The idea is beautiful, but the world history is so huge that even if he only describes major historical events in the form of short stories, it is also a huge project```

Therefore, the matter needs to be considered in the long run.

Hechen's version of the rabbit that year started with modern history, which was based on the May 4th movement.

This painting method is very simple, only rabbits and all kinds of anthropomorphic animals, plus lines, even the background is not painted.

On the road surface of hechen's Spring Festival Gala, the rabbit he painted impresses the audience. Although it looks ordinary, simple and has no characteristics. However, he Chen, who knows how to be cute, has already injected the soul of "cute" into the simple lines.

Let the audience who have the mainstream aesthetic of the public can't help feeling like it.

Therefore, although it's so crude that it's hard for fans who have been influenced by hechen's various exquisite painting styles to raise their interest, they can't help but come in when they see the familiar rabbit and the name of the porter.

Later, the story inside makes some people feel novel, but also makes some people feel confused.

"Mo Mo, the master has produced a new cartoon, which is the cartoon with the rabbit as the protagonist in the Spring Festival Gala... However, the story looks strange, and I feel that the appearance of the rabbit is not consistent at all."

Xu Yiru has a video chat with Mo Mo, asking Mo Mo to review his comics, which are born from his new inspiration.

In the video, Mo Mo helplessly holds his forehead and sighs, with a sense of hopelessness in making friends: "Alas... No wonder there is always a kind of exaggeration in our works. There is a lack of a sense of truth. You'd better make up history. I'm desperate for a college student who doesn't even know the history of my country. Anyway, how did you get to Yanjing University? It's not cheating, is it! You deceived my pure feelings! I'm not going to partner with someone who's been in school with false grades! "

"History... Oh! When you say that, I finally remember why I look a little familiar. Is this the May 4th Movement Xu Yiru pats her head, makes a sudden realization and spits out her tongue. What she sells is not only Meng. It's also IQ.

"I didn't think about it for a while. History is too boring. It's more boring than mathematics. My history score is not high all the time. I won't choose my history score when I apply for the exam."

Partial subjects, ancient and modern at home and abroad, especially in such an examination system, partial subjects are common things.

This is not surprising. If you are not interested at all, how can you learn. It's impossible to learn - even if you learn, you just have to deal with the exam. It will soon be forgotten.

"No matter! You have to make up history for me! Not only the modern history, but also the history of thousands of years in China. No, no, the history of thousands of years in the world! I don't need to know everything, but I need to know something about some major events. Stories come from life, but they are higher than life. If we don't explore the wonderful stories bred by thousands of years of history, isn't it looking for a horse? What's more, not far away, just look at the "fate" series, which is popular recently, with five animations adapted from the same work and screened on the same day. There are countless heroes from all over the world... There is not enough knowledge reserve. Do you think masters can create such gorgeous works? "

For a man, a cute soft girl may produce a kind of "cute" loveliness.

But for the same women, and for their good friends who have already developed immunity, it may even have adverse effects. So Mo Mo went crazy.

Xu Yiru thought about it and shook her head.

If you don't even know who King Arthur is, how can you create altoria?

“ok! It seems that you can be saved. Go to tutor me! I'm going to check your homework when the vacation is over! Hum, if I'm not satisfied, tiger stool, chili water, whip, candle... "

"Wait, there's something strange in there!" Xu Yiru was shocked!



They looked at each other in silence, then turned off the video chat together.

Both of them can hear what it means, which means that both of them have been polluted

After turning off the video, Xu Yiru went back to see he Chen's "those things about that rabbit that year" serialized on dmfun website and microblog at the same time.

This time she looked at it very seriously. The history that she thought was so boring that she wanted to make people doze off suddenly became very interesting in her eyes!

What happened in history has not changed.

Just turn the text into a picture, immediately full of different flavor. A hundred years ago, even before the founding of the people's Republic of China, history is suddenly full of intimacy."If I could read such a history book when I was a child, how could I not like history?"

Xu Yiru said to herself, reading the cartoon and the heated discussion in the comments. Some historical experts and even some historians began to discuss the far-reaching impact of the incident here.

It's not just her idea, it's shared by countless people who have left school or are in school.

If the history book can be as interesting as "the rabbit that year", who will hate this boring, exam need to recite n more content class?

Such a story is simple and impressive. It's not like the history books that say what significance and impact this event had, but it makes people know that such a big event happened in China, which is a very important thing for China.

If we go deep into the historical significance, I'm afraid such works are not qualified at all. But as a preliminary understanding of history, access to history, opening the door to history of the "enlightenment book", nothing can achieve better results than this book!

Especially for the national education level, such works are really too important!

Through people's interest to attract people to read, far better than "teach" them, the effect is better than a hundred times!

Since the last educational reform, he Chen has really liberated people's old-fashioned ideas.

This time he Chen drew "the rabbit that year" and brought them a new perspective - can some simple enlightenment subjects be combined with cartoons that are more easily accepted and stimulate people's interest?

The effect of Chinese basic education on students is recognized as excellent in the world, but its boring and rigid mode is also recognized.

If it is not boring and rigid, but also can maintain the current high-quality effect, it is very important for the country from the big aspect, and for the students from the small aspect; From the public point of view, this is a great progress in the field of education; In private, their children and grandchildren, the children and grandchildren of their relatives and friends, will also be able to get better education than they were in those years.

However, he Chen is not a regular teacher after all. He is only a nominal professor. He doesn't know anything about regular education and teaching, especially the very important enlightenment teaching, which can be said to affect one's life.

He can't give any help to the education sector. He can only let them discuss and try it slowly - but he has no problem in giving support to other aspects. If he can tie the cartoon with the education sector, it will be a bright future!

The result of the fierce war, which had been fought several times without smoke of gunpowder, came out at last.

Years later, when Ling Yan came to deliver the information, Ling Yi also came and told he Chen the result.


"Maybe, the positive energy produced by school days is too good, and it is widely praised by all walks of life. It also has an indelible impact on the youth, sex and enlightenment education of minors. The above people regard it as a positive and excellent work, and still believe that the grading system is unnecessary... And they use school days to fight back against us. Under their review, It has nothing to do with the censorship system, but the ability of the screenwriter is too low! "

Ling Yi organized the next language, the failure of the classification system told he Chen in detail.

He Chen is stunned. What else do you want to play with?

School days, which used to be a sharp weapon for them to fight back against the current audit system, is now used by opponents to fight back against them because of its "good" social repercussions.

"No grading, let school days play all age? It's insane! Don't they think about their children? " He Chen is speechless. It's good for him not to grade. Now he wants to grade.

I don't know if brother Cheng's spirit is in heaven. Will he close his eyes when he hears such news?

"School days is really unexpected this time. This kind of positive effect is also good for them. What's more, there are mainly people on the top. " Ling Yi said with a smile, "the other side's right arm, roll of roll, tune of the tune, for a group of people, now is not enough microfiltration. Well, it's also an exchange with you, otherwise Zhuo Junwu can't be so smooth. "

Therefore, he Chen doesn't like politics - if he goes in by himself, I'm afraid there will be no bones left.

It's certainly not as simple as Ling Yi said. Some secrets can't be easily revealed to he Chen. However, he Chen is not interested in it, and he doesn't bother to guess - it's meaningless for him to guess right or wrong. He just needs to know the result. The rest is still comfortable to draw his comics, carefree."If you can, can you create a better animation?" Ling Yi asked.

He Chen knew what he said. He thought about it and gave him a positive reply with a smile: "I think it's OK."

"Ha ha! I know you have no problem. If you have eyes, I hope you can tell me that I'm ready... By the way, have a good trip! " It seems that Ling Yi is full of confidence in he Chen, and he Chen's affirmative answer doesn't surprise him. Finally, he shook hands with hechen, patted him on the shoulder, and gave him his best wishes.

He Chen, I'm leaving Yanjing( Not finished, to be continued