"Magic girl little round face" complaints, soon put on the radio and television conference~ Top ~ point ~ small~ Say~~

"There are a lot of people who complain about" little round face of magic girl ". What do you think to do?" Asked a fat middle-aged man.

"I don't know why. I think" the magic girl with a round face "is very good. The story is very interesting. The bloody scenes have never been shown before. Even if it's a dark fairy tale when it's dead..." a young man said he was puzzled.

For the "magic girl little round face" they have reviewed, since the original can pass, certainly no problem.

"We can't just look at problems one sidedly, and complaints are only part of it. Besides, there are many high evaluations of" magic girl's little circle "on the Internet. The music, the deep meaning of the story, the abstract pictures and so on are very excellent. These original paintings can be used as art collections if they are pulled out at will."

"But there are a lot of people who complain. I think it's safe to deal with people's complaints first, regardless of whether the animation will really cause shadows. Don't let that group of people make trouble."

Generally speaking, as long as the audit can pass, it means that there is no problem, but if it can be so harmonious, there will be no unexpected things.

If too many people complain about some normal works, they will rectify them in order to be safe - not for meritorious service, but for no fault.

This is their purpose.

However, the level of "little round face of the magic girl" is different from other works. It has many complaints and high evaluation. In particular, its status in the art world can't be compared with other TV programs.

"If we're going to rectify the little round face of the magic girl. I have nothing to say. however. I think before we rectify it, let's rectify the others. For example, hand tearing devils, such a ferocious thing, in terms of the degree of blood, ten elder sister's head can't match, how can it be played? Let's rectify it first. There are also some references to rape and other impure relations between men and women. It's bad for children. Let's rectify it. And extramarital affairs and so on, scum can live? Isn't that teaching people to cheat? Cut it all, too. No family can live in harmony in the drama of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. It's full of intrigue and infighting. It's not in line with the theme of a harmonious society. It's easy to spread negative emotions to the society and family, so let's rectify it. By the way, school days, which has just been listed as mental health education, has also been reformed. It's also bloody. It's not a big influence on children. Even puppy love and underage mothers have been greatly reduced... Unfortunately, this seems to be out of our control. It seems that we need to reflect to the above that such inhuman things must be thoroughly rectified. "

The meeting room fell into silence.

The younger brothers finished, so the eldest brothers finally opened their mouth. After watching the drama for a long time, Dang Xinpeng drank his water gently, and then slowly said, "what's the matter that I proposed last time? It's passed. Basically, we don't have to carry the pot anymore. "

"Well, we should stick to our position and not be influenced by the public opinion." the little round face of the magic girl "has been strictly examined by us, and there is no problem in itself. It can be played, and there is no need to rectify it now." The other immediately digs off the subject and concludes.

"Well, vote for it. If you think it needs to be rectified, please raise your hand... Well, no one seems to think it needs to be rectified. Let's do it about" little round face of the magic girl. " Finally, Party Xinpeng concluded.

The people who complain about "little round face of the magic girl" suddenly find that the complaint means of Bailing in the past are not working. In their complaints, "little round face of the magic girl" is still playing normally as usual, and it still keeps its original characteristics, without any changes.

They also received an official response to the complaint: after verification, the content of "little round face of the magic girl" is healthy and there is no problem. Thank you for your supervision and support. You are welcome to continue to complain.

So this one to have been looking forward to the magic girl's children brought a complete subversion of the fantasy of spiritual pollution, as usual.

It's not only the children who are affected by the little round face of the magic girl, but also all the themes of the magic girl have been devastated in the same period. This is not the first time that he Chen has done this. Many themes have been poisoned by he Chen.

After watching "little round face of the magic girl", I go to see those magic girls again. No matter how funny the plot is or how happy the story is, I can't laugh.

Whenever I see the gorgeous fighting after the transformation of the magic girls, I can't help thinking of a turn around plot, which casts a heavy shadow on my mind.

There are also some comic writers with the theme of magic girls who have learned to be good. Seeing that he Chen has drawn different magic girls, most people can't learn the abstract way of expression, but it's easy to imitate such a simple thing as turning around.As a result, in order to follow the trend of "magic girl of the new century", their style also changed suddenly. All kinds of pictures, such as turning around, waist chopping and dismembering, emerged one after another, which caused a bloodbath of magic girls.

As for the name of this new group, it is because of the dark and oppressive content, which is regarded as the new group of magic girls. Therefore, it uses the Chinese title "new century evangelical warrior" of EVA with the same style, and calls this new theme of magic girls "new century magic girls".

It's a nightmare for children to lead such a trend carelessly. In a trance, the once beautiful fantasy is suddenly disillusioned. It directly presents 6 extremely cruel and dark bloody world to them.

In the past, as long as the theme of magic girl is always happy to see, but now, I have to be worried all the time, for fear that the character I like in front of me will receive the Bento directly in the next picture.

This adds to the far-reaching influence of "little round face of the magic girl" and makes many children haggard.

This style of magic girl, let some people flinch at the same time, but also attracted some fans who prefer this way.

However, "magic girl little round face" is really just a turn around sister?

If you only see this side, you just learn a little bit《 "Little round face of the magic girl" is not just such a simple work.

In hechen's heart, "magic girl's little round face" is a work that can cure people's heart!

Although "little round face of magic girl" destroys children's dream of magic girl and brings heavy psychological shadow to them, most children still insist on pursuing it.

From the story, the first two episodes of "little round face of the magic girl" are very plain and ordinary, but from the third episode, the story becomes very wonderful, because different from the old routine, fans want to know more about how the future story will be promoted.

It is this idea that makes them fear and fear "little round face of the magic girl", but their inner curiosity leads them to want to watch the story.

From the heart, the children who can look forward to the magic girl are fond of fantasy, and they have a kind of yearning for beauty in their heart. Therefore, they still have some illusions about little round face of the magic girl. After all, this is the third episode. There must be many stories that haven't been shown yet. Maybe the elder sister can be revived and so on.

In this case, people still insist on watching "little round face of the magic girl" under the condition of great trauma in their heart. They want to see what kind of magic girl's story the father of the magic girl will bring to them.

Isn't cure just a process of destruction and reconstruction?


After all, before contacting QB, she was just an ordinary girl student. Going to school, after school and going home were her life... Not fighting and death.

In order to restore the health of the people he likes, Shaye signed a contract with QB and became a magic girl.

Another red haired magic girl named apricot also came to the city.

Originally should belong to the same camp to eliminate the magic girl, but the apricot is fighting with Shaye.

And the little round face, under the warning of xiaomeiyan, still did not become a magic girl. But the audience has gradually found out the problem. Xiaomeiyan keeps preventing xiaoyuanlian from becoming a magic girl, while QB always uses various forms to tempt xiaoyuanlian to become a magic girl.

In the fight between apricot and Shaye, if you want to stop the fight between them, you need the magic girl - QB is so tempting at that time.

In the dangerous battle with the witch, little round face has been involved as an ordinary person - QB supports this very much, saying that there is an insurance policy. In fact, she still wants to use little round face to see her friend in danger and tempt her to become a magic girl.

It can be said that for little round face to become a magic girl, it is the war between xiaomeiyan and QB.

In QB's words, little round face has the extremely terrifying magic girl talent that surpasses genius.

Since she has such a terrible talent, why is xiaomeiyan always blocking?

Or, apart from fighting, what's wrong with the magic girl?

Apricot fought with Shaye again. In order to stop them fighting in advance, she didn't want to see them hurt because of fighting each other. So xiaoyuanlian threw away Shaye's soul gem, making her unable to change. She thought that we could have a good communication.

However, the small round face of this unintentional move, but gradually solved the mystery of the magic girl( Not finished, to be continuedPS: sorry, it's only one watch today.