Tanabata is a pink Festival.

This schedule is also a very important love schedule in China. Many "love" movies are shown in this schedule, providing countless lovers with one sweet and happy love story after another, cheating them out of tears, and cheating them out of money by the way.

However, "five centimeters per second" was born, risking the world's great criticism. When all the people tell stories of dog blood, no matter how cruel they are, they will always give the protagonists happiness in the end.

He Chen presents the audience with a thought-provoking love story full of regret and tragedy.

Every year is sweet Tanabata, see more, always feel a little greasy, that sweet feeling will gradually fade.

In a different way, 5cm per second leaps into the eyes of the audience, just like adding salt to bean curd, adjusting the taste for the sweet parties who are used to adding sugar.

It's full of fresh style, mild and warm pictures, memorable songs, and the ending of adding sugar, salt, pepper, vinegar and almond to bean curd. It's refreshing and unforgettable for a long time.

There is a sharp contrast between the regretful ending and the sweet ending. One is the "real" experience that countless people share, and the other is the sweet love that they long to have.

But the dream is false after all, only "true" can give people unforgettable memory.

After watching the insipid "5 cm per second", I went to see other films of the same type, which were full of dog blood. How ridiculous it looks. And that final in the past can move countless people's happy ending. Now in front of tired hearts, it seems to be an absurd fairy tale.

Of course, in this carnival, which should have been a love movie, because of the appearance of "5cm per second", it has become the death day of love movies - except for "5cm per second", the box office of all other similar movies is dismal.

I believe that the producers want to eat hechen.

In the "meet Premiere", the "speed 5 cm per second" to make a summary.

"The porter master used the multi angle narrative method of film to replace the single line narrative. Touch the protagonist GUI Shu's emotional world with other people's eyes. The vertical time axis from the first act to the third act connects the changes of GUI Shu from high school to work. The changes of times drive the changes of character and life, and blend the love that made people look at you when you were young with the imperfect ending of the last sigh. It seems natural, It also conveys the master Porter's theme of "distance."

Among the fans on the Internet, "5cm per second" is a little fresh style, which has aroused a high popularity. The fans have given a high evaluation, and even caused a new wave of youth literature.

"This short animated film is probably about most people's stories. Because it is an ordinary and beautiful story. Memories are sealed, we all choose to move on. Instead of being shackled by memories. You can all feel it. In real life, how many sincere feelings have been strangled in the cradle? Who will remember in the future night that he once loved a person so much and loved a person completely without any impurities. Maybe many years later, my hair is white and my back is hunched. I need crutches to walk. In the night when you can't sleep, or in the morning when you wake up early, do you think of you and him at the age of 13, kissing each other under the snowy cherry trees. On that day, you know what is warm, what is love, but there are countless obstacles between you and him, you still love, even if you understand that you and he have no future. At this time, you will still laugh, you will miss it. From our point of view may be a pity and regret, but in your heart, you already feel satisfied, have memories is enough. Really satisfied? It's just that the track of life has been fixed and can't be changed. " Wu Cheng is an Internet writer, good at blood flow, although he can't write love, but he is also a man with a story, in the comments area, he left a long comment.

In the comment area of "speed 5cm per second" on dmfun, countless people express their long-standing depression after watching the movie.

"Three short stories" is the embodiment of love in three periods. When I was young and ignorant, I didn't know what I liked. When I found it, I missed it. When I recalled it many years later, I sighed helplessly and laughed happily. Vigorous youth is to know that they like each other, but because of timidity can not say, how many people are like this? Stepping into the society, I know more or less what the society is. At this time, liking really becomes love. I know who I love and how to treat it. It's different from the original ignorance and timidity, but I envy the ignorance and timidity at that time. With the whereabouts of cherry blossoms, the memory in my heart, rendering a layer of charming color. It's another year when the flowers blow snow. When I look back, I don't see the man, but I still smile After watching the film with Gao Yang, Qiu Yun feels more happy and cherishes what she has now. She expresses her feelings in the comments."At five centimeters a second, they found each other. It's also between five centimeters per second, and they miss each other. At the end of the day, his last smile is not only a relief, but also a calm: even if we meet, time can't go back and the past can't come back. It's better to leave the memory of the past, the missing moment, hidden in the bottom of my heart, savor the pure love. Starting a new life for everyone is more beautiful than a painful meeting? " Some netizens said.

"I personally feel that the heroine also wants to wait for the train to pass, but she knows that even if we meet, the ring of her left ring finger will mercilessly explain that what they miss is not only the distance of five centimeters per second. Besides, it's better to miss it than to arrange a reunion. One touch re time, one touch re CE, this sentence may be the epitome of a sad sentence between two people waiting for fruitless. More in line with a situation, in the final analysis is the story of a boy and a girl meeting, taking place at the speed of five centimeters per second. A brief and lasting moment. " Mo Mo left his footprints in the comments.

Huang shaotian, who claims to be he Chen's brain powder, also commented: "a work can express an idea or an idea or some feelings. And in the works of the deep expression of this point. We call it the finishing touch. No doubt, the last scene of the animation "5 cm per second" is such a finishing touch. The porter master spent more than 50 minutes to lay the groundwork, and finally released the feelings he wanted to express with a turn back, a turn around and a smile in the last two minutes. "

"Some people cling to the ring on Ming Li's ring finger, or GUI Shu and some other woman sleeping on the bed in the dark room in 58 minutes and 10 seconds. But what the porter wants to tell us is that" no matter how deep the feelings are, there will be a bad day "? Obviously not! "

Naturally, Yao Hua can't miss every movie of he Chen, and will interpret he Chen's spirit from his own perspective: "what the porter wants to express is that once innocent feelings will not disappear with the loss of time. Even if this kind of feeling has not been completed for various reasons, it must be a beautiful memory in my heart. And shrink in the past good hope. Dare not accept new happiness, will only make the heart more and more old, and finally slowly die

"Memories are like wine, a little of which you can feel sweet. If you drink too much and indulge in it, you are just a delirious drinker. Under the cherry tree in the first act, Guishu said that he didn't know how to be responsible for Mingli's love. Although Mingli's kiss made him downplay his thinking on this problem, in fact, this problem has been bothering him. He likes reason, but he can accept it far away. Because Mingli doesn't need to put too much pressure on him. And the reason around him will make him uncomfortable, just like his work was finally abandoned by him. For Mingli, giving up may make his life easier. In the cherry blossoms falling at the speed of 5cm per second, in the happy past, your tree has stepped forward. The two shadows, which are gradually moving away from each other, contain the sadness of having no love, but more of them are the longing for a happy future. "

"For the theme song" one touch re time, one touch re CE ", I would like to say two more words. The most popular part of the whole song is" I've been looking for it ". Many people think that it's GUI Shu who is looking for reason, but I don't think so. What you seek is not necessarily reason. I think it's a good impression of the past. The more you work in the company, the heavier your mood will be. The colleagues you have to face have no intimacy, and are not prepared to know and be familiar with. The relationship with Lisa is not going well. A person walks aimlessly in the streets of Tokyo, and there is no one who wants to speak. Unconsciously, he naturally starts to look for something that he thought was very beautiful when he was young. As long as you can have it again, you really have nothing to ask for. There are many reasons for that relief smile, which must be one of them. At the intersection of that year, I once saw Luoying, who was far away. The speed of Luoying did not change. The people who watched Luoying grew up from children to adults. At that moment, Guishu must have mixed feelings. "

Looking at the movie, Wang Jinhua seems to take her memories aside again. In the last smile of GUI Shu, Wang Jinhua suddenly realized something and showed the same smile. He took out her mobile phone, gave her mobile phone number, and sent the last message "I wish you happiness!".

Last year, she invited Wang Jinhua to her wedding. Wang Jinhua didn't go. This is his belated blessing. In this blessing, he removed her number from his mobile phone, saying goodbye to the past.

Good memories, let it hide in the memories.

On the Internet, he wrote a comment: "it seems that the speed of 5cm per second is not very fast, or even very slow. People walk faster than it... But if this speed is maintained for 13 years. Speed times time,. This distance is exactly the distance around the earth, that is, the distance between the South Pole and the North Pole. After 13 years, the two hearts that once melted each other have reached the farthest distance on earth. This is not a tragedy, this is a warning, I hope you can cherish the present, do not let the good happiness into a regret memoriesWhether it's movies or reviews, Xu Yiru sighs like Lin Daiyu. Her hazy eyes see the world and the people behind her through the screen.

"Long dreams and short dreams are dreams. What's the year to come and what's the year to go... Mo Mo, I can't accompany you all my life..."


"I betrayed our agreement... I found that my heart has completely fallen in love with the porter master..."

"... Nizi, it's summer now. Don't have spring!"( Not finished, to be continued

ps Happy singles day to all of you!