Cyrils Morgan has a good face.

At the moment, he is in a good mood. For people like them, there are not many things in the world that can make them feel happy. Although the pursuit of Ivanka trump is a strategic need of the family, it is not a competition among them. It's always nice to be able to beat people at the same level.

Little fox! Dakolen Astor and others secretly scolded.

fox? Cyrus Morgan is happy with the name. It can even be said that the whole Morgan family is happy with this title. There's nothing wrong with that. It shows that the people in the Morgan family know how to make money and how to spend money.

Spending money has always been an art. The poor spend money only to meet their basic survival needs, while the rich spend money to meet their various life desires. And Morgan people spend money to raise it to an art class.

Just like pursuing Ivanka this time, dakolen Astor bought 100 hectares of land and spent a lot of time planting the other shore flowers which are not easy to survive in America. This is not only to please Ivanka, but also to be scolded for luxury and failure. The Astor family, of course, scorned this abuse. But it's not a good thing. It's a stain.

On the contrary, he spent money on art. He set up a charity fund in the name of Ivanka, so there will be more opportunities to contact Ivanka in the future, which is much better than building a garden on the other side. After all, you planted so many flowers on the other side, and they are in full bloom. People don't have to go to see them with you, do they!

On the contrary, if he helped him build such a charitable fund, Ivanka would certainly attend various fund activities, and as the founder and manager of the fund, he would naturally attend, which would be more opportunities. Maybe not good, the future is to accompany Ivanka to the other side garden of dakolen Astor to enjoy the flowers!

In addition to picking up girls, setting up such a charitable fund helps the Morgan family continue to expand its popularity. Although the Morgan family is very famous, it is always better to be more famous. Especially philanthropy, you do more, always no harm.

So, you guys, you still don't know the art of spending money!

Money is not spent like this!

Cyris Morgan's confident smile made other gentlemen very unhappy. But there's no way. Who let him be Morgan. Of course, Alfred Rockefeller, the second in line to the Rockefeller family, is particularly irritated. Because, he also set up a charity fund in the name of Ivanka. But now, silis Morgan said it first, and then he said it again, that is to pick up the wisdom of others, so as to increase the number of jokes. It may even be thought that you are following Cyrus Morgan's lead in pursuing Ivanka. Although, in terms of time, he should have established the charity fund earlier than cyris Morgan, who said it first, who first.

It is impossible for him to take the registration time of charity fund to prove that he is ahead. It doesn't make sense, and the Rockefellers can't afford it. At the moment, his face on the scene is probably the most depressed.

As for the remaining four, DuPont, Mellon, Vanderbilt and Roosevelt, they all shook their heads and said nothing more. They also prepared their own maces for each other, but obviously none of them attracted Ivanka more than the charities of Sirius Morgan. So, they don't say it at all. In this way, at least, it won't be a foil to Cyrus Morgan's gift.

As for who's going to be Ivanka's prince charming, they don't think silis Morgan will win. In their understanding of Ivanka, this girl is not so superficial.

Of course, one of them is also very angry. That's Muse Adams. Because he didn't prepare any gifts at all. After all, it's not Ivanka's birthday, so there's no reason to give gifts. It's a bit artificial. But who would have thought, Morgan, they gave a gift, and it was so calm, so understated, and not unexpected at all. This made him very unwilling. He felt that he was compared with the eight families. You know, he is the first heir to the Adams family, and the other party is just the second heir. His wish is to make the Adams family equal to Morgan and Rockefeller. As a result, his first successor is not as good as the other's second successor. Doesn't it mean that his family is one or two grades inferior to the eight families!

He doesn't agree! But he can't say anything at the moment. He's just pissed off!

At this time, Ivanka trump took the words again.

"I've always been very happy with what I have now, and I've always cherished what I have. After my father became president of the United States this time, I returned home to inherit trump. And I have been working hard, because my father is a very successful businessman, and as his daughter, I have to work hard, so that I can live up to his trust in me and entrust his whole life to me. I can't live up to my father's trust! " Ivanka trump said seriously.

Cyrus Morgan, applause. This applause is naturally a recognition of his efforts. He applauded, and naturally the other seven noble CHILDES applauded. For such a girl, they have always been very appreciative, and they are also the most suitable wife in their mind.

For a top family like them, as a wife, it's not a simple way to teach a husband and a child. Eastern cultures like China and the West are different. Chinese Eastern culture believes that the most important virtue of a wife is to teach her husband and children. As long as this is done well, she is a good wife and mother and the best wife. But in the west, children need parents' education, but they don't need parents to care about everything. Children need to let them grow up freely. And as a wife, it's not like that. It's enough to keep everything in order at home. Such a thing, the housekeeper is enough.

The wife of a large family should be able to help the family. Among the three aspects of their wife's selection qualifications, appearance, morality and ability, ability first, morality second, appearance is the least important. Of course, for their families, the wife they choose can never be unattractive.

The eight families applauded, and others naturally applauded. Originally, this man was very enthusiastic about Ivanka. Ivanka's efforts can be described as having both appearance and wisdom. Such a woman, how not to let people intoxicated.

Of course, the women, that's very uncomfortable. Most of the women here have no career of their own, and their life depends on the trust fund given by their family. With so many people here, Hilton has her own career. When Ivanka said this, he was clearly showing off.

Hum! All women are unhappy. Women are always more jealous and competitive. Ivanka, beautiful in appearance and figure, is now so popular with men. She also owns her own business, inherits her father's real estate company, and is in charge of more than one billion dollars of assets. It's so enviable.

"But recently, due to my personal reasons, it has seriously affected the company. I don't want any situation in the company due to my reasons. So, I entrust Mr. Malone Adams to organize such a party. I want to tell you that I already have my prince charming! " Ivanka trump smiles. "So, I hope you don't interfere with my work again! I don't want my father's company to be damaged by me. Of course, the more important reason is that I don't want my prince charming to be unhappy! " A sweet and happy smile appeared on Ivanka's face.

This time, all the men frowned. What does that mean? Ivanka already has a boyfriend? If so, are they not happy in vain! Of course, it doesn't matter if they are happy. As for the eight families, they are so brave today, but they are happy. What do you think of them? Or is one of the eight of them already the first?

Cyrus Morgan looked at each other and saw at a glance that none of them was ahead of the others. They were all frustrated. And that makes them a little uncomfortable. They came dressed up to pursue the princess. If they fail, they don't mind. But before they came, they had already been ranked first. Doesn't that mean they have been teased alive. In this case, they must seek justice for themselves and their families!

Of course, it's impossible for them to go directly to Ivanka trump because she didn't say anything. This party, however, was planned by Malone Adams. He said that Ivanka trump would choose her prince charming at the banquet, so he gave them a wrong signal that Ivanka trump might be upset, or he might already have the right person, so he took this opportunity to announce. They come naturally.

But this is not the case, it can not be!

"Ivanka, congratulations on finding your prince charming. So, excuse me, was he at the scene? I really want to know which Prince Charming can capture Snow White's heart Said Sirius Morgan with a smile.

"He, of course, was at the scene!" Ivanka trump smiles. "Today, this party is planned by him." Ivanka trump has a sweet smile on his face.