Mountain King has trumps, but Northern Hunan also has trumps.

Zebei is about to enter the NBA, and Liuchuan maple is also a man with the goal of NBA!

Liuchuan maple is very similar to Zebei. In the contest with Liuchuan maple, Zebei shows the excitement that has not been seen for a long time. It's a pleasure to compete with such an opponent.

The same is true for maple Liuchuan.

When coach Anxi was in hospital, Liuchuan Feng expressed the idea of going to the NBA, but coach Anxi stopped him at that time. At that time, Liuchuan Feng's level could not even touch the threshold of the NBA. If this is the case, I'm afraid that the top rookies from all over the world will completely destroy their confidence.

Coach Anxi said that he became the first senior high school student in China and was thinking about it.

Liuchuan Maple thinks that fairway is very strong - fairway is really strong. The elegant playing style has the feeling of leisurely walking. Before meeting Zebei, fairway is the strongest person in Liuchuan Maple's eyes.

However, Sendao is very clear about the weakness of Liuchuan maple. In the single and team competitions, Liuchuan Maple uses the same playing method.

First came to Liuchuan Maple said, if in the singles, Liuchuan Maple may be very strong, but in the team match, as long as Liuchuan Maple one day does not understand the problem of this kind of play, one day it is impossible to win him.

However, after the hands of the opponent, rare that can give Liuchuan Maple such a great pressure opponent, until he met Zebei.

In the face of Zebei's defenseless attack means and excellent defensive ability, Liuchuan Maple has been blasted. At the same time, Liuchuan Maple has finally seen the problem - basketball is a team game.

A learned to pass the Liuchuan maple, Xiangbei's offensive means have been thoroughly live.

He finally moved from an ordinary role player. It's like the transformation of the ace players. At the same time, it is also moving towards higher goals.

I've always been on Mount Tai. The chubby coach Anxi couldn't sit still and stood on the edge of the court. Although he couldn't see anything on the surface, he could see how excited he was from his wet shirt and the way Xiangbei waved his fist every time he scored a goal or attacked!

Shanwang's coach couldn't sit down. Squatting on the edge of the field, clenched fists on the floor, palms are full of sweat.

This is just the battle for the top 16. He never thought that Shanwang would have such a crisis in the face of such a "weak" team in Northern Hunan!

Shanwang is the dominant team of Huaxia high school league!

Their players graduated with the qualification to play in CBA!

They have zengbei, a super ace that can enter the NBA!

Why, why did Xiangbei not give up when it was 20 points ahead of Xiangbei?

Why only the last two minutes, there is a gap of 10 minutes, Xiangbei still do not give up?

Why does he feel like he's going to lose when he's the leader?

Why can Xiangbei catch up all the way?

These are the problems. I'm afraid he'll never understand.

And when sakuraki flew to save the ball and fell off the court. Even the mountain king's supporters gradually turned to northern Hunan.

In the huge guild hall, the cry of "Mountain King" began to turn into "Northern Hunan".

Xiangbei conquered the audience and readers with his fighting spirit of never giving up even facing such a strong team as Shanwang, even if he was 20 points behind.

The scene of sakuraki's flying body made countless readers cry.

The belief that even if injured, but also to win, even across a dimension, even if the audience does not play basketball, also deeply touched their soul.

"I'm wrong. I apologize to Xiangbei for saying that" if there is a 20 point gap, Xiangbei will give up. "! Men can't say give up! "

"It's just a fictional competition, but it's so exciting. It's a part of my life to catch up with the master Porter every day. Even if the competition doesn't advance that day, it's just a description of everyone's heart, but as long as I see it, I can sleep soundly at night. If only our CBA could have this spirit! "

"Maybe because of our physical fitness, we can't compete with the NBA physically. But I believe that when the "Xiangbei will" comes, our CBA will become as wonderful as the NBA

"I fell in love with basketball because of" slam dunk master "... Although I didn't have time to play, I often watched NBA and CBA broadcast after seeing" slam dunk master ". I cried when I saw Sakuragi save the ball. A thousand words, I just want to say, Huaxia basketball, come onXiangbei is no longer a fictional team, he has become people's expectation of Chinese basketball!

Countless people cheer for Xiangbei, which is also the expectation for Huaxia Basketball - we are very weak now, but we will not give up, we will not admit defeat, we are eager to win, one day, we will catch up with the NBA!

However, sakuraki's saving was tearful, but it was also worrying - sakuraki's huge body hit the table heavily and fell to the ground, what would happen?

Later, worry turned into reality, Sakuragi's back was injured.

Spine for ordinary people, a little miss will have a huge impact, even paralysis, for athletes, is an athlete's life!

In the face of this situation, Sakuragi gave a heartless smile and said he was OK.

At this time, he can't get off the court. No one in the team can rebound better than himself. In this last little time, he must hold on, even if

When Xiao Ming sees this, he thinks that Sakuragi is just a sb, a high school league. Can he use his whole life of basketball to win a game?

If you really love basketball, you should cherish your body, because there is still a long way to go, even after graduating from high school, there are countless opportunities to play basketball.

But tears still covered his face.

He didn't like basketball at first, but after "slam dunk master", the feeling of enjoying basketball as a child came back.

He thought, why in the middle of that time, he would hate basketball?

Is it the Chinese basketball career for which parents have worked hard all their lives and still can't get return?

Is it the lifeless Chinese basketball career with no passion?

Things without vitality will naturally make people lose their vitality.

And "slam dunk master" injected vitality into it, he finally found himself lost on the road of life.

As a basketball player, he may feel sakuraki's heart slightly, because he loves basketball, this team and his teammates, and he doesn't want to lose like this!

Sakuraki's saving, let Xiaoming see the shadow of his parents, devoted his life to basketball.

Their love for basketball is deep in their soul!

In a desperate layup, the goal was expected to be invalid, Sakuragi's body finally could not support, was replaced.

Sakuraki wanders in the unwilling and pain.

Sakuraki is a fool. There is no doubt that he often makes two mistakes, and he can't even remember the rules of basketball;

Sakuragi is a genius, and there is no doubt about that. So far, Sakuragi has only played basketball for four months, but he has grown from a rookie who can't even transport the ball to a reliable teammate who can play the killer mace!

Beauty is more than misfortune, genius is more than misfortune.

In their lives, it seems that they are always accompanied by numerous frustrations.

The past scenes, like retrogressive movies, flashed in sakuraki's mind.

From the trust and support of his companions just now, to the cheers when he defeated the strong enemy before, to the praise of everyone after his progress, to the joy of practicing alone earlier, to being recognized by everyone, to being sent as a starter by coach Anxi, to the excitement of every progress, and finally back to the original origin.

It was the first time that he met basketball. It was not long after he entered senior one. A lovely girl accidentally threw a basketball into his boring life.

"Do you like playing basketball?"

This is the first time Qingzi met with him, asked him that sentence, will he closely linked with basketball that sentence.

It was a scene that Sakuragi would never forget.

Sakuraki fell in love with Qingzi at first sight. In order to please Qingzi, he doesn't play basketball at all. He lies and says he likes it.

However, if now Qingzi asked him once, he could look into Qingzi's eyes and say without hesitation, "I like it! like it very much! This time, I will never lie! "

He did, too. He grabbed Qingzi's shoulder, looked at her bright eyes with firm eyes, and said his mind aloud!

He likes basketball!

"I love basketball!"

Xiao Ming saw here, also shed tears, said aloud!

The sincere and fiery heart resonates at this moment.

Sakuraki's choice did not come out of people's expectation. He was simple and simple. He loved basketball so much. How could he shrink back in such a crisis?It's recklessness, but it's also youth!

Everyone stopped Sakuragi from playing. His injury is not serious now. After a rest, he should have no problem. But if he plays now, it will be unpredictable.

But Sakuragi also said a word to coach Anxi, which shocked the hearts of countless readers.

"What's your most glorious moment, old man?"

"Is it the time to represent the whole of China?"

"And me..."

"It's now!"

Sakuraki has decided to kill him. His graceful and solemn back and unswerving eyes make him suddenly burst out his charm.

His red round head is like a burning day, burning with life, releasing vigorous heat!

"It's now!" Sakuraki's words are sonorous and forceful in the hearts of the audience, which is his choice and determination without regret!

Youth will be injured, but youth do not want to have regret!

Duet of youth( Not finished, to be continued