It all goes back to January 1st.

The busiest time for a company is just before and after the year. One is the end of this year's work, the other is the arrangement of the work plan for the new year. In addition, the two comics of "fool test Summoner" and "four wheel drive boy" have been finished one after another. Recently, he Chen is very busy.

Therefore, the day before yesterday, he Chen had a rest early and didn't wait for the zero point refresh as before. Anyway, what should be refreshed would still refresh and would not change because of his waiting. What does it matter to put it there?

When he got up early in the morning, he went to wash up first. Ma Meizi had already gone to school. As the final exam approached, Ma Meizi was also nervous. Ma Meizi was not at ease with her Chinese, for fear that she would lose face to he Chen if she failed; Ling Yan is still sleeping. In summer, Ling Yan gets up early and exercises in rain or shine. But when winter comes, she doesn't exercise any more and has to sleep for a long time every day.

This morning he also make complaints about the "Lingxia". However, Lingyan ignored the morning's Tucao, and still make complaints about it. He never sleeps until noon and never gets up.

In the kitchen, there is a breakfast prepared by Ma Meizi before she leaves. It's hot in the pot. He Chen comes out and sits on the dining table to taste it.

At this time, he went to see the cartoon of system refresh.

Two familiar covers evoke he Chen's feelings.

Kanon and white album 2.

Kanon is the first work of key society, and it is also the famous work of Ma zhizhun. As one of the key society's tear trilogy, it enjoys a high reputation among animation fans.

"White Album 2" about a man and two women love and hate entanglement.

Generally, the system will be given together for the series. For example, the new EVA contains all the plots of cartoon, animation and theater.

"Mobile fighter Gundam" and "pet elf" also include all series, but here is not "white album" but "White Album 2".

However, he Chen understood it after a little thought, because "White Album 2" has nothing to do with "white album", and there is no intersection between the story and the protagonist.

Just like idol master, the 2007 and 2011 editions are totally unrelated works. Therefore, in order not to produce ambiguity, the system specifically points out.

Both are galgames, and both have been animated. After seeing these two works. He Chen's heart a joy, shouting "brother Cheng is saved!".

Because of the theme of school days, if you want to achieve the most shocking effect, you have to wait for the theme of harem love to flourish.

Two days ago, he Chen was still thinking about whether to hold an essay solicitation activity on the theme of "campus love" to select a number of excellent works and adapt animation. Make this kind of subject matter fire, did not expect the system immediately sent a big gift to oneself!

Especially one of the "White Album 2", with chengge supporting products, that sour cool effect hechen dare not imagine!

However, what are the unlocking conditions for these two works?

He Chen is very alert in his heart. These two original versions are both 18x games. If Kanon publishes a task. Let yourself immediately attack other girls, or open a room with someone, I'm afraid that your unlocking task has not been completed, and the unlocking condition of death flag has been achieved.

Or "White Album 2" to give themselves a task, they must be aboveboard foot on two boats. Or even more unlimited let oneself with XX and XX double fly. I'm afraid brother Cheng is a good example. I'm afraid that white album 2 will become blood album.

The appearance of school days seems to be a warning to hechen. If it's the death task of this kind of mulberry heart disease, he Chen can only bear to give up these two works - after all, only living can bring more comics, and everything will be gone after death.

Mentioning "death", he Chen suddenly thought, after this death, will he cross again?

I'm afraid this is a problem that can never be verified.

With a very uneasy and tangled mood, he Chen looks at the unlocking conditions of the two works.

The unlocking condition of Kanon: taste Qiuzi jam.


He Chenchang breathes. Although he knows from games and animations that Qiuzi jam may also cause terrible effects, the chance of survival is always greater than that of death.

The system was also very considerate and gave the recipe of Qiuzi jam to hechen, but to his surprise, the ingredients in the recipe were very common, very common edible materials.So he Chen can't help wondering, is Akiko's jam really made of these things? What kind of chemical, physical and even magical reactions will take place when these things are combined to produce Qiuzi jam, a strategic weapon of killing gods?

Kanon, safe!

Then he Chen looked at "White Album 2", which is the most frightening work for he Chen. After all, from the point of view of the content of the story, excluding the plot, the two are very similar, except that brother Cheng pushed more.

Release conditions of White Album 2: hold a concert.

"Well? That's it? "

He Chen was almost grateful for such an ordinary condition.

These two works are so good that they can be completed at such a price. It's a gift from God!

Concerts don't mean that they can be held. They have to be arranged from all aspects. But as early as before, he Chen had been preparing for a concert. When he wooed Yi Jingli, he promised her to make a record for her, let her win a prize and hold a concert for her.

Now the first two have been achieved, and the last one has already entered Tianman's plan.

This is a concert that he Chen attaches great importance to. It's not only for Yi Jingli, but also the first animated song concert that he Chen has prepared since the beginning of animation.

This is not only an important part of hechen's idolization of dubbing, but also a very important plan of hechen!

It can be said that even without this mission. The holding of the concert is also imperative.

The time of the concert has long been fixed, in the years to come. March 9.

It can be finished just before the system update. These two works are well-known, but their commercial value and social influence can't be compared with those palace level comics. Therefore, they have a very low demand for reputation, which is like a drop in the bucket for hechen, who has a huge reputation.

So after he Chen looked at it, he calmly put "White Album 2" in the back of his mind for the time being. At that time, he just had to wait for the exchange after the concert.

Although the power of Qiuzi jam is famous all over the world. But for an animation enthusiast, if you can really meet that kind of country, even if you know it will be dangerous, you are willing to risk your life.

Even people who dare not eat Qiuzi jam dare say they like ACG?

After getting the formula, he Chen and his wife will solve the problem as soon as possible, and then go to the supermarket outside the community to buy jam materials.

The change of science and technology to human life is huge. The most obvious point is that you can eat any fruit and vegetable at any time if you want to. Although it's not as delicious as it is in season, there are always some to eat.

"Milk, pure milk, which brand is better? It seems that this is good. Take this; Chocolate, to German bitter chocolate; Grape, to the west Xinjiang green grape; Oranges should be sour; Grapefruit to bitter... Lying trough, bitter grapefruit how to find ah! Forget it, buy a few more ugly, obviously not familiar. We should be able to find something bitter. And lemons, strawberries. Banana, hickory, apple, pineapple, litchi, pitaya, royal jelly, Lao Ganma, celery, coriander, leek, cucumber, tomato, cumin... By the way, I don't want any of these. It seems that I have them all at home. "

Today, the supermarket cashier in the community saw a very strange customer wandering in the supermarket, muttering mysteriously, taking one from the East and one from the West. It seems that they want everything, but they only buy a little.

You said it's better to buy fruit. Some people eat less, so they buy something to taste.

But the vegetables... What can I do?

However, this is a high-end community, and there are rich people nearby. They are used to the fact that the rich people occasionally make mistakes and do some particularly puzzling things.

Back home, it's still early, and hechen is very interested in making jam.

First came to a big pot of water, and then peeled and seeded the fruit, only cut the edible pulp into pieces, threw it in, and then put the messy vegetables together to extract juice, squeezed out a bowl of purple black purple black, emitting a disgusting strange smell, and poured it into the pot.

Finally, add chocolate and milk, three teaspoons of sugar, half a can of royal jelly, a quarter can of old Ganma, sprinkle with two teaspoons of salt, five teaspoons of cumin, six teaspoons of monosodium glutamate, seven teaspoons of pepper noodles.

Then cover the pot, according to the formula, so cook for an hour, the legendary Qiuzi jam is about to be born.

See Ling Yan wearing loose pajamas in the wash, he Chen heart abdominal Fei, he somehow is a man, or a man with a family, this is not a crime?

"Ling Yan, why haven't I seen you in class recently?" He Chen asked casually.After brushing and gargling, Ling Yan replied to he Chen, "senior, no class."

He Chen almost forgot that Ling Yan was his sister

Ling Yan's hair is very long. Compared with Jia coconut's, when she put it down, it almost reached her leg bend. Shampoo can only be carried out when taking a bath. If you wash your hair alone, your hair can be placed in a basin, just like washing clothes.

Then she closed the door, and soon there was the sound of running water. Taking a bath every morning and evening almost became her daily routine.

Before long, Ling Yan opened the bathroom door and waved to he Chen: "come on, blow it for me."

When Ma Meizi is away, the job of blowing hair falls on he Chen. Unfortunately, he Chen can never see the scene of wearing a bath towel in the cartoon. Every time she helps Ling Yan blow her head, she puts on her clothes.

There is no fragrant and gorgeous plot in the whole process. He Chen uses the hair dryer skill he learned from Luna to fiddle with Ling Yan's hair.

After drying, Ling Yan shakes her head, very comfortable, and doesn't say thank you to he Chen. It's like a family who has lived together for a long time. Naturally, Yang's appearance makes he Chen feel nothing wrong.

She suddenly sniffed her nose hard and her eyes lit up: "what's the smell? How fragrant

ps This chapter is late, sorry!