"The third and fourth episodes are the key description of Shinji's psychology. Even the battle between the apostles and EVA is to set off Shinji's heart. The title of the third episode is "the phone doesn't ring" and the subtitle is "transfer students". As the name suggests, it refers to the loneliness in a strange group, especially when it comes to his existence as a hero who has saved mankind

"The title of the fourth episode is" after rain and running away ", and the subtitle is" porcupine dilemma ". For film and television works, running away and rain is a common visual expression, which can not only make the audience feel a sad atmosphere, but also highlight the confusion in the protagonist's heart. "

"Shinji wanders aimlessly in the city. The red world and the noisy voice show his inner confusion - although the world is big, where is his home?"

"The" porcupine dilemma "means that in winter, a group of porcupines huddle in a tree hole which is not warm. It's really too cold. Porcupines are crowded together. They have to rely on each other's body temperature to warm themselves. However, when they are too close to each other, they hurt themselves. They leave, but the warmth follows. So porcupines frequently adjust their distance, When a most suitable distance appears, they will no longer approach and leave. This distance will not bring injury, and they will still feel the warmth of each other. So they spent a warm winter

"This is Arthur, the German philosopher? What Schopenhauer mentioned in the appendix and addendum. In terms of outlook on life, most of his views are pessimistic due to his impressions of Hinduism and Buddhism. "

"Sigmund? Freud also introduced the "porcupine dilemma" into the field of psychology

"In our life, we often encounter such a situation that we want to get close to others and show kindness to others, but we always hurt ourselves and others. Interpersonal communication is in the repeated close and away, to find a way to let each other feel warm. But it won't hurt the distance. This is the distance of the heart. "

"Distance produces beauty?" Yao Hua said in a voice.

Liao Zhenying nodded with a smile: "that's understandable."

"This kind of pessimism is also revealed in EVA. But EVA itself yearns for hope. In his story, through the fight between Shinji and EVA and the apostles, he expresses his resistance to this pessimism. "

"Shinji, who fled without permission, was captured by nev's security department. In a dark cell, Meili had such a conversation with him..."

The light came in through the open door, like an invisible line. Divided the world into black and white.

Shinji and nev on the wall are in the "black" place, while Meili is in the "white" world.

Although Shinji was in "black", he was "white" to express his inner yearning. Although Meili is in the "white" world, it is a dark shadow, because she is a nerv.

The contrast between black and white. Let the two people's dialogue also bring the audience a stronger sense of conflict.

"Here, Meili repeatedly asked him whether to sit in EVA or not. Shinji said what he thought. He didn't want to sit, but if he didn't, Li would sit in EVA. Meili finally broke out, with anger and pain suppressed in her voice. She wants to do what she wants to do, not like a soulless puppet

"From the beginning of the peaceful dialogue to the final outbreak, Meili here can be said to be the third person to change Shinji. Shinji is a collection of pessimism, he does not know how to refuse, do not know how to express his own ideas, he is gentle and does not want to hurt others, so all the pain is borne alone. The more you live, the more tired you are

"Meili's roar is to pull him out of the darkness and bring him light, just like the visual expression here."

Yao Hua can't help nodding. As a director, he has a more professional understanding of the expression of the lens and agrees with Liao Zhenying's statement here.

"When Shinji was about to leave. Dongzhi and Jianjie come to see Shinji off, where Shinji's deep and lonely heart is finally touched, and he is finally understood and recognized by others. He felt the warmth. His lack of friends and attention was finally filled

"Shinji is no longer silent and blames others. He looks his heart in the face. Facing up to the changes of the three people, it turned into a turning point here. Shinji did not leave. "

"Here, Meili, the last one who came here, was separated from Shinji by the platform, with a 47 second still camera. It was very ingenious. The expressive force here was far better than that of comics!" Yao Hua couldn't help interrupting.

Liao Zhenying said: "I don't know much about the lens. I can only analyze it psychologically. Shinji began to think that Meili regarded himself as an outsider and a tool. Therefore, when you see Meili here, you are moved and feel that you are no longer alone. And Meili is pleased with Shinji. She sees Shinji's growth. ""Shinji's expression has always been sad and confused. There is a trace of joy and softening here at last. He said, "I'm back," and Meili said, "welcome home." these two ordinary conversations show that they have finally opened their hearts, understood each other, and accepted each other. "

"The fifth episode starts with the start-up test of Liyu No.0, which leads to the violent run of No.0. The reason for the rampage was the driver's psychological instability, which said that "her mood was so chaotic that it was unbelievable.". From the beginning of her appearance, Li gives people a cold feeling. She has never shown it, and she can't see that her heart is so chaotic. "

"And the chaos that Li couldn't show in her heart was reflected by the rampage of the zero plane. Therefore, at the beginning, I put forward that EVA is just a tool to materialize the mind. It is dispensable. As long as it can make the audience feel the change of the character's mind, it can become anything. "

"No, no, no, I still believe in my point of view, the heart represents reason, EVA represents desire. Li's inner chaos is the chaos of reason, and the chaotic reason can't control her desire, which leads to her rampage. "

Although Liao Zhenying's point of view really brightens people's eyes, Yao Hua doesn't agree with it. He thinks his point of view is reasonable and doesn't make sense.

"Yao Dao, Professor Liao, here is extremely cold-blooded. Ding Yuandu, like a cold-blooded animal, shows extraordinary concern for Ling Boli. Is it Li who cares about Ling Boli? Or is it because... "

Seeing signs of a quarrel between the two, Jiang Yan quickly raised a question and brought the discussion back to the story of EVA.

"At the beginning, I thought it might be the latter reason, but later I thought about it. Ding Yuandu was a very rational person. In the end, his favorite in his heart was still his wife, and there was no other substitute, so it didn't make sense."

"Moreover, both Meili and Luzi said that Shinji, like dingyuandu, was not good at expressing his feelings. Ding Yuandu's feelings for Li are very complicated. They are not only a tool, but also a part of the plan. They also have the shadow of important people in their hearts. Maybe they have a variety of feelings at the same time. "

The drug guide thought about it and wanted to answer.

Liao Zhenying nodded as like as two peas. The Li is just like the heir of the beginning, even worse than the heir. Because heir has at least yearned for hope, but Li has not shown any signs of this. Shinji has already made friends, and part of her soul has been made up, but Li, who came one year earlier than Shinji, is still on her own

"Li is lonely, and she doesn't know anything, and she can't show anything. So it's hard to see her inner turmoil on the outside, but it's obvious from the bad environment of her home

"In the shabby room, there are only the most basic living furniture, blood stained bandages, a pile of nutritious junk food, and only one broken glasses, shining brightly in the sunlight through the gap of the curtain."

"The glasses are the ones that were broken by dingyuandu when she was saving her. Li solemnly put them away to show that part of her heart has been mended. Therefore, in the next restart experiment, there was no violent walk."

Jiang Yan suddenly noticed a place, so he said: "by the way, Li came out naked after a bath, but she didn't react to Shinji's seeing her body. Instead, she moved her glasses to Shinji, showing her anger. Even if they are seen or touched, their reactions are extremely cold, as if they have no sense of shame. "

"Before, teacher Huang shaotian proposed in his analysis that Adam and Eve had a sense of shame after eating the fruit of wisdom. Does this mean that Li did not" eat the fruit of wisdom "

This is Jiang Yan's question based on the analysis he heard and his own understanding. Although Li is a copy of human beings, she is the soul of the second apostle Lilith. "Not eating the fruit of wisdom" here refers to the apostle. Does Lichi naked also imply her identity?

"In terms of Huang shaotian's analysis, it's true. However, the lack of shame can also be regarded as Li's incomplete mind. " Liao Zhenying answers with her own point of view.


In "meet for Premiere", two people come from different industries and work in different ways. It can be said that they are two people who can't fight with each other. They argue about the same work endlessly.

Netizens are in a hot debate about this work, but the content of their discussion is not so profound.

"I don't care about shame, wisdom or apostle. All I know is that when I see this picture, I want to cut Shinji's paw!"

ps Thank you [Yuban lvhao, a stick to the end of the world, I'm a wowowotou, night V cry, crazy house jazz, moyueyan wolf, my cousin is a crane in the clouds, {little demon}, shining all the sky, thunder, hanging text of the cat, wind love rain] reward!