"What a pity. I thought it would be the great God who taught us."

Xu Yiru was lying on the bed lazily, motionless. Even though she had been training for a day, she was too lazy to change her uniform, which was wet with sweat over and over again.

"You think too much. Dashen is so busy and needs to draw so many comics. How can he come to teach us every day? It's lucky to see you once in a while! "

Mo Mo just took a bath and came out with fresh clothes. He sat on the bed and rubbed his sore feet.

They were lucky enough to be in the same bedroom. They came to the school excitedly and inquired about the news of cartoon major. But after a few days, I was disappointed.

They are usually taught by painting teachers, weekly professional lectures and Porter assistants. As for the great God lecture they are looking forward to, I don't know if they can meet it once a semester.

Mo Mo rubbed for a while, then carried his notebook to the bed, lying on the bed to read cartoons.

Recently, with the upsurge of magic girls, a large number of works have emerged.

Both of them are interested in comics, so they will catch up with every new book that comes up. Learn how others draw comics.

However, before reading other people's new books, she would finish reading her favorite works updated by the porter every day, which was her habit.

"Eh, why did Doraemon only update one chapter today?" Mo Mo doubts a way.

After ye Xiaoyu became more and more familiar with the style of Doraemon, the number of updates also increased. The happiest thing for readers every day is to open the catalog and see a large number of updated chapters.

As soon as Xu Yiru heard this, she immediately mounted and got out of bed. Squeeze to Mo Mo's side. Said: "updated? Come on. Even if there is only one watch, it's better than none. "

Mo Mo pushed Xu Yiru away from her: "don't stick to me, you stink after a day of military training! Give me a bath

In a rage, Xu Yiru forced herself to Mo Mo's bed and said, "who stinks! Who stinks! I call it beauty body fragrance. Most people can't smell it if they want to! "

The two were huddled together. Tickle each other, playing, for a time, spring burst out, aroma overflowing.

"All right! I'm not joking with you any more. Hurry up and have a look! "

Both of them were out of breath laughing. Xu Yiru urged them to do so.

Mo Mo casually points to open a new word, with Xu Yiru side by side together, put the notebook on both legs, read comics together.


Da Xiong ran home to Doraemon for help again, but he said it half a day later. I just found out that Doraemon didn't respond at all. Daxiong thought Doraemon was joking with him, complaining in an atmosphere. Even pushed Doraemon.

However, the fallen Doraemon still has no response.

At this time, Daxiong was stunned.


Big hero, who has no master, uses time TV to contact Doraemon's sister Doraemon. Doraemon says Doraemon has no power after seeing Doraemon.

Da Xiong was relieved and thought that Doraemon would come back when he put on the battery.

However, doramei tells Daxiong that Doraemon needs an auxiliary memory device in its ear when it changes its battery, but Doraemon has no ears. Therefore, when the battery is replaced, it will not be able to back up his memory. Once the battery is replaced, all the memories before Doraemon and Daxiong will disappear.

After hearing this, Daxiong was shocked.

Doramei also told Daxiong that there is no way to interfere in the world there now - which means that not only doramei can't get by, but also Daxiong can't take doramei to the future factory.

At the same time, during the period when Doraemon's function stopped, his four dimensional pocket could not be used.

In front of him, there are two choices: to find a way to bring back the future and replace the battery - it will lose memory, and whether he can return to the future factory is still a problem; The second is to maintain the status quo, and then look forward to one day in the future, their technology can save Doraemon.

Daxiong thought for a long time, and finally decided to stay Doraemon.

Don't cut off the fetters between him and Doraemon!

All the time, he was in trouble with Doraemon, and it was time to step forward.

Daxiong stayed in his room all the time. He put Doraemon as usual. He held his knees and watched Doraemon silently. He didn't even eat.

There was a calm smile on his mouth: "Doraemon, remember when we first met...""We've been to many places, future, past, incredible places..."

"For the sake of his life, Doraemon will be in a hurry when he runs away..."

"When I am bullied, you will take it as your own business..."

"I didn't thank you very much, but I'm really happy!"

"It's hard to avoid a scuffle sometimes, but it's soon reconciled after a few minutes, right?"

"Oh, you don't say anything, Doraemon... Doraemon..."

Daxiong slowly tells that things he had experienced together in the past flashed through his mind one by one like a lantern. At last, he finally cried.

Then, the screen switch, there is a test results list, before has always been the penultimate male, unexpectedly test to the first!

"Daxiong, you are so good! It's number one again Jingxiang congratulates Daxiong, who used to be the first in the class. Chumushan also said that he can't compete with Daxiong any more.

But Daxiong's reaction was very calm. He looked at the sky and said faintly: "but... What I want is not scores, but knowledge. I have to work harder! "

Thirty five years later, a bearded, slovenly man, known as the father of robots, appeared on TV.

Chumu Shan, panghu and Xiaofu got together again to watch the boy who was often bullied by them as a child on TV.

Several people are well-dressed, and they all seem to have made their mark. They are very happy for the achievements of their good friends.

Fat tiger, who doesn't know the inside story and is honest and reckless, is very angry at Doraemon's leaving without saying goodbye.

At this time, chumushan explained everything for them.

"... the most important oath of that young man when he was a child. I know very well why he became a person we don't know. In other words, 35 years ago, he was entrusted with the dream of the world and the future! "

Big beard calls his wife Jing Xiang. Jing Xiang sees that she is placed on a platform and has Doraemon's ears.

"Now, I'm going to press the switch." The light of hope is shining in the eyes of Daxiong.

"Have you finished your homework, Daxiong?"

Doraemon opened his eyes.

Time seems to return to the initial time, Daxiong rushed to Doraemon's arms and cried happily!

At the end of the day, the trigger BGM, which he Chen used in curse and grudge, appears again.

A thin and husky but soft and melodious song directly strikes people's hearts.

"People are always in the casual, let the things around in a hurry. When I suddenly wake up, you have quietly left. I only have memories of you... "

"... whenever I get hurt, I will think of the time when you are still by my side, even if only the memories to comfort me, whenever you are here..."

"... if I can meet you again, I just want to say, thank you, thank you..."

I don't know when, Tears left along the cheek.

Mo Mo pulls out the paper towel from the head of the bed and hands it to Xu Yiru - tears are already shining in her eyes.

Doraemon is over.

See the word "the whole book is finished" at the end.

Mo Mo's heart is unusually full.

I still remember the first words, Doraemon suddenly broke into Daxiong's life and said to him, "you are miserable in the future. I'm here to help you..."

Doraemon succeeded. He did it. That stupid, lazy hero changed because of him.

For the sake of two people's fetters, Daxiong from the bottom to the first, all the way to become a top student, and finally in order to save Doraemon, embarked on the road with his previous incompatible scientists.

All along, he always troubles Doraemon. With the support of a belief, he saves Doraemon!

"It's over..." Xu Yiru wiped away her tears.

Mo Mo nodded: "yes, another one is finished."

"Daxiong has grown up! Then we should also work hard towards the road of cartoonists! " Xu Yiru waves a small fist to fight for them.

Mo Mo pushed her: "before you work hard, you go to take a bath for me first!"


In his study, he Chen holds the back of his head in both hands, relaxes himself and leans on the chair. He puts his legs on the sofa and listens to Ma Meizi's song in the last sentence of Doraemon.This song is one in his memory, the lyrics changed slightly, and it fits perfectly with the ending of Doraemon.

Finally, although he knew the content for a long time, he read it several times and never got tired of it.

Comics are like his Doraemon. Daxiong has saved Doraemon. To what extent can he do it?

Today's cartoon task has been finished. Ling Yan is reading cartoons on another computer.

"Is Doraemon over?" Ling Yan said a word to he Chen.

He Chen closed his eyes, shook his legs with the song and said, "what? Not satisfied? "

Ling Yan went to the living room and poured himself a cup of black tea. When he came in, he said, "it's very interesting. But I feel like it's over. It's a pity that I've lost another comic book. "

If it's not over, he Chen won't be able to draw.

"If it's over, it's not《 There is only one super long chapter in Doraemon. In the future, there will be a super long theater version every year, which can let you watch for at least ten years. "

"... fried rice, a despicable businessman." Lingyan holds black tea and despises hechen.

"Don't worry, if you lose one book, there will be more to make up. You won't be disappointed. As long as you like comics, I will let you see more and more wonderful comics. "( Not finished, to be continued