"Clannad" has also caused a great sensation in the island countries, and has a great influence on teenagers.

It almost led to the fact that the island's romantic works could not be sold for a whole year, and the local GALGAME industry, except for some special works that could not be released in China but only sold by them, was in a slump, which can be called the romantic ice age. So many traditional romantic writers or cartoonists, in order to support their families, have to change to the meat theme, which is now booming in the island countries, to contribute to the welfare of the world.

Xu Yuanjie, an anonymous disciple of hechen who was once transferred and taught by hechen for a short time, has a clear attitude towards the final outcome of "clannad", which cures countless people. He firmly refuses to admit this outcome.

"The porter teacher must be in the heart can't bear, just in everyone's plea, in the end came such a file reading ending. In my heart, the ending of "clannad" ended on the day of Xiao Xi's death! Only when we lose everything, can we make people think deeply. Only when we despair, can we bring people light! "

He also has a convincing basis, because Xiao Xi's death and reading of "clannad" stopped for a week.

Xu Yuanjie thinks that the week of stopping watch is meaningful - it happens to be Tomb Sweeping Day.

What does Qingming Festival mean?

sweep the tombs.

On such a day, it happened just after Xiao Xi's death. It's really thought-provoking.

"It should be an open double ending《 There is a fantasy world in the story of clannad, which is people's yearning for happiness. The real story is a sad story, which ended on the day of Xiaoxi's death. After Qingming Festival. It's not the original story. It's the story of another world. That world is the world where people yearn for happiness. It's not a resurrection, but in that happy world, Zhu and Xiaoxi would never have died. As for Okazaki, he just has a sad memory of another world

"These are two stories of two worlds. Those who yearn for happiness get the end of fantasy world. Those who are immersed in real sadness get the real ending when everything is gone. "

Xu Yuanjie believes deeply in his own ideas, if viewed from the perspective of "two worlds". At the same time, there are more possibilities. There are endless stories to imagine!

However, the most important thing is the moving of "clannad".

"In this seemingly bright but actually flashy and empty world, how many people still remember the meaning of big family, and how many people can calm down and savor their own way《 Clannad makes us suddenly recall many beautiful things that were almost forgotten. For "clannad" want to say a lot, but at this moment, quietly feel the world brings us a touch of happiness. Maybe in another world, the miracle of light. It's coming quietly... "By chinchilla.

holle He is a fan who just walked into the world of "clannad" half way. He has less time to pursue than others. However, his moving and life together brought by "clannad" are not less than others.

"The whole animation is really a long time. Most of the time, it is in a calm and even monotonous pattern. Especially at the beginning, when you see half of it, you will feel bored. But at the end, even if you try to restrain it, tears will flow down. That's what makes" clannad "different."

"Life is monotonous, ordinary and boring, and the wonderful parts may only be those few fragments, which are often the most important reasons for going through a long life." clannad uses a lot of time to render the ordinary and meticulous life, and then releases the emotion in a wonderful moment, which is "home", It's family. Friendship or love, over time will be transformed into family

"Clannad" tries to render the meaning of "home" and make people feel the kinship of "home" through the little examples in life, whether they are sad or happy. Whether it's the "little home" of every family or the "everyone" in town, you can feel that "home" is everywhere. The difference between family members and passers-by lies in understanding and sharing the story behind each member. Whether the ending is sad or joyful, the story will become sweet and moving when looking back. Whether it is broad and magnificent or insignificant, it will be extremely precious. "

"This is also the reason why I think" clannad "is great. They are ordinary people in life, but in this ordinary they breed greatness..."

Ordinary, but pregnant with great, this is people's "love" and "home" moved!"Clannad is suitable for people of any gender, age and environment. It is the last piece of pure land that can touch people's heart. There are too many incredible things in this animation. Every time you watch it, you will feel different. The song "Tuanzi family" at the end of the film is obviously a healing and lively song when you first hear it. When you finally hear it again, it becomes a tear jerker Mo Mo sincerely recommends "clannad" to people here.

In this long year, "Tuanzi family" has become an indelible mark, imprinted in the deepest heart of people.

"I am moved by the story of this small town. All along, I have regarded" clannad "as the home of my soul. No matter how many times I review it, it will not reduce the touch it brings to me. Only in front of it, I cry like a child over and over again. I'm glad that I met it in my life, which made me forget all the unhappiness and troubles while feeling the same; It made me understand the true meaning of "gentleness" and "strength"; Give me the courage to persevere no matter how many setbacks I encounter, even if I have only one last breath! "

Innumerable people, innumerable families, changed by clannad!

Huang shaotian also consciously left his own sincere comments for clannad. Along the way. His attitude towards "clannad" has changed several times. At first, he thought it was just a similar work like Kanon, but in the end, he really felt the greatness of clannad, which has surpassed a work!

"If you look at the whole film, it is not difficult to find that what the whole play expounds is the relationship between people and groups, people and people, people and themselves. Although we are all independent individuals, as far as the whole society is concerned. When each individual person comes together, there is a connection between people, and a circle is formed. When people in the circle help and care for each other, a "home" is formed.

"Since we live in the society, we will definitely meet with others. No one can live in complete isolation in this world. The difference is just how big or small your circle is《 Clannad, the name. It perfectly shows the definition of the whole film. Our society is a "home". The circle of life is a "home", and the place where we live with our relatives and face hardships and happiness is a real home. "

"Together, these families are a 'family'. Each of us is a member of this family. Whether we are school students, gang minions or neighbors, in the world of clannad, everyone is treated reasonably and fairly. There is no collusion, no intrigue, and some are full of love and care《 The moving of "clannad" lies in the details, in the ordinary life, let people understand life in those stories. "

"Finally, Okazaki told Xiao Xi about the story of his parents' meeting, which almost pointed out the essence of the whole clannad. In fact, those young people in the campus and the growing years after entering the society are actually witnessing a group of people who have gone through a certain distance of their lives together. Then, with the memory and belief gained in that process, we will continue to start a new life, meet new people, and form a new "home."

"Once isolated, they learned how to love and be loved in such a process, and they also jumped from their own narrowness to the broadness of life. Just like the name" Xi ", they knew how to tolerate and love. This is one of the meanings of clannad, learning to open up to the outside world and feel the existence of the family. "

"In fact, there are still many feelings that have not been written out. They are some deep-rooted influences and beliefs. It is difficult to describe those feelings in words. It is not easy to summarize the feelings brought by this classic work. But generally speaking, what clarnad awakens is our numbness to ordinary life. We always demand too much beauty and have too many visions. In fact, as long as we find that the best life is around us, and we are full of love and gratitude for our present life, we can create hope. "

"Just like the legend of that small town, when we encounter good things, there will be jade of light in that happy moment, which is actually our accumulated love and hope in our ordinary life and in our relationship with people. With these lights, we will no longer be afraid of the dark, and through such lights, we can illuminate the road ahead and make the future no longer confused. Our life is a big family of Tuanzi. We have people to guard with our heart and those who accompany us through life. Because with those people, we have love and warmth. Believe in hope, know how to cherish, everything will become better. "

How many people and things pass through their fingers like an hourglass, only this little bit of gold, this little bit of flame, always bright and warm their way forward - in this seemingly long but actually not rich life time, it is not easy to meet this person, understand this person, fall in love with this person and be loved by this person.What is "clannad"?

This question is like asking what love is, no one can give an accurate answer.

For some people, "clannad" is a teacher, it tells countless touching stories, let people see the direction of life;

For some people, clannad is a savior. It saves many dying souls with the most common feelings in the world;

For some people, clannad is a world where all kinds of people create great miracles with their love;

For some people, "clannad" is life, in a plain way, contains the indispensable bits and pieces of people's life.

It doesn't matter what "clannad" is, as long as it can make people see its appearance and rub their shoulders for their parents and elders in their spare time; They can spend more time with their lovers and wives to open their hearts; Can walk hand in hand with friends and brothers on the road of life; It can send the light of blessing to others, even the strangers( Not finished, to be continued

ps The TV version of "clannad"... It's all over here... Starting tomorrow, finally entering a new story.

It's so long... I found that my water ability reached its peak again.