Virtual reality!

What a wonderful world it would be if we could really get people into the game. At that moment, there is no difference between virtual reality and reality. To some extent, it is only at that point that human beings really enter the era of universal prosperity.

Of course, Lin Feng's ideal and goal is not to realize the utopian Communist life. This is meaningless to Lin Feng. Because this kind of communism, in fact, is the retrogression of human civilization.

The progress of civilization in this world has always been the survival of the fittest. It's impossible for you to make everyone rich together. No matter how highly developed material civilization is, it is impossible for everyone to be rich. There will always be people who are poor, backward, rich and strong.

Therefore, for Lin Feng, the most important goal of virtual reality is to really open a virtual world. A virtual world comparable to the real world.

This world, for Lin Feng, the biggest significance is that everyone can realize all kinds of dreams, all kinds of real dreams. For example, some people want to be a king, some want to be a superstar, some want to be a scientist and so on, which can be realized in the virtual reality world.

Today's game world, can only give you a false game is the world, so that you can experience and simulate such a life, but this kind of life, but can not really give you such a life.

Only virtual reality can!

Especially today's game, really far from meeting Lin Feng's expectations of the game. The sense of game experience of killing the sky with one palm is not what the current 'VR glasses' can give.

Moreover, in Lin Feng's view, the future of human beings should move towards a machine age. Today's robot technology, has been very mature. Although the humanoid robot research is still very shallow, but the manipulator, machine production line is quite mature. What's more, at present, humans can let most of their work be replaced by robots.

The reason why there is no replacement is that if all are done by robots, there will be a large number of unemployed people. These unemployed people are not only a burden to the society, but also a factor of social unrest. Neither the government nor the large consortia can let this happen.

Why? Very simply, the foundation of the world is population. Without population, everything would be in vain. No matter how much money you earn, there are only a few people without population. Why do you earn so much money? After all, human beings are social creatures. Without a large number of human groups, no human can survive.

But robots are the trend. This is a general trend that can liberate a large number of labor forces. Virtual reality is a platform to solve the problem of labor surplus after the popularization of robot industry.

Moreover, Lin Feng can realize the integration of virtual world and real world through virtual reality. So that human beings can obtain all the materials needed for survival through labor in the virtual world.

Of course, Lin Feng also has a vision, that is, once he really discovers that there is any alien advanced civilization that is covetous for human beings, or that there is any natural disaster that can not be avoided, human beings can continue.

Through virtual reality to continue human civilization. This is a precaution made by Lin Feng for mankind and himself.

After all, my rebirth is too incredible. And human civilization, too, is full of wonder. This kind of seed, let Lin Feng have to prepare for a rainy day.

After all, today's world has long surpassed ordinary people, too many, too many. Even including which super families, the power and wealth they control can not be the same as Lin Feng. Because they are a big family, which is bound to be full of all kinds of intrigue, all kinds of intrigue. If you want to mobilize the financial and human resources of the whole family, it will take time and compromise from all sides.

What about Lin Feng? In a word, it will work. This is unmatched by any family. I'm afraid only Sumitomo Ning can match. But Sumitomo Ning also has a problem, that is, she is a woman after all.

Sumitomo Ning is a woman after all. Women are always the vulnerable group in this world. This is permanent.

"Father, things are not so bad! You don't have to be so nervous! " Nu Wa advised.

"Nu Wa, I know that these things I'm worried about are still early. It may be many years before it happens, and the number of years may be calculated in a hundred years. However, I have a sense of hardship that ordinary people do not have. The ancients said, born in hardship, died in ease. Naturally, I can't be careless! " Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Born in hardship, die in happiness! It comes from "Mencius · gaozixia", which is a reasoning prose with rigorous argument and powerful eloquence. Yes, it's reasoning prose. Ancient Chinese literary works have covered all fields and schools for a long time, and they were all concise and comprehensive because of the material shortage at that time.

It's true that the fewer words there are, the more concise it is. But at the same time, it's easier to produce ambiguity. Chinese people, in particular, speak in a broad and profound way.

For example: a woman says to her boyfriend: if you arrive and I haven't arrived, just wait. If I'm here and you're not, just wait!

That's the same thing. But in fact, the content is very different. In classical Chinese, the meaning is more profound. A misunderstanding will lead to ambiguity. In addition, it's really difficult to understand those words, so now many people don't understand them. No one is willing to study ancient prose.

After all, this colorful world is full of strange things. If you study classical Chinese, what can it bring you?

"The biggest change of my rebirth is that I have a very strong sense of hardship!" Lin Feng sighed, "before I was born again, I, like most people, was content with the status quo and lived day by day. Although they are unwilling, they also want to change their fate. But for me, even though I'm not happy, I still don't want to make much effort. But being reborn in this world makes me deeply understand that if I don't work hard today, I may encounter all kinds of accidents tomorrow, and I can't help it! "

"Father, can you really say that virtual reality can change the future of mankind?" Nuwa asked.

"Whether it can change the fate, but one thing can be confirmed is that it has at least given mankind a choice. In the face of irresistible resistance, it gives us a choice, doesn't it!

choice! Sometimes, all we need to do is, in the face of any situation, we have a choice!

In the game, the enthusiasm of the game has been restored again. After the rebirth and inheritance, everyone's strength is far beyond the same period before the rebirth. In this case, the development of the whole game is fragmented by the players.

After all, before rebirth, many plots, many boss, many tasks, you can't complete, including group. But now, you can even kill it by yourself. In this case, you say, the main line of the whole game world is naturally cut to pieces.

But that's the game. The new unknown world is the fun of the game.

Of course, the most important thing now is that the player has recovered the original heart of the game. Although, this game heart, may gradually lost, but at least now, at present, at the moment, the player is very happy.

Or for brothers, or for ideals, or for love... No matter what, we play games very fun, very happy! That's enough!

”Boss, why don't you sleep? It's been a long time since you got drunk. You should rest“ Li Rui is worried.

Although we have entered the age of ancient martial arts, people also need rest and sleep. But Lin Feng has never had a rest. Naturally, this is very worrying.

”Can't sleep“ Lin Feng was worried.

Cannot sleep! What's going on? Li Rui looks surprised. ill? What's on your mind? Or is there a strong enemy?

Lin Feng pointed to his brain.