The mystery of Wukong's life experience finally revealed that he was really an alien, and a fighting nation named Saiya, a killer sent to rule the earth!

Once make complaints about the life of Wukong, the tune of "Dragon Ball" was re turned out.

"It's really special. You're right!"

"Ha ha, I don't think he's right. I think it's the big God who did it on purpose! According to his faults, the more impossible you say, the more he will make it out to you! "

"But Wukong is an alien. The man who came here is still his brother. What will he do among friends, masters and relatives of the earth?"

Wukong made the most suitable choice for his character: fight with his brother as an earthman!

He grew up on earth. Without his grandfather, he might have died long ago. And those friends who have fought with him and experienced countless lives and deaths, such as kulin, Guixian, bulma, Yamcha, jiaozi, tianjinfan, and Wukong, who attaches great importance to feelings, how can they meet each other in arms?

But his brother's strength is so strong that Wukong has little power to fight back. He also takes his son, sun WuFan, and asks him to abandon kindness and kill 100 people on earth!

Unwilling, humiliated, angry!

Readers feel the same about Wukong.

Wukong can't beat all of them. They are far less powerful than Wukong's men.

However, an unexpected person appeared - bick.

"I'm not trying to help you, or save your son. That guy is a big obstacle for me to conquer the world. We join hands to destroy that guy and his two associates, and then I'm destroying you. This time I must rule the world! "

Bix made no secret of his ambition and said it openly.

As the enemy of opposition not long ago, readers hate this green guy.

But after that, bick has his own fans.

"This is the man! Fight in the right place! Wukong's brother is compared with bick. No matter how strong the strength is, no virtue is a scum! Bick, that's what a great devil should have! If you want to fight, you should fight the strongest enemy instead of bullying those mortals who have no power to bind a chicken! "

Bick's magnanimity has been recognized by his fans, even though he has done a lot of evil things and killed countless people before. But at this moment, he stood in the position of protecting human beings and became Wukong's comrade in arms.

As the strongest two on the earth, they were once rivals of life and death. If they join hands, can they defeat Wukong's brother?

The reader's blood began to boil. I wish I could cross into the world of dragon ball and see the battle with my own eyes!

But Wukong's brother is so powerful that even if they break the shackles of cultivation, it's difficult to keep up with Wukong's brother.

And he also said that the strength of the other two Saiya people is much stronger than him!

He is the only one who has exhausted the two strongest people on the earth, and two enemies who are much stronger than him. Is the end of the earth really coming?

The reader's heart is also raised.

Goku and bick fight to attack as hard as they can. However, his elder brother rattis was just like playing. They didn't do any harm to him. On the contrary, Wukong was beaten away, and bick suffered a heavy injury and lost an arm.

Countless readers see here, want to yell: "too strong!"

Such enemies, Wukong, how on earth can they win?

The reader's heart was seized.

Bik wants to use the unique skill that was originally used to deal with Wukong's pressing the bottom of the box, but it takes a long time to gather Qi.

It is not a friend who knows you best. It's the enemy.

As the opponents who had fought, they were very familiar with each other, so Wukong handed over his back to bik and pestered latic to buy time for bik.

Wukong is almost one-sided in the attack, even if the use of turtle Qigong, but latic also intact to take down. Wukong is seriously injured.

It's powerful, it's hopeless.

However, Wukong's efforts were not in vain. Bik, who had been preparing for a long time, finally released his unique skill - Magic gun.

But. He failed!

Latic's speed is too fast, in the moment of no time, he even evaded the magic gun. It's just that the armor, which is intact after countless attacks, is finally broken.

"Fuck! If he hits, he's dead! "From the power of magic gun, readers see the hope of winning!

Latiz can play with two people so skillfully, also rely on his own armor. The magic gun can pierce the armor, which means it can damage rattis!

Readers can think of it, and so can latitz.

I feel almost joking. When I'm ready to kill them. Wukong took advantage of his unprepared, found the right opportunity, caught his tail - they are all the same race, Wukong's weakness is his weakness, grasp the tail will be weak!

Unable to dodge the magic gun, as long as bick has another shot, latiz will be dead!

However, the cunning latitz deceives the pure Wukong with his words. He is moved by his feelings, admits his mistakes and failures, and promises not to destroy the earth again. He asks Wukong to let him go.

Bik, who knows Wukong's nature well, roars angrily to make Wukong not believe it. He once used this move to Wukong. How can he not be familiar with it?

But Wukong finally believed his sweet words and let go of his tail.

Even if there is no tail, Wukong still has weakness - his innocence and kindness.

Even though these two weaknesses brought him countless troubles, even death, Wukong's eyes were always clear, his smile was always bright, he never regretted and never corrected.

He did his own way, striding forward on the road of martial arts, never confused!

In this complex and turbid world, this is not only a shortcoming, but also the most precious thing in the world!

Countless readers always scold Wukong for his lack of memory and his innocence and kindness. But after the scolding, they are always cured by his hopeful smile.

In the big vat of society, such people have almost disappeared, but just because they can't be seen, they are what people long for.

What readers like is such a monkey king.

Sensing that his father's life was in danger, sun WuFan broke out.

"Don't hurt my father!"

Sun WuFan, who is eager to save his father, doesn't care whether he is latic's opponent or not. He tries his best to run into latic.

The strong emotion has inspired the potential of Monkey King, who can't even beat the monkey king.

But then the fighting power of sun WuFan fell back to 1 - his strength had a lot to do with his emotional fluctuation.

Sensing the potential threat of sun WuFan, latitz decided to kill sun WuFan first and kill a four-year-old child!

Will Wukong let him succeed?

That's his son!

Every father, for the sake of his children, can do anything that is impossible. This is the miracle of fatherhood!

Sun Wukong, who was seriously injured and could hardly move, used his last strength for his son, sun WuFan, desperate to hold latiz and limit his movement.

"Bick! Come on Goku shouts, and bick begins to gather his breath.

"Let go, karkarkarot! If you hold me like this, you'll die too, stupid Being hit by the monkey meal, latic could not use his strength, faced death and panicked.

The monkey king laughed miserably: "Hey, hey! Then die together

Wukong's expression, always only smile.

"Monkey King! I'm going to make a move! It's so good for me to wipe out with you Bick laughed.

He said so, but what bick thought in his heart was that Wukong's companions would revive him with a dragon ball

I don't know when, the desire of the great devil to rule the world gradually faded, but he had a heart of martial arts and Taoism eager to fight with a strong enemy!

He was originally an evil idea and did all kinds of evil. There is no friend in this world, but if you insist, at the last martial arts meeting, Sun Wukong, who could kill him or seal him, let him go and saved him, was his only friend.

Even if the mouth is not willing to admit, even if it has always been only in the image of the villain, never explain. But deep down in his heart, he hopes that Wukong will live no less than anyone else!

Without hesitation, bick used the magic gun for the second time!

Together with the energy of destruction, it's easy to run through Latics and Goku together!

Until he died, latitz's eyes were unbelievable: "damn... I, I would die in the hands of such a guy... I didn't expect that... Karkarot would... Even lose his own life..."People who don't pay attention to the battle of life and death will eventually die because of carelessness.

This is the final image of rattiez.

His strength is far more than Wukong and bick, but in his eyes, how can earth people who are like mole ants be qualified to make him serious?

With a playful attitude to fight, he also paid his price - life!

Finally, the dead Wukong disappeared, and the other two sais came to the earth!

In the face of two more powerful opponents, Wukong has only one year!

"That's great!"

After reading the latest words, the reader left a comment with emotion.

"It's a pity that Wukong died!"

"There's no way. Even if he grabs latiz's tail, he will finally be able to cut off his tail by himself. Saiyan's tail is just like gecko's. Moreover, there is only one chance. If latiz is not careless, he can't be held by Wukong. Therefore, Wukong chooses the safest way for the sake of the earth, his family and his friends. "

"What are you afraid of when you die? Wukong is dead for the first time. There is a dragon ball. The dragon can save him

There is blood, there is moving, follow the pace of Wukong, "Dragon Ball" battle is endless!