He Chen first searched the name of the song in his memory, but didn't find it. Then he confirmed it to Ma Meizi and found that the world really didn't have that song.

But it's also hard for he Chen. He has made the music software of VOCALOID. Without pursuing the ultimate sound effect, he can write music for any instrument with this software.

And this video is hechen's spoof video, don't care about the sound effect.

So according to his memory, he first composed the music, hummed two sentences, which were similar to those in his memory, and then turned to write the lyrics.

The original song is the National Anthem of the island. He can't remember the lyrics. However, as long as you know the general meaning of the song and pay attention to the rhyme, you can write it casually - as long as the meaning is almost the same.

He Chen's singing attracted Yi Jing to come over, Yi Jing Yin face: "he Chen, what do you mean? When I sing this kind of lyrics in front of me, I think I have no temper, right? Or do you really... Say it! Who is that man? "

This song Yi Jing has never heard of, should be he Chen's original song. They know the level of hechen very well, and they are not surprised by hechen's original songs.

But the lyrics reflect the writer's mood. He Chen's singing of such a brother makes Yi Jinglin have the association that makes her heartache.

Counting the time, it seems that the time she and hechen have known each other up to now is similar to the song in the lyrics - "three years".

While saying, Yi Jing Lin's eyes fell on several other women.

Falling in love with an excellent man is very annoying, because he is always surrounded by countless excellent women.

"Not me." Ling Yan answered faintly.

Ma Meizi also waved her hand. He blushed as if he could boil an egg: "no, it's not me. It's not me! Chen Jun doesn't like me

"Jinglin, I said that there are no men who don't care... And I also said that the seven-year itch. After three years of knowing each other, I want to change my mind!"

Walnut, who has rejoined the army, suddenly looks excited when he hears this song.

At that time, she was admonished by Yi Jing, and after the new year, Yi Jing lived with he Chen. Given a huge blow to walnut, she thought she would never have a chance in her life, so she just wanted to keep the relationship between them as good friends and spend her life in a muddle.

But I didn't expect that he Chen had killed herself, and let her see the hope again!

"It's just a song..." I feel that Yi Jing's reaction is too intense, and he Chen is wronged.

"Who would write such lyrics for no reason?" Yi Jing Hui's eyes are full of light sadness. She always feels that he Chen's lyrics have something else to refer to.

He Chen is so excellent. Let Yi Jing Li worry about gain and loss, there is a kind of feeling that if she doesn't pay attention, it will disappear from her hands.

He Chen quickly coaxed: "it's really just a song. I want to make an animated video."

"... well, I believe you! Don't let me know, or tell me it's true... Otherwise. I don't know what I'm going to do

Yi Jing Yi believes he Chen after all.

"It's a duet. Do you want to sing it?" He Chen invited, but Yi Jing refused.

A good singer has to pour his feelings into every song. But this song always gives her a bad feeling that she doesn't want to sing this song with hechen all her life.

And hechen is smart. No one else was invited to sing.

With the initial sound, you can sing without "people".

So in his duet with chuyin. Finished the song.

Then it is from the animation clip screen, from countless material clip a few seconds, or even less than a second of the screen, according to the rhythm of the song clip into a two minute video.

The difficulty is not high, but it is very cumbersome and time-consuming.

Hechen still has things to deal with every day. In order to make the effect better, this video took hechen two nights.

After that, he Chen was satisfied and uploaded to the dmfun video area.

"Alert, alert! High energy reaction ahead! Please evacuate the non combatant quickly A few minutes later, countless such barrages appeared at the beginning of the video, and it is obvious that someone has entered the second cycle.

"120 seconds, let you misunderstand EVA!"

"Trough, have I crossed? This is not the EVA I've seen! "

"Synchronization rate exceeds 400%!"

"What a powerful a.t.field! I've been eroded, polluted"Why does EVA become a love triangle drama?" the third year's change of heart "takes you to appreciate different" EVA "!"

He Chen restored a spoof video EVA version of "the third year's change".

Exquisite editing is full of misunderstandings and images, and make complaints about fans.

The spoof and ghost animal of the original work thoroughly inspired the entertainment spirit hidden in the body.

In order to let more people feel the charm of their favorite role, countless people join in it.

kanon "The third year's change", fool test evocation version "the third year's change", even Xiaozhi and Pikachu, digital baby, Conan, Longzhu, etc., no matter men or women, no matter whether they are human or not, have been poisoned.

The finished works are full of vitality again!

Those works, in the hands of imaginative fans, change a thousand colors!

A small ghost animal video, opened a big era of national participation!

As the original creator of ghost animal video, and later launched a lot of well-made Animation videos, Nanze 18's fate has changed.

He's invited by Sonny!

For the creativity and control of animation shown in his videos, Sony invited him to join their animation department!

Continuous wall, finally ushered in a turnaround!

Saved by animation, changed by animation, because animation has found a job related to animation.

His previous work had nothing to do with animation, and his major had nothing to do with animation. For those video production technology, all are watching online teaching video, while self-learning while exploring.

He does not pay to create these things, free to share with you, by virtue of his love for animation!

He likes animation.

Is there anything better for him than this job?

In the narrow room, Nanze 18 couldn't sleep all night.

Unable to sleep, he turned on his old second-hand computer. The wonderful videos were made bit by bit with this shabby guy.

He logged into DM account, with the trend of animation, DM communication software is becoming more and more popular in island countries, especially manyou, which is a necessary communication software.

Nanze 18 has a group of friends who are islanders like him.

"Friends! I've got a job! "

Nanze eighteen happily knocked down such a line.

Some of the friends in the group will encounter some setbacks in reality, so Nanze 18 used his own experience to enlighten them.

After listening to his story, other people look back at their setbacks, and the little trouble disappears.

And Nanze eighteen, also because of his life has always been full of hope, let him have a very good popularity.


There are many night owls in the group. After Nanze 18 spoke, he immediately received a series of congratulations.

"Uncle! Come on

"What kind of work?"

"Sony, animation department."

Nanze eighteen's reply attracted a series of exclamations from the group.

"Wow! Uncle, it's amazing that I went to sonizi! "

"Animation department! Do you want to do animation in the future? Come on, hope to make our Japanese animation

"How envious! How did you get in? Please introduce your experience

"I'm just like in a dream. I was invited suddenly. Maybe it's because I watched the videos I made." Nanze 18 thought and answered.

If he had not received sonzi's formal invitation, he would not have believed it was true.

By chance, someone added him as a good friend, claiming to be Sony son, and asked him if he would like to come to the animation department.

He didn't believe it at first, because he didn't send a resume to sonzi. He didn't believe that the famous Sony would invite him.

However, he said a few words without charge. He held the idea of having a try and said yes to the other party.

Then the other party asked his email address and sent him an official invitation.

"Uncle's videos are really wonderful! In particular, the "ultimate ghost animal" can't sleep without cycling several times every night"I can't see that my uncle is a beginner. I feel that as a college student majoring in film and television, I have learned all my courses in vain!"

"Well! That's your love for the second dimension. It's not enough! Works without love are like puppets without soul. Naturally, they are not as attractive as uncle's works. "

"With his strength, it's no problem to enter Sony's animation department. Although he hasn't learned it before, he is very talented in this aspect. "

"If you can enter Tianman, it's the holy land for everyone who loves animation! With uncle's talent, if you can get the guidance of the master Porter, you will certainly be more powerful than the supervisors of Tianman animation department! "

We are excited to discuss, Nanze 18 rushed into the animation industry, let their hearts have a kind of pride and pride.

"Thank you, thank you! I will never forget your help, support and encouragement. I just want to say that it's great to know anime and you

After chatting all night, Nanze Shiba didn't feel sleepy at all, and his spirit was extremely excited.

After daybreak, he will go to Sony animation department. I don't know what kind of life will be waiting for him.

He thought, it must be a life full of dreams and hopes!