"So you turned down our invitation?" Director Ma pondered for a moment, tapping his finger on the teacup and squinting at he Chen.

This is not the first time that he has been rejected. There are so many top students in the national college entrance examination. There are always times when he is late and robbed by other famous universities.

But this is the most regretful, puzzled and even the most angry time for him!

If you say that you want to go to other famous schools, he can understand that he will only sigh that he is slow and send his blessing.

But he Chen refused to use what kind of children's toys as a reason. Director Ma was very angry.

How many scholars work diligently and contribute, but they are finally blocked out of the elite because of their talent. However, he Chen has wasted his talent. This is an insult to those scientists who have no name but have contributed their whole life!

Yao Ning stops writing. In he Chen's body, she suddenly sees herself - the youth chasing her dream!

Once upon a time, she forgot the original intention of reporting everything fairly and objectively, and began to pursue the eyes of readers.

Compared with the stubborn hechen, she compromised and was smoothed by reality; But he Chen did not compromise, even if not accepted by the world, even if despised by the world, he is also fighting for his dream!

She suddenly wanted to see if he could fulfill his dream?

He Xian is annoyed. If you don't cherish the chance that others want, you still talk wildly. He just wants to teach he Chen a lesson, but Chen Ping holds him back.

Chen Ping shakes her head gently. After years of marriage, they have already had a heart to heart relationship. He Xian understands his wife's meaning: the child has grown up. He can make his own decisions about what he wants to do in the future.

He Xian looks at his son with firm eyes. From the beginning of his speech, everything is in order. Obviously, this is not his impulse. He has been preparing for a long time.

He Xian sighed. His son's stubbornness is very similar to his own. Once a good decision is made, no one can control him. He completely let go of his body and leaned back on the sofa. He no longer interfered in his children's decisions. As a parent, he didn't want his children to be outstanding, but wanted them to be safe all their lives


However, he Chen shook his head and looked at the handbook in his hand. As a comprehensive university, Yanjing University of course has a school of art, in which there is an art major, and there is a painting class in the course introduction.

Since there is no cartoon major in this world, I'd like to choose this one to learn the basic painting techniques.

"I want to major in Fine Arts in Yanjing University."

Director Ma was stunned for a moment, then suddenly, it seems that the child is not really whimsical, he hopes to integrate art into the comic book.

But is it possible? Can children understand it? Will adults go to see it?

"OK, no problem!"

The school of art of Yanjing University originally needed to examine its professional skills, but director Ma wanted to see how he Chen's reaction was after he realized his dream and reality, so he decided directly.

"If you want to change your major, you can come to me at any time! This sentence is valid for two years. "

Director Ma couldn't bear to waste his morning and gave him a promise.

The weight of this commitment is very heavy. In general, it is not allowed to change a major after it is selected. If it is to be changed, it can only be in the first year, and it needs to have a certain relationship, and it has to pass the professional assessment. The procedure is extremely troublesome.

Therefore, people are very careful when they choose their major.

However, director Ma actually gave hechen a promise within two years, which means that as long as hechen gives up his cartoon in these two years, he can change his major at any time!

But will hechen give up?

"Sorry, I'm afraid you'll never wait for me!" He Chen looks up and smiles confidently.

Ma also followed with a smile: "then wait and see, I hope you will never come to me."

If you look for him, he Chen's dream will be broken;

If not, then he Chen's dream may have been successful. Even if he didn't succeed, he Chen still didn't give up his dream. The person who pursues his dream, no matter how his dream is not accepted by others, his spirit should be respected by all.

He wanted to see where he and hechen could go in the future.

When the matter is settled, director Ma and others leave. He Chen and his parents send them to the door.

Although he Chen and director Ma have different ideas, they just insist on different ideas. He Chen respects director Ma who can say that to him from the bottom of his heart.

Before leaving, Yao Ning said to he Chen, "your cartoon story is wonderful."She was the only one who read the contents of the short four words.

"Thank you He Chen laughed and was very happy, not because Yao Ning praised him, but because even if he crossed the world, the charm of EVA was still recognized.

This is the first reader, and hechen's goal is to promote those classics all over the world!

"Xiaochen, are you so confident? Is this kind of comic book really so charming Back home, he Xian, his father, looked at EVA at random and expressed his confusion.

Four words is only the first episode. It just introduces several characters of EVA. Its depth is far from unfolding. Moreover, this is a fantasy story. Its target audience is teenagers, and it's natural that parents don't like it.

"No, I'm not confident, I believe in the charm of comics!" He Chen specially emphasized that what he believes is not himself, but the charm of classics that transcend the country, the race and the world!

"Brother, villain... Is comic really that good?"

He Feifei also looked at it page by page. She didn't look at it carefully before. At this time, she calmed down and looked at it carefully. Suddenly, she found that these characters with different styles from the Real TV movies suddenly had an inexplicable attraction, which attracted her to watch it and showed her a real world that was not inferior to TV movies.

"You'll know... One day, I'll make them list comics in textbooks!" He Chen rubs his sister's hair and is never recognized. To be listed in the textbook, he Chen has great ambition and has a long way to go!

He Chen is very glad that he has an enlightened father. If his parents didn't acquiesce, he couldn't make such a decision. Therefore, he has to do better to prove how right his parents' decision is.

He asked his father about some publishing houses. They published at their own expense and on behalf of the publishing house. For the former, there was no requirement. They could only publish with money, but the publishing channel had to be contacted by the author himself; The latter is contribution. After the contribution is approved, a contract is signed with the publisher, and the publisher publishes it. The author only needs to write a book to collect money.

His parents didn't object to his taking this road. He was very grateful, and would not use his parents' money to publish - even though he had full confidence in EVA. So I had to go and contribute.

He Chen selected several publishing houses that had published comic books in the city and sent EVA. Then, while waiting for a reply with full confidence, he continued to draw the content behind EVA.

In his mind, EVA through the audit is a nail on the board thing, there is no possibility of not passing, even if you do not tell the story content, just EVA painting style has exploded those comic books several times.

However, only five days later, the first publishing house gave him an unexpected recovery.


What's more, the manuscript has been rejected!

Hechen is angry. Is Eva's editor's eye a long dog? What kind of garbage can we pass? How can we not pass EVA?!

In his heart, he said hello to all the female relatives of the publishing house and the editor before he went to see the reasons for rejection.

"Hello, Mr. He, as your work EVA does not meet the requirements of our publishing house, we are unable to publish it. You are welcome to continue to contribute. If you need to publish it at your own expense, please contact XXX - XXXXXXXX to discuss with editor XX."

Not meeting the requirements?

What are the requirements!

He Chen is a little crazy, EVA wants to say bloody, some pictures are really bloody, and there are also some marginal * * but none of these are in the first episode!

And EVA is an overhead world, but it doesn't reflect reality. The first episode is about the resistance of human beings in the face of monster attacks, full of positive energy. Why doesn't it meet the requirements?!

In recent days, the publishing house has returned one after another, all of which have been rejected.

He Chen thought hard, and even temporarily put down the content behind EVA. He couldn't figure out why EVA, a milestone in the animation industry, was rejected?

Until I saw a reply from the last Publishing House

"Hello, Mr. He, your EVA story is very wonderful..."

Well, he Chen nodded as he looked at it. The editor is good. At least he finished it carefully. Unlike other editors, he just glanced at it casually and left EVA aside. Now that he finished it, it's time to pass it!

"Distinctive characters..."

In terms of image building, EVA is absolutely second to none, and even the animation after EVA can find the prototype from EVA."Painting techniques are unprecedented..."

This is not nonsense. Although he Chen's level is very poor, he imitates it, and his style is still very obvious. With the rubbish of doodling, can you compare with a professional painter?


Just after he Chen thought that the overall situation had been decided and the publishing house had passed the audit, these two words suddenly came out, pulling his heart up.

But? But what? What are the shortcomings of EVA?

He Chen continued to look with curiosity.

"This subject is not suitable for children and is not recommended for publication."

The letter fell gently from hechen's fingers. Hechen's heart was like ten thousand first batch machines running wildly, and his mind only echoed the sentence "not suitable for children".

He finally understood why EVA was rejected!

With their goal, only children! Where will our young people be!

This time, he Chen didn't even have the heart to scold.

He finally understood the difficulty of his journey. This deep-rooted discrimination against comics is rooted in the consciousness of each and every one of them!

First of all, if the target group is not children, the publishing house will not even consider it!

Does he really have to take the road of publishing at his own expense?

However, the cost of self funded publishing is extremely high, and even if it is published, how can sales channels contact? Publishers all have this kind of understanding. How can they persuade channel providers to agree to let their comic books, which do not belong to children, go on sale?

He Chen is confused