eat takeout once in a while. At least he can refresh his taste, so as not to let his mouth get too used to the taste of mamiko and not feel the charm of delicious food.

"Aluminum... No, water! Water! Water

Back to the God of walnut finally felt wrong, or she finally felt wrong just back to God, chicken flying dog leaping to find water.

When Yi Jing Hui came back to herself, the plate was empty, and he Chen and Ma Meizi were no longer on the table. However, what made her frown was that she felt strange in her mouth, as if she had eaten something very bad.

She looks at hechen suspiciously. There is a family bucket and two boxes of pizzas on the tea table in the living room. Hechen is eating calmly with mamiko.

Suspicious, so suspicious!

Yi Jing Hui puts her eyes on he Chen again. This guy must have done something!

She thought in her heart, as for Ma Meizi, such a good cook, how could she have such a strange taste in her mouth?

So, he Chen must have done all this!

Yi Jing rushes to find he Chen. She has already figured out how to compensate her. Give her a little krypton!


"Weapons race girl" game cloth day, animation also will be released.

The game is divided into warship girl, fighter girl, chariot girl and weapon girl, and the animation is correspondingly divided into four parts. Although they are separated, because they are all the same game, there is not much difference in the plot of the four films as a whole. The only difference is the difference between the human settings and the main dubbing.

To put it bluntly, this is a work of "entertainment" (cheating money), just like the trend of magic girls, but this time hechen directly cut off other people's future.

Completely follow their own, all the series are out, so that others even have no way to follow!

This time the animation, thoroughly some good at changing the voice of the dubbing strength, play incisively and vividly. In all previous animations, most of the dubbing was performed with only one character, or some long Tao with few lines. Only Yi Jinghui was a double character, and one of the characters often played backwards.

As a result, most people's reaction to these strengths is relatively flat. What they think is "ah, she / he can still voice such a role" and "Oh, it's amazing that she / he can still make such a voice".

However, in the four animations of weapon race girl, there are many characters in each of them. One person matches one character... Tianman has to pay more!

Moreover, a person with a role can not highlight the highlights of dubbing.

So in this animation, fans really feel what is called "fine points live"!When the first episode of animation ended and the subtitle list began to appear, what people talked about was not whether the animation was good-looking or interesting, but

"The trough! impossible! Yi Jinglin dubs 20 roles by herself

"I'm kidding

"Xu Yue also voiced, and voiced three, TMD, I can't hear it!! My ears

"Everyone has at least 2 dubbing people, I didn't hear it at all!"

"Just now there was a scene where five shipwives were talking and arguing together, but it turned out that Yi Jinglin was the only one who voiced them! It's fine, it must be fine! "

"The two pairs of lilies, Dajing and Beishang, are both walnut voiced! A person talks to himself, dubs his narcissistic voice... Shame degree explodes

Fans looked at the gorgeous dubbing list in disbelief, their eyes were dull( (to be continued)

ps Which is better in fine separation technology?
