Shinji drove EVA to the ground. Under the command of Meili, EVA's safety fixture was completely removed.

However, this was the first time Shinji drove EVA, or even saw EVA for the first time. He didn't have any chance to brush experience, so he asked him to challenge the ultimate boss of the apostles, who should have met at the last level in the game.

Shinji even controls EVA to walk extremely difficultly!

With the heavy BGM accompaniment of piano, drum and other musical instruments, the hearts of the audience watching EVA all over the world at this moment are pulled up.

In this case, how can Shinji and EVA defeat the apostles?

Not to mention defeat, the audience can't even think of any way to survive EVA.

If they were driving EVA at the moment, they would have abandoned EVA.

With the symphony of the classic "EVA" when the Apostle came, EVA was caught by the apostle, and the Apostle pinched off one of EVA's arms. Shinji sitting in EVA also suffered a lot.

The Apostle held the machine with one hand, and the gun of light on his arm pierced the head of EVA machine. From the head through which EVA was penetrated, blood gushed out.

However, as soon as the camera turns, Shinji suddenly opens his eyes, and he has returned to bed. The room is pale, and he is the only one. The leisurely cicada chirps, compared with the intense Symphony just now, the sharp contrast makes the audience even have an illusion: was Shinji dreaming just now?

However, it cuts back to the location of the battle, which has been completely blocked. In the picture, people are using cranes to recover the heads of the suspected EVA first plane.

"Damn it! Failed? First plane, beheaded? "

The dilapidated head of the first plane showed that the fierce battle just now was not a dream.

The last moment of the picture, is the first machine completely collapsed picture, which let the audience have to think, EVA first machine failed.

This is also a matter of course. Shinji was just a beginner. Facing such a powerful apostle, it was reasonable for him to fail.

But the audience also wondered, if the first plane failed, where did the apostles go?

How can people wave the head of the first model machine so leisurely?

And it's not that if you can't stop the apostles. Is mankind going to die?

In the end, what happened?

A series of questions linger in the audience's mind, attracting them to pay close attention to every detail in EVA.

Shinji was not hurt. When he woke up, nev arranged for him to live alone. A 14-year-old child has come to his father's side, but his father didn't live with him.

Meili couldn't see it and finally got permission from nev to let Shinji live with her.

Meili comforts the silent Shinji with her own tenderness.

At dusk, before Meili took Shinji home. First around to a mountain overlooking the third new Yanjing city. With the sound of an alarm, the high-rise buildings that fell when the apostles came sprang up. The shocking picture made countless audiences forget to breathe.

Jump to the open, just like a plain place, in the twinkling of an eye it becomes a modern city full of high-rise buildings.

Meili's home has also brought a great shock to countless audiences... Of course, this shock is not a good impression. The home is in a mess. The rubbish is in piles, the refrigerator is full of snacks and bottles of wine cans, so that countless readers Tucao: is he really taking care of heir, or is he still wanted to make complaints about her son? The image of Meili, the beautiful imperial sister, has been completely destroyed!

Shinji is lying in bed, listening to MP3 and looking at the strange ceiling. The last battle with the Apostle is recalled in my mind.

eva When the first plane fell down, everyone thought that everything was going to end, Meili wanted to protect Shinji and forced her to pop out of the cockpit. But it's going to pay off. It's completely out of control.

At this time, the silent Chu Hao suddenly moved, opened his mouth and howled.

The first plane, which should have been impossible to move, is moving again!

Meili and others were deeply shocked.

"Run away!"

The action of EVA is not like a robot at all. It is sharp and quick, full of flowing linear body lines, and full of wild charm.

A different kind of violence aesthetics deeply shakes not only Meili and others, but also the hearts of the audience.See this picture, winter light said: "win it."

The apostles opened the light curtain of a.t.field. As long as the light curtain is there, there is no way to take the apostles.

But I saw that the first plane instantly repaired its right arm, which was even more powerful than this apostle.

The first plane also unfolded the a.t.field, eroding the a.t.field of the apostles and tearing the light curtain of the apostles.

After the rampage, Chu Haoji was just like a God coming down to earth, and he still drank the powerful God. Before him, the Apostle seemed like a child who had no fighting power, and was trampled by Chu Haoji unilaterally.

In the end, the apostles wrapped up the first plane and exploded, but even so, the first plane was intact. In the red sea of fire, its huge shadow seemed to come from hell.

Meili and others showed a look of panic. It was their weapons, but they were afraid.

"That... Is eva..."

"What it really looks like..."

The audience were very concerned about how Shinji made EVA so brave. However, Shinji, sitting in the cockpit, was at a loss, as if he didn't know what to do.

At this time, EVA's head fell down... No, it should be said that it was the armor of the head. Under the armor, the first plane showed its real head, an unknown monster with green eyes.

This is the true face of EVA!


"Welcome back to the premiere of meet again. I'm Jiang Yan!"

Jiang Yan's soft voice slowly said: "it's a wonderful episode. EVA and the apostles are full of wild fighting scenes. It's exciting. Moreover, this episode also explains some questions of the previous episode, confirms some conjectures, but at the same time, there are some new problems."

"However, we can't see Mr. Huang shaotian today because we got the news at noon. Mr. Huang shaotian thinks that the information on the Internet is not detailed and comprehensive enough, and there may be wrong information, resulting in wrong understanding. So this morning, he flew abroad to look for some information. After all, some information can only be seen with his own eyes, so he can have a deeper understanding. "

"Today. The guest who came to our program is a famous Chinese director. He is famous all over the world for his "Curse" and has won many world-class Film Awards. He has a close relationship with Mr. hechen and claims to be the director who understands Mr. hechen best. Yao Hua

Jiang Yan introduces Yao Hua to the audience. Yao Hua nods and smiles to the camera.

"Of course, only when we have a good understanding of Xiao He can we shoot his works perfectly!" Yao Hua said without blushing.

Jiang Yan raised the corner of his mouth and said to Yao Hua with a smile: "Yao Dao, although the curse is very wonderful. You also got the script of Shaolin football from Mr. He Chen. It's said that you will shoot the next film Zhenzi. However, it's said that Mr. He Chen won't let you shoot eva... "

Jiang Yan's words almost point to Yao Hua's face and say: you don't understand EVA at all.

Yao Hua takes a cold look at Jiang Yan. Is this smelly woman deliberately dismantling her own platform?

After watching the animated version of EVA, Yao Hua was deeply impressed by he Chen's EVA. This is the best story I have been looking for!

So in the middle of the morning, he couldn't wait to call hechen. He begged hard, said good things, and even offered to work for hechen. But he didn't get the shooting right of EVA, so he was in a bad mood. This woman really didn't mention any pot. But where did she get the news? It happened less than 20 hours ago, and he never told anyone about it.

"Well, Mr. He may think that my understanding of EVA is not deep enough." Yao Hua admitted frankly. Then the conversation changed: "however, because of this, I came to the premiere of" meet "to show my understanding of" EVA "to Mr. He. I want to prove to the whole world that my understanding of EVA is absolutely in line with teacher Xiao He's idea. Only I can shoot EVA well in the world! Mr. He, I know you are watching this program. Please make sure I shoot EVA! No one can appreciate your deep meaning better than me

Jiang Yanmei's eyes lit up, but she thought that she was still doing live broadcast. In order to keep her job, she could only suppress her excitement and honestly said, "what's your opinion about this episode?"

"First of all, the picture of the final release of the safety device. If it is a general sense of mecha, even if it is removed, it will still stand rigidly. But here, what we see is the body of the first model machine. It seems to be relaxed. As soon as its shoulders sink, it immediately gives people the feeling of being alive... Although it turns out that it is indeed a living thing, Lenovo's final safety device seems to be a cage for EVA, and removing it is like letting the tiger go back to the mountain! ""In my opinion, the story of EVA is a deep exploration of reason and desire."

"It's the style of beasts to act on the basis of inner desire. When human beings get the fruit of wisdom, they also get the reason to control desire. Here, EVA and the apostles are the beasts who only follow their inner desires. EVA has human form, which not only brings shock to people, but also shows that human itself is a beast. The injury and bleeding of the first aircraft also point out that EVA is similar to human beings. "

"In the story, human beings represent rationality, and the plug here is equivalent to implanting rationality into beasts. But reason can only control desire, but cannot eliminate it. Finally, Shinji's loss of control is equivalent to the loss of control of reason, so desire has the upper hand. It is the so-called wild animal like "rampage"! "