"Thank you!"

Okazaki's death makes him feel guilty all the time. That's why he feels that if he doesn't meet him, it might be better, so he almost missed him

This "thank you" is to thank Zhu for not regretting being with him, which is his salvation.

At the same time, thanks to Zhu. It's because of Zhu that he becomes strong.

Thanks to Zhu for bringing happiness to his gloomy life!

When Okazaki forced to embrace Zhu in his arms, the late OP finally sounded!

However, it is not the familiar song of "time engraved", nor the first "Happy Island", but a very strange melody.

"Well? Is this... A new song? "

What appears on the picture is a picture that Okazaki and Zhu experienced together.

Beautiful melody, affectionate singing, with these countless touching pictures, once again easily defeated people, and pushed "clannad" to * * again.

"Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, I want to see you. No, I want to see you now..."

The gray picture is the first meeting of Okazaki and Zhu in the falling cherry blossom.

Singing is not one person, but two people's chorus.

The strong yearning of "I want to see you now" is not one person, but two people's strongest love for each other.

"Never mind, don't cry any more..."

This sentence suddenly turned into a single female voice, and the subtle familiarity of the previous duel came suddenly, and fans at the tip of their ears heard it in almost an instant - Yi Jing Hui, this song is Yi Jing Hui's song. Yi Jing is also Zhu's voice.

Although Yijing has the title of Queen of change when she dubs. The sound is changeable. But in her singing, no one else can imitate the unique charm of enchantment, only she has.

This is Okazaki's picture in the lyrics, which seems to be Zhu's consolation to Okazaki's soul after she left. At the same time, it seems that the lyrics should also be directed at the story, precisely because of Zhu. Okazaki can become strong!

It doesn't matter. Don't cry any more.

In a simple word, it shows Zhu's kindness, gentleness, strength and tolerance just like a vast ocean!

"I am the wind, surrounded by you..."

Then, suddenly turned into a male voice, although the songs sung by this song are very few, but every capital is a classic song preserved by fans, his song can bring hope and light to fans!

The sound. It's he Chen, also the voice of Okazaki.

Okazaki and Nagasaki. He Chen and Yi Jingli.

Sing the last story together.

He Chen's song, the picture turned to Zhu's body, just like the song, Okazaki like the wind, always around Zhu, invisible, but silently help Zhu, pushing Zhu forward.

These two songs can be both what he said to Okazaki and what Okazaki said to him.

Just like the song in the lyrics, Nagasaki became brave with the help of Okazaki, and Okazaki became strong with the encouragement of Nagasaki.

In a word, two people, just as two people have been linked together, indivisible destiny.

It's also the tenderness of two people - all they think about is each other.

In the alchemist of steel, he emphasizes the exchange of equal value, while Okazaki and Zhudu truly realize the exchange of equal value of "love" -- they both completely give their own to each other, and at the same time completely put each other's everything in their own heart!

"Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, I want to see you. No, I want to see you now..."

It's another deep love chorus of two people. The gray picture starts to flicker, and finally all of them are dyed with bright brilliance, as if they are the hope of life.

Once thought that the first episode, Okazaki and Zhu meet is Zhu to Okazaki's bleak life brought light.

But at this moment, in the emotional songs of the two voices, people suddenly realize that the fate of the meeting, is to bring light to each other's lives!

In a trance, people seem to see the farther and deeper part of clannad - "love" is not one person, but two people; Happiness is not one person, but two people!

All these are the happy land that two people can achieve by working together - just like "home".He Chen (Okazaki): "thank you, I like you most all the time..."

Thanks for meeting with Zhu, for falling in love with Zhu, for their happy memories, for not regretting being with Okazaki, and for not escaping and being able to choose Zhu again.

I like you most - not only Okazaki to Nagasaki, but also Nagasaki to Okazaki.

Yi Jingyu (Zhu): "I am a star..."

Even if you have left the world, it will turn into stars watching you. With weak light, it will try to illuminate the dark road for you, point out the direction for you, and no longer be confused.

He Chen (Okazaki): "I will always watch you and guard you..."

In the beginning, it was Okazaki who lit the road for him. When Okazaki fell into darkness, it was Okazaki who started to light the road for Okazaki.

It is the mutual support of the two people that creates such touching memories that make people cry.

Yi Jingyu (Zhu): "until forever..."

Both Nagasaki and Okazaki will always look at each other and guard each other.

He Chen (Okazaki): "I know you..."

Yi Jingyu (Zhu): "how nice..."

He: "really, really, very good, very good..."

The repeated "nice" seems to be countless complex words that linger in my heart for a long time and finally turn into these two simple words, But it is full of extremely complex and changing feelings.

And like waves, let emotion wave after wave hit, a wave higher than a wave. Just like a hammer, it gently rings the big bell in people's heart. The echo of moving spread all over the world.

It's great to meet you!

That countless memories of happiness rolling from the picture, for people's hearts brought baptism.

To choose is not only to choose "love", but also to choose a period of life!

It's really good - I'm glad for their meeting. In order to leave these precious happy memories, I feel happy. I don't regret this choice.

What's more, I feel very happy for Okazaki to make the same choice again!

"I can't be here any more. I'm really sorry..."

Yi Jinghui's solo has a kind of lonely sadness, and the picture is the picture when Zhu left.

"I have to go far away by myself..."

Zhu left the world, a person, to go to a far, far place - to leave the world.

"Where? Don't say hello? Why? Don't say hello? I'm really sorry.

I can't be with you any more... "

Even though she didn't want to, even though she wanted to stay in the world, beside Okazaki, guarding their hard won happiness.

But fate forced her to leave the world.

Endless regret and sadness, only into a guilty sorry.

She left the world alone, leaving loneliness and pain to Okazaki and Xiaoxi, whom she loved deeply. She felt guilty for this and wanted to say "sorry" to them.

Gentle of her, to the last thought is others, she is actually alone left the world.

"Always in the promenade, cherry trees side by side of the place slowly away..."

He Chen's solo is sad and lonely, with a kind of confusion and escape. The departure of Zhu has brought a huge blow to Okazaki. He can't accept it and always lingers in the past memories.

"To the light of the sky on the river where we often play..."

In the past memories, he found the happiness (Guangyu) deep in his memory. His eyes went away from the past and saw that there was Xiaoxi beside him, which was the crystallization of his love with Zhu.

"I can't see you anymore. I'm lonely, but it doesn't matter.

It's good to be born, it's really good, it's really good to meet you... "

His voice suddenly rose from low to high, as if he was no longer confused. For Xiaoxi, Okazaki perked up. Xiaoxi is the continuation of Nagasaki, which once again lights up Okazaki's life.

It's the repeated "good", strong emotional catharsis, suddenly from a single love to Huawei's broadest and greatest love, sublimation to a kind of inheritance!

"Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, I want to see you. No, I want to see you now.

It doesn't matter, here, I am spring, holding your sky.Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, I want to see you. No, I want to see you now.

Thank you. I've always been my favorite. I'm a bird. I'll sing for you forever... "

The chorus of the two swept away the color of sadness, just as Okazaki's gray life was suddenly full of brilliance, and a taste of happiness emerged in the song!

People's hearts were suddenly healed by the power of singing!

"In the other side where cherry blossoms are flying in the air, if you close your eyes, you will be in your heart..."

High pitched singing, cherry blossom.

"Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, I want to see you. No, I want to see you now.

Yes, smile, I am the flower, the flower on your fingertips.

Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, I want to see you. No, I want to see you now.

Thank you, always like, I am love, in your heart.

Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, I want to see you. No, I want to see you now.

It doesn't matter, don't cry, I am the wind, is surrounded by you.

Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, I want to see you. No, I want to see you now.

Thank you. I like you most all the time. I'm a star. I'll watch you and guard you forever.

Nice to meet you. It's really, really good.

It's really, really good. "

Everything went back to the cherry blossom ramp, and the scenes that I had experienced flashed one by one, and finally settled in the scene of Okazaki and Zhu hugging each other tightly!

It's so nice to meet you( Not finished, to be continued