March 9, 6 p.m.

At the door of a hotel, two young girls take a taxi.

"Master, go to dream house."

The driver showed a smile. It seems that everyone is coming to the dream hall today.

"Listen to your accent, Suzhou?" The driver looked at the car skillfully and chatted with them.

"Yes." These two people are naturally Mo Mo and Xu Yiru. They left early in the morning and came to Ping'an city. Then they had a rest in the hotel they had already reserved and had a simple meal.

Thank you ceremony starts at 7:30 in the evening. When the time is almost up, I rush to the dream hall immediately.

"Is it safe to come here for the first time?"

The driver's master has a chat with them. Driving is a boring thing. If you don't speak, you will suffocate at the end of the day. Therefore, many taxi drivers have formed the habit of chatting.

"It's a thank you concert, isn't it?"

Looking at the cold reaction of the two girls, they seemed to be very alert. The driver didn't think so and said to himself.

"Do you know the Thanksgiving ceremony, too?"

Chatting is an art. Even strangers who don't even know their names can easily chat together as long as they find common topics.

"Hey, isn't that all you're here for today? There is also a poster in front of it. Although the dream hall has only been open for a few months, it's hard for people to forget the gorgeous poster hanging in front of it. " The driver seemed to think of the shock when he saw the poster and said with emotion.

Xu Yiru's head is like a chicken pecking rice. She is crazy, as if she has met a bosom friend.

"Yes, yes. That poster is so beautiful! All the scenes and characters inside are hand-painted. It is said that they were painted by the master himself! I've seen screenshots on the Internet. It's addictive. I don't know where to go. What kind of feeling will it be again! " Xu Yiru said longingly.

"It's all rumors. It's definitely not painted by Mr. He Chen." But the driver interrupted Xu Yiru's vision.

Xu Yiru said strangely, "why?"

"I don't know how to draw. Although it looks really nice and comfortable, it certainly can't be painted by Mr. He Chen. It's said that Mr. He Chen has many students, but it's his students. After all, it's just propaganda posters. There's no need for his golden hand. " With that, the driver laughed. "Besides, if it was painted by Mr. He Chen, do you think it can be put out so safely?"

The posters in other places are printed, but those in dreamland are hand drawn.

As he Chen is now famous, once this is his painting, then... Let alone other people, Xu Yiru has some heart to steal it!

However, because of his changeable style, he is proficient in various styles of painting all over the world. No one knows whether this is the handwriting of he Chen.

"If I didn't get the ticket, I'd like to see the thank you ceremony today." The driver complained.

"Uncle, are you also a fan of the master?" Talking about common topics. Relations immediately strained a lot, Xu Yiru even called Hu changed.

Hearing Xu Yiru's question, the driver laughed: "let me tell you so. Ping'an City, everyone. They are all fans of Mr. hechen There was a strong pride on the driver's face.

"He is our safe man." This is the most repeated sentence in the driver's mouth.

"Although he Chen is famous, he is unique in the world. But it's a very good person. "

"Uncle, do you know the master?" Mo Mo is also on the move.

"Well, of course! Let me tell you something. I used to work in a factory with his mother, and the efficiency was not good. All of us were laid off... When Mr. hechen was a child... "

The driver talks to Mo Mo and Xu Yiru. He has been gifted since he Chen was a child. When he was born, he parachuted auspicious signs from the hospital, How many girlfriends did he have in high school.

Mo Mo and Xu Yiru were stunned. Although they thought there were so many loopholes in his words, they still felt that maybe the master might be like this.

In the rush hour, coupled with countless people with the same goal, the road is several times more congested than usual.

When we arrived at the dream hall, the driver had already talked about the secret that he Chen and Tang Bohu had to say.

Today's bad weather, overcast, wind and rain coming, so that just warm air has become cold. But it doesn't seem to stop people's enthusiasm.

It's getting dark. In front of the dream hall, there are many people.The light is bright, the huge dream hall seems to be as dreamy as its name, just like a door to open the illusion and reality.

"How beautiful

Before they entered the meeting hall, they were fascinated by the scenery and said foolishly.

On the front, there is the poster of the other two people. There is a light passing through the poster from the bottom, which makes this gorgeous poster more fantastic.

Two people take out their mobile phones to record this rare picture, and then follow the stream of people, walking into the dream hall.


Backstage venue, Liu Ying overall control, Ono Daisuke orderly scheduling everything.

The staff of each position also perform their own duties and prepare carefully.

Fans who have no chance to come to the scene have already been in place in front of the TV or computer. This broadcast of Tianman's thank you ceremony will be broadcast exclusively by Tianman channel and Tianman network.

With the arrival of 7:30, the dim lights in the venue went out and suddenly fell into darkness.

It's about to start!

The audience's excitement and noise gradually quieted down. In the dark conference hall, countless fluorescent sticks lit up, just like the fireflies on that summer night.

It seems that there is a breeze blowing by, and a refreshing melody full of ancient Chinese style sounded in the venue.

"The dream of Oriental sorghum?"

"Like... No!"

There was a sound of conversation, familiar melody, specious.

There was no shadow on the dark stage.

All of a sudden, the sky above the stage was full of light. It caught the eyes of the audience. With the melodious melody, those streamers are gathering slowly. Formed, formed... A bun?


Baozi Stuffed with BBQ Pork,

Milk yellow sesame bean sandbags.

Big meat bun,

Vegetable bag,

And soup bags.

It's up to man, it's up to heaven.

In the twinkling of an eye.

On the table,

Millennium prosperity will never change.... "

The obvious electronic sound is familiar to fans.

But it's not the first sound, it's not the mirror sound. It's not a patrol.

This is a strange voice, is a new virtual singer!

In all the attention, floating light flow, a gradually condensed in the middle of the stage.

Blue to ancient dress long skirt, white feather coat, its embellishment, just like a fairy.

Long gray hair in the head of the formation of two ring bun, divided into two strands from the ear hanging in front of the chest, green eyes. Like flawless jade.

Hair ornament Jasper, waist drop Chinese knot, give a person a kind of unusual cordial feeling.

The girl raised her head and looked at the big bun dancing in the air. Suddenly, the bun fell down. The girl's eyes burst out a look of joy and went to pick up the bun.

A wisp of saliva came out of the corner of my mouth.

This is a very indecent image, but it all appears in front of the girl. But it is so natural and harmonious that people only feel naive and lovely.

In people's bodies. There was a sudden burst of sound in response to the song.

"Goo Goo..."

It's the sound of starvation.


It's the sound of swallowing.

"... the world is big and chaotic. The earth is spinning,

Countless sorrows and joys.

It's better to think too much than nothing,

A simple meal, another meal.

My eyes are shining when I eat,

And then do exercise, consume, excess fat.

Five thousand years of civilization, how brilliant,

The world's longest... "

"Ode to the Millennium recipe" -- the world's first foodie, your highness, lotanyi!

As an ancient capital of Chinese civilization, Tianman moved to Ping'an city. It is also good at eating. As for what should be used as the opening ceremony of Tianman's thank-you ceremony, nothing is more suitable than luotianyi and "Ode to the Millennium recipe".

In the past, Chu Yin, Jing Yin Gemini and Xun Yin were all full of modern fashion, so for the image of Luo Tianyi, he Chen chose the image of ancient Chinese style as his debut in order to highlight the Chinese culture.Luotianyi in ancient costume, I can still feel pity for her.

This time, Tianman has replaced a larger and more perfect holographic projection device, a concert, which makes the audience feel like watching another movie with gorgeous special effects.

It not only makes luotianyi more immortal, but also fills the air with the fragrance of all kinds of delicious food. On the one hand, it makes people suffer from hunger, while listening to the song of crazy protest.

"I'm hungry." A girl suddenly raised her head and looked pitifully at her boyfriend.


This night, countless men hate hechen to the bone.

However, although the fans in front of the TV and computer can't come to the scene and enjoy the gorgeous effect of the scene, they are relatively happy.

"I'm so crazy that I can't bear to write such a song. I'll eat a packet of spicy strips first."

Tianman network live broadcast can send barrage directly, and TV live broadcast can send SMS to barrage.

Of course, SMS is charged, but it's not expensive. Generally, text messages are 10 cents, while hechen's is 20 cents, which is much cheaper than 1 yuan's prize winning Q & A. Now people's income, see the wonderful place, send a barrage, simple and interesting, but also cheap.

In this way, the number of barrage can be reduced, the quality of barrage can be improved, and Tianman channel can be built into a boutique.

Although it's cheap, it can't hold a lot of them. This daily Barrage is a good income.

He Chen is so heartless.

"The local tyrant in front, wait. Your soap has dropped."

"No, it's yours."

"You still have spicy noodles! I'm going to have a drink

"I just dug a pot of Guanyin soil at the gate. Listening to the song of your highness, I tasted the taste of grass from the soil. How happy

Last year's theme was "tears", so this year's theme starts with "eat"( Not finished, to be continued

ps Hungry, hungry, hungry.

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