Not everyone has the experience of Wang Jinhua.

In other people's eyes, the beginning of that lonely heart and that light sadness, just a bedding.

After a lot of hard work in your tree, I went to meet Mingli. Under the bare cherry tree, snowflakes were falling like cherry blossoms. They could not help kissing each other. All loneliness and sadness were removed, and incomparable sweetness and happiness emerged in people's hearts.

The kiss, detonated from acquaintance, like, separate, miss, meet all the feelings;

That kiss is the best memory of GUI Shu and Mingli;

The kiss, also deeply engraved in the hearts of the audience, let them intoxicated.

After the foreshadowing, the audience will enjoy the strongest touch, the thick sweetness, as if the heart will melt.

Therefore, they always believe that this will be a very happy ending love story.

Even if two people get together for one night, they will be separated. The audience always thinks that they will get together in the end.

Because this is the agreement between Guishu and Mingli. At the same time, the porter's integrity has been trusted by everyone. Didn't the porter say that this is a beautiful story?

On the poster, two adults, looking at each other on both sides of the railway, are the source of the audience's confidence in the happy ending.

"If we were broken apart, would you come to me?"

"Yes! Where you are, my heart is. Without you, my heart would not beat. Even if the ends of the earth, I will follow the guidance of the heart to find you

The beautiful scene is always playing back in my mind. Countless lovers are telling similar conversations, wandering in the romantic ocean.

But. If so. He Chen will not be so impressed. Guishu and Mingli didn't send each other any letters. There's a little bit of uneasiness about this story.

The first act is to describe the story of the two from the perspective of GUI Shu and the rational heart language. The second act is to describe GUI Shu from the perspective of flower seedlings.

Guishu transferred to a seaside town. Huamiao was his classmate. He was secretly in love with her. He studied hard in order to go to the same high school with him. Although he was qualified, he still didn't have the courage to tell him.

Every time I go to school or school, I pretend to meet you by chance, as long as I can say two more words to Gui Shu. Or go home together, the heart will be very happy.

The delicate psychological description of the flower seedlings makes some people feel the pure love when they were in secret love. They try their best to attract each other's attention, just to get into each other's eyes and say more to each other. They are extremely nervous, but they have to pretend to be very ordinary on the surface.

When Huamiao saw that Guishu was always writing short messages with his mobile phone, he suddenly hid for a while, and then laughed with relief and helplessness.

That smile. It's hard to see.

Huamiao thought in her heart, if the message was sent to her, how good it would be.

Such a small hope. But it's doomed.

Just a few pictures, a few words, let Huamiao win some audience's favor, but only for her regret.

There is an unforgettable figure in your tree's heart. The audience believe that the other side of the message must be sensible.

"Walking with the familiar girl on the alien grassland, I can't see her face clearly as usual. There is something in the atmosphere that people miss..."

The audience saw the content of SMS for the first time, but they were surprised to find that there was no recipient!

They always thought that Guishu and Mingli were still in contact, but at this time they were surprised to find that they seemed to have broken contact.

Your tree does not know when to start, develop a message like this with no receiver.

There was a complex look in his eyes, distress, confusion, nostalgia and fatigue.

It's different from the sweetness and happiness that the audience imagined.

Guishu still has a reasonable voice in his heart, because he still wants to take a walk with the "familiar girl", but his face, which should never be forgotten, has become an "invisible" one.

Do you want to say that Guishu has forgotten Mingli?

Certainly not. If he forgets, how can he write these messages that can never be sent out?

In the picture of GUI tree's fantasy, standing beside him is the clear reason with only fuzzy side face.

This seems to be telling that "can't see clearly" is not to forget Mingli, but Guishu can't imagine what Mingli will look like when she grows up.After breaking off the contact with Mingli, his memory of Mingli will stay at that moment forever.

Huamiao finally no longer confused and confused, broke through herself, and successfully stood up again when she was skiing. She also decided to tell Guishu.

The flower seedlings tried to stop talking for several times, but the closer they were to your tree, the more they could feel the distance between them.

The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when I stand in front of you, you don't know that I love you. The furthest distance in the world is not that I stand in front of you and you don't know that I love you, but that I love you so much that I can't say I love you.

Your tree is like a bird flying in the sky. In his eyes, there is only the distant sky. He will not notice that there is a little fish looking up at him below - Huamiao.

Birds and fish are destined not to be together.

On the way back, the setting sun seems to represent the first love before the flowers rise.

Although there is no advertising, but the seedlings have seen the results.

Tears trickled down, and the suppressed sobs attracted your tree's attention.

GUI Shu asks in amazement. Although he has been a classmate for many years and is used to going to school together, his eyes have never seen his side, and he has never noticed that he has been eager to get close to his heart.

"Please don't be so gentle to me any more..."

The sad voice of Huamiao makes countless people feel heartache, but there is nothing they can do.

Guishu's true love for Mingli moved the audience, but at the same time, it was destined to like his seedlings. It's going to be a tragedy.

And if you change your mind. Then the audience's previous feelings will no longer exist. Their true feelings will also be a joke, so will Huamiao still like this "not special" expensive tree, which is no different from ordinary people?

This is a question that cannot be answered.

The story of flower seedlings in the second act is depressing from the beginning. The audience think that the happy ending of GUI Shu and Mingli will come in the third act.

The third act is flashback.

At the same railway crossing, you have been working in society for several years. When you pass by, you suddenly think of Mingli that you haven't seen for many years.

They turned back at the same time. But was blocked by an acute train, just as at the beginning.

Just like the picture advertised in the poster, the two hearts that have been separated for a long time will meet again.

It brings endless thoughts to the audience. They are looking forward to the joy of reunion of the two people who once agreed for a lifetime after the train passed.

This is the most romantic, the most beautiful and the most longed for story.

However, this is not the story of 5cm per second.

And then there's adult reason. She talked to her parents about the wedding.

From the audience's point of view, they don't know it's a flashback. I saw the two meet again. Then the wedding content of the screen, naturally think this is your tree and Mingli wedding.

It's just that they are very confused about this. Why are they going to have a wedding so soon?

When we meet again, cherry blossoms are falling. It's spring.

When Mingli said goodbye to her parents about the wedding, it was snowing and winter.

So what happened in the year that disappeared!

What the audience felt was the joy of the reunion of the two hearts after more than ten years of separation. Such a beautiful and romantic thing, even if you think about it a little bit, the audience is already intoxicated. How can you just ignore it?

But then, the story went beyond their expectations.

From the inner monologue of Mingli, the audience suddenly noticed that the object of Mingli's marriage is not Guishu. Mingli's memory of Guishu is still the last time when they separated. It seems that they didn't meet again.

"Just ordinary life, sadness will gather around..."

Your tree's inner voice is full of vicissitudes and fatigue.

Once a good memory and agreement suddenly became a kind of bondage, let his scarred heart, gradually zombie.

One day, when I look back, the feeling engraved in my heart has disappeared.

"Even if we exchange a thousand messages, the distance between our hearts can only be shortened by one centimeter."

He broke up with his girlfriend of three years and quit his job."Yesterday I had a dream..."

"The dream of a long time ago..."

"In my dream, we are only 13 years old..."

"It was in the field covered with a thick layer of snow..."

"The lights of the farmhouse are out of reach, only two scattered spots can be seen..."

"On the new accumulated snow, Only the footprints of the two of us, and then... "

"One day, we can enjoy the cherry blossom together again..."

"He and I are determined to..."

"Think so..."

In the movie, Guishu and Mingli are switching their perspectives and telling the same story.

Listening to the husky and vicissitudes of the song, looking at Mingli and Guishu as two parallel lines, the farther they go, a very complex feeling suddenly emerges in the hearts of the audience.

"I've been looking for you.

The room opposite, the window in the lane.

Even though I know you're not there.

If the wish can come true, I will come to you at once.

No longer afraid of anything.

Hold you tight even if you give everything.

If it's just to get rid of loneliness, anyone can replace it.

But in this starry night, I can no longer deceive myself.

one- Four seasons, don't change.

one- Touch re time, go back to the time of playing with you