"Teacher Yi, long time no see..."

An elegant looking middle-aged man came to visit Yi Tianxing. He is a student of Yi Tianxing and has become a professor. They exchanged greetings and went straight to the subject.

Yi Tianxing is not a person who likes to beat around the bush. Naturally, his students know Yi Tianxing's nature very well, so they directly asked Yi Tianxing, "teacher, have you ever seen those things about that rabbit that year?"

Yi Tianxing also contributed to that year's story about the rabbit. He Chen also discussed and asked him for a lot of information and opinions. After all, Yi Tianxing's understanding of "history" is far more profound and familiar than he Chen's "foreign registered permanent residence" whose age is not as big as Yi Tianxing's. However, he Chen is not a big mouth. Maybe it's a worthwhile thing for others to have the participation of the "Novara award winner", but for them, this "false name" is meaningless.

Therefore, at most, others only know that Yi Tianxing and he Chen are close friends. They don't know that Yi Tianxing had had in-depth communication with he Chen before the publication of that year's rabbit.

Yi Tianxing nodded: "I've seen some of them, and I have a little understanding."

He is very familiar with hechen's ideas and plans. After the publication of that year's rabbit, he only looked at some of them, so it's not too much to say that he has a "little" understanding.

Yi Tianxing looks at his students and waits for his next words. Since the students mentioned this, the purpose of his coming should be this work. On second thought, he had already vaguely understood the purpose of his students, who were teaching modern history.

A little sigh in my heart, no matter what. Both have two sides. If there is only one voice, it will be extremely dangerous. Therefore, although he does not agree with the students' views, he still appreciates the students' attitude of daring to raise objections.

He waited for the students' words to verify his guess.

"I know the teacher has a good personal relationship with hechen, but I still want to be frank《 What happened to that rabbit that year is an insult to history! To distort the whole history is a violation of history. It's disrespect for the thousands of souls who died on this land! "

"There are more and more such things that take history as a drama. All kinds of places are full of these messy things, misleading the audience and readers. I don't want our children's brains to be occupied by this junk information. I don't want our future generations not to know their own history. So. I implore the teacher to lead us to oppose these cultural dross that distort history and harm people and children! "

The students sincerely request Yi Tianxing's words.

Yi Tianxing's eyes are clear, and his mind is so.

From the beginning of the serial, the voice of that rabbit that year has never stopped, whether it's conservative, greedy or nothing. Earn reply Bo eyeball, but all by he Chen that at the height of the sun, extremely terrible reputation overwhelming.

So, finally someone came to Yi Tianxing.

As the leader of the cultural industry, Yi Tianxing is a leader. And what he Chen represents is comics.

Yi Tianxing has always had a good relationship with he Chen. He is upright and upright. He is famous for his outspokenness, sharp style of writing, and cherishing the nation. He has a high influence in both the world and the Chinese literary world. It would be more appropriate for him to fight against hechen.

In fact, such a sound. As early as before he Chen, it had existed for a long time - before comics, net text was everyone's target.

For some old-fashioned people, such things that betray scriptures and Taoism should be "burned books and trapped scholars" and the world should be clean.

However, what Yi Tianxing has noticed is another aspect. He has been pursuing a balance between entertainment and thought. How can he enhance interest without affecting the content he wants to express? That is to say, the deep things are expressed in very simple language - what he pursues is Xiaobai Wen, not ordinary Xiaobai Wen, but Xiaobai Wen that can make more people like to see, but can easily feel what he wants to express.

He didn't want to be famous. He wanted to write some magnificent works in the history of China. He hoped that countless such people would be born in the future, instead of just a few now.

On this point, he very much agrees with hechen's view that interest is the first element of attraction, so that people can be sincerely led into the world by them.

He Chen's talent is amazing, he can create a very deep, it can be said that a Book of God works (EVA), also willing to create for commercial, and create very interesting and attractive works (PET elves).

Looking at the history of he Chen's fortune, we can see that he has been working step by step, from shallow to deep, from low to high. He is like a big tree. He takes root first, and then leaves and branches from a main trunk, which makes the industry more and more prosperous. He also attracts countless different people to the industry by using all kinds of different things, Let this industry become more prosperous, forming a virtuous circle.If we can't attract enough people to invest in this industry, no matter how much money he makes or how famous he is, the whole industry will eventually fall apart.

Yi Tianxing's most admiration is that he Chen has a clear goal - animation, firm will - animation, almost not moved by any foreign object - animation.

Even everything expressed in words, in fact, is nothing more than a package of history.

Why do history books have so many readers but so few? It is clear that some historical facts in history are even more exaggerated and wonderful than YY's, but there are still few readers.

It's just a matter of expressiveness - it's not interesting enough, it's not attractive enough.

History should be cold. It witnessed the rise and fall of countless dynasties, the fall of countless heroes, heroes and overlords, and the footprints of countless celebrities, from birth to dust.

However, Yi Tianxing thinks that this kind of boring, full of the heavy cold of history, should be for historians to explore, verify and feel, ordinary people, should feel interesting stories, only when they feel interesting, they will remember these "interesting" history.

He felt that it was not the group who made people "forget" history, but the people who wrote history books. If they can write history books that let people know more about history, will anyone else go to see them?

Perhaps, it will also promote the development of China.

On this point, history has set countless examples for them - for example, some famous works also belonged to xiaobaiwen at that time.

"History has proved to us that sticking to one's old ways will only bring us a very painful lesson. Don't be too conservative. Open your eyes to the world. This is an era of information explosion. New things will be born every moment. We must be courageous enough to get in touch with new things and extract the essence so as to enrich us and keep us moving farther.

"Some of them are really bad, which we need to correct, but there are also some good things that can bring us another angle of thinking《 The story of the rabbit that year is a very good work after a very rigorous inquiry and textual research, all of which have very clear records. If you don't even agree with this "history" painting, what do you think of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Yi Tianxing calmly expressed his views to the students and showed his attitude.

He didn't know whether his speech was objective or not, but it was the words from the bottom of his heart, and also the words he wanted to say to his students.

Those things about the rabbit that year is a complete picture of "history", excluding the influence of pictures. In terms of content, it is basically the same as "history".

The romance of the Three Kingdoms is just a book. Some of its contents are fictional and do not exist in history. For example, there is no relevant record in the history of the famous romance of the Three Kingdoms in Taoyuan.

If you want to take this as an argument to oppose this, I'm afraid all the famous historical works in the world will have to lie down.

We can aim at some bad stories, but we can't beat everything to death with one stick. This is Yi Tianxing's attitude.

The student's eyes darkened, silent for a moment, and obstinately said: "the romance of the Three Kingdoms is a very classic, but I don't like it either."

"The romance of the Three Kingdoms is the reason why the story of the Three Kingdoms is so popular." Yi Tianxing said, "people need to make progress. To get rid of the shortcomings and choose the advantages is what we are left to do《 The romance of the Three Kingdoms has been handed down for such a long time, and it is still enduring, not only because of its classics, but also because of our failure... Is it not enough to fail to write even works of the same level? "

"But even so, history is no joke. It's a relic left by countless souls, and it shouldn't be used to spoil at will《 In that year's story about the rabbit, not only the people of the country were transformed into animals, but also the war and weapons became like children's games. The planes were personified, the warships were personified, the tanks were personified, and even the guns and other weapons were personified. Teacher, maybe you are right, but as for me, I can't bear to see the battlefield where countless martyrs died become a plaything in the hands of some people! "

When the country is going to die, there must be a shipmate( (to be continued)