"You are the wind, I am the sand, winding, winding the end of the world..."

"Ah! Hechen, I'm going to kill you! Don't let me hear that again

Yi Jing Hui shut herself in the bedroom, covered with quilt, but the magic sound that almost brainwashed a generation, still penetrated the wall and quilt, got into her ears, and destroyed her weak heart.

After tossing and turning, Yi Jing can't bear it at last. Wearing Pikachu's pajamas, she runs out as if she is crazy. She grabs her hair, widens her eyes and roars at he Chen. Her usually smart eyes are full of blood.

Yi Jing Li, who has been completely fooled and collapsed, doesn't care about her image in hechen's eyes.

What is suspended on the TV is the game picture of huanzhu gege. Hechen directly connects the game console with the luxury TV at home to achieve the most cool game effect.

In a word, he chenkai's voice is not big, but it may be the magic of the song itself, which gives the song a penetrating talent. As long as the sound of the song is within the effective range, it sounds like it rings directly in the brain, any obstacle in front of it is like a piece of thin paper.

He Chen sat on the sofa and waved to Yi Jing: "come on, let's play together! It's very interesting

It's only 8:00 p.m. now, he Chen finished the day's cartoon drawing, quickly took out the game and began to continue yesterday's strategy.

The broken Yi Jing can't stand the game and runs back to her bedroom. However, the "moving" BGM keeps getting into her ears and makes her want to sleep.

"Jinglin, Chen Jun is right! This story is really touching Ma Meizi stood on hechen's side with mist in her eyes. Let's talk to Yijing together.

Mamiko, who has not been brainwashed by endless replays. Attracted by the plot of the game. Recently, the most anticipated entertainment program every night is to watch hechen introduction game.

And Lingyan... From he Chen began to play "huanzhu gege", Lingyan resolutely moved upstairs, living with Liu Ying and walnut.

He said he would come back when he stopped playing games.

Ling Yan can make such a move, he Chen's evaluation of "huanzhu gege" has been improved by another point.

"The CG in this game doesn't know who painted it in heyday. He has profound painting skills and imitates the moon like group in a very good way. That face and body... Cough, it's so much better than the real people in the TV series! If you know who it is, I really want to dig him up. Maybe it will be useful in the future. "

"Dubbing is also very powerful, although it's not the same group of people - let's not talk about the male actors. Those actresses are more and more famous now. Even if Qian man is rich and powerful, if he wants to hire someone to dub, he must think it over carefully. The dubbing of Shengshi is very well imitated. In addition to individual places can hear, do not look at the dubbing table, I am afraid will think it is the original team in dubbing

"Some of the leisure games added also add to the game fun... In this point, he was the first. I wanted to think about it in our later works. I don't know whether this is Li youyou's idea or Li Sen's idea? Forget it, no matter which one, it's all powerful. The Chinese GALGAME is saved. "

"The only drawback is BGM. Most of the BGM in the game is this song:" you're crazy, I'm stupid... "It's too monotonous, but it's powerful."

He Chen commented on huanzhu gege according to his own experience.

As a masterpiece of local GALGAME, he Chen is very satisfied with this work.

Full of Chinese charm and full of ancient style, the GALGAME in the inner courtyard of the Imperial Palace brings an extraordinary feeling to hechen, who has been troubled by campus themes.

The players here have only experienced a few works, so they don't have a strong reaction to this.

However, in hechen's view, this is indeed a great progress in the field of GALGAME, which completely breaks the possibility that GALGAME is monopolized by campus themes and greatly expands the range of GALGAME materials.

He Chen is looking forward to the development of GALGAME in the world. As the script library of animation, GALGAME in the world is not bound by those old school themes. How many excellent scripts will appear?

"I can't imagine that over the years, there are still people interested in it!" Seeing that he Chen had given a detailed analysis, Yi Jing Lin's face was black.

"Every summer vacation replay, ratings are good..." he Chen also gave the proof.

Although "huanzhu gege" has been sprayed all day long, I can't bear to live in this era. Even if it is replayed, it can crush the audience rating of countless golden TV series.

"Come and play! Today I'm going to take the most difficult route here, Mammy Rong He Chen excitedly invites Yi Jing.This game uses the double leading role system, the player may choose one of the two people in the swallow and crape myrtle as the leading role to carry on the game, both plot are also different. The other one who has no choice will follow the original plot of the story.

This new (hunting) experience made hechen unable to stop.

Maybe a lot of people, like he Chen, will deliberately walk up to the badend of mammy Rong's small dark room, and then look at the characters they control. In Mammy Rong's ferocious laughter, a little bit of bullying and maltreating to death will produce some strange pleasant feeling in their hearts.

There are also many characters available for introduction. Except for those leading characters, basically, the characters who often show their faces in TV series can be introduced.

However, Shengshi does not seem to have considered a problem. The number of men playing games is much higher than that of women. Shengshi has never considered the feeling that male players control female characters to attack male characters?

In a word, he Chen's psychological pressure is too big for men. Therefore, he only focuses on female characters.

Unfortunately, the game does not provide Lily plot. For example, after he Chen's introduction of the empress with a black belly, she will become a powerful assistant to help swallow and crape myrtle recognize their father. After recognizing their father, she will enter the good end where the family live in harmony.

"... you have a strong taste!" Yi Jing Hui seemed to think of some kind of plot. She shivered and turned black.

He Chen is not the only one with "heavy taste". According to statistics, Mammy Rong and the queen are the most popular strategies on the Internet. In the ending, the most popular is not good end, but badend after badend.

The more miserable the ending is, the more sought after by the players. In this kind of game, the players play tricks and level.

While hechen is enjoying the pleasure brought by the different be in the game, he receives an invitation from Leeson.

It was a private invitation, and Leeson only invited him.

He Chen is very curious about Li Sen's invitation. He happens to have something to talk to Li Sen, so he gladly goes to the appointment.

According to the address given to hechen by lisen, hechen drives to an idyllic club with elegant environment. In Yanjing, a place full of urban noise, this quiet environment is the most favorite leisure place for the rich.

Although he Chen is now among the rich, he is an otaku.

Destined to be not interested in such a place full of fresh air.

The clubhouse is a membership system. With a waiter leading him, he Chen met Li Sen by a quiet pond and was accompanied by a waiter to sign his name.

Wearing a casual suit, Leeson takes off the sharp momentum of his work. He is fishing alone, with a barbecue beside him.

"Mr. Li!" Hechen went over, said hello, and sat next to Leeson.

Lisen gave a faint smile. His paralyzed smile was very ugly.

"Why do you come to me for barbecue today? Just the two of us? "

Leeson nodded, pulled up the fishing rod, played with the bait twice, threw it out again, and fixed the fishing rod on the ground.

"I haven't been here for a long time."

There was a pot of tea boiling nearby. Leeson thought about the tea and poured new tea for hechen.

This kind of technique, he Chen saw Ma Meizi play with, is very authentic tea. Leeson seems to be vigorous and resolute. He even studies this kind of gentle craftsmanship. He Chen finds another point of his attraction.

"Mr. Li, this time you are really amazing《 I didn't even think of this kind of thing. " He Chen praised.

"How do you feel?" Leeson didn't pay attention to hechen's praise and asked.

He Chen took a sip of tea, which was very hot. He didn't feel as good as Ma Meizi. Then he gave Leeson a thumb and said, "classic!"

No matter in terms of subject matter, content, or the practice of small games inside, it has already been applied before he Chen came out, so it's not too much to be called a classic.

"But there's a little bit of advice for the game."

Leeson listens. He attaches great importance to hechen's opinions.

"As for the protagonists controlled by the players, I think we should add some male characters, right? After all, male players are the main consumers in the player group. Let them play a female role strategy... Don't you feel uncomfortable and disgusted? "

After thinking about it, Leeson nodded and said, "well... OK."

"By the way, now that you have set up the same-sex characters, I think Lily plot can have... This is the soul of GALGAME! Besides, this kind of thing is very common in the Imperial Palace in history! "He Chen doesn't care much about the use of female characters. He Chen can attack women anyway.

But it's a pity that we can't reach the final result.

And if there is such a model of "huanzhu gege", he Chen believes that it will definitely be very popular with fans.

He Chen tells lisen his opinions and regrets about GALGAME, intending to create a happy Chinese GALGAME by his hand.

After the discussion, he Chen remembered and asked, "by the way, what's the matter with me today? What's the matter? "

I want to talk about the adaptation of white album!