Reincarnation system!

After just passing through the rebirth system, no one thought that Lin Feng had created a reincarnation system. What was the matter? For all players, this is very confusing.

But soon the players won't be confused.

The system updated a message.

System: reincarnation system is launched, all players will be severely punished by clearing all data once they die. It will be a real world, and all deaths will be judged by reincarnation.

Reincarnation is the reincarnation of life and death.

The so-called reincarnation of life and death means that "abandoning this implication has restored the interest of others". All living beings in the world have karma for doing good and bad deeds. There are six places for karma, which are called six ways. The six paths are divided according to the size of karma. They are: Heaven (incarnation), humanity, animal, Asura, hungry ghost and hell (incarnation).

Of course, it's second world. It's a game. Therefore, this is not the same as the six rounds of Buddhism and Taoism.

The difference lies in the samsara of the second world. There is no way of heaven, humanity, animal, Asura, hungry ghost or hell.

In the "second world", once dead, there are three places to go.

1、 Death, total death. So, you're going to start the game again. Start all over again. Name, combat effectiveness, place of birth, etc. start all over again. You will be a whole new life. This is also the most severe punishment in the game,

Compared with any game, this is probably the most cruel and severe punishment. There is no other way to die.

Death is death. All players are shivering after hearing about the death penalty. This is going to die, so the efforts of these years will be in vain. There's no rebirth.

2、 After death, if the spirit is strong enough, it can be converted to ghost cultivation. It is no longer the complete return of dust to dust, the return of earth to earth, and everything becomes nothingness. It can be practiced for the ghost, that is, the spirit, will open a new life.

3、 That's to give up. In fantasy novels and Xiuzhen novels, giving up is very common. But in the game, they never give up. This is something that no game has ever had.

Of course, other games do not have the ability to win or lose. After all, in the concept of the Western game, what is to give up? No, There is no such concept at all. Only in Chinese culture can there be giving up.

Naturally, games developed in other countries have no concept of giving up. Of course, Chinese games have never given up this concept. Even if there is, it's also a fight between game NPCs, not gamers.

After all, who do you want to give up? NPC? That would be a mess. But this time, the second world can take over.

And it's a trade-off between players. NPC can't give up, but players can give up. For this, all players are surprised.

Isn't it very dangerous for players to give up? Then how to give up? Everyone is curious about the game and eager to know what it's like to lose.

Normal death, ghost repair, take away! These three points make all players full of curiosity and yearning. Although death punishment has become very terrible, so terrible that all efforts will be wasted if one is careless, but this specialized in Yin soldiers, as well as taking away, is really very desirable.

This gives the game two more game modes. It's very interesting.

However, this reincarnation system is perfectly applicable to swordsman online and world of Warcraft. It only needs to be slightly modified. As for infinite Terror online, it can also be basically applicable. It only needs to be slightly modified.

But how does World War apply to this system? This is the real world. How can this reincarnation system be applied?

Soon, second world gave the answer.

The reincarnation system of World War: normal death, transformation into spiritual body, and clone rebirth.

Seeing the answer, everyone understood.

Normal death, can understand. As for the spiritual body, this is just like Dr. Manville Manhattan, becoming a spiritual body, or like the ghost in ghost. As for what is the use of turning this into a ghost, there is no explanation for the second world. This can only let the player enter the game to experience.

As for cloning and rebirth, it can't be easier. Everyone can understand. Clonal rebirth is to copy a clone, die, transfer mental power to the clone, and get rebirth.

Reincarnation! I'm looking forward to it!

At the moment, after other game companies have understood the reincarnation system, they are gushing blood. This is too abnormal. Is there anything more abnormal than this!

Lin Feng, do you want us to live! Where do you get that big brain hole. Are you still human? You are a beast. You're going to kill everything!

Many surviving game companies are bleeding from their hearts. They feel like they're really dead, completely dead. They will never have a future. Their future has been completely killed by Lin Feng.

Of course, players don't care whether they die or not. Players are excited about what the reincarnation system will be like and what it will be like.

Soon, some players will experience what reincarnation system is.

In swordsman online, players have an extra spiritual system. As long as the value reaches a certain value, players can specialize in Yin Ling after they die. Of course, the spirit of Yin can also be upgraded and can continue to practice. However, the spirit of Yin is subject to many restrictions.

For example, the Yin spirit is afraid of the sun and the bright things. For this aspect of the attack, will receive additional damage. Moreover, once the spirit dies, it will be completely destroyed. At the same time, every upgrade will usher in a disaster, and its cultivation difficulty is far more difficult than that of normal monks.

The only advantage is that after death, all combat effectiveness and skills can be preserved, including their wealth and so on. That's the only benefit. After all, the game time is long, you want to die like this, you will not be distressed! Ghost cultivation is to give you a chance to continue to practice.

As for the saying, take away. That would be more interesting. In the event of death, players can choose ghost repair or give up. Ghost cultivation is to become a ghost completely.

Choosing to give up is to hide in a magic weapon, wait for other players to find it, and then give it up. Among them, there is a confrontation of mental strength, and the party with stronger mental strength wins in the end. If you fail to give up, the person who has been given up can gain spiritual growth, as well as all the skill cultivation methods of the person who has been given up.

If successful, then the loser will be able to get the body of the loser and everything he has now.

"Boss, what do you think?" Theresa sighs in the wind.

For the rebirth system, the whole company has been deeply impressed. But for this reincarnation system, it is admiration. It's totally brain opening. It's amazing. This system is amazing. Also let the game, more changes, more fun.

Now all the players are crazy. Correspondingly, the income of the game is also rising. Although second world itself does not sell any money or goods, it only charges 1% commission on the transaction value of players.

In itself, it doesn't make much money. But everything changes from quantity to quality. When the transaction volume reaches a heinous level, the game company will raise more commission.

What's more, although the game is free of charge and does not sell props, because all this is tied to a second bank account, all players' funds will be traded through the second bank. At the same time, players will enjoy all the privileges of members.

Therefore, second world will charge a membership fee of 1 yuan per day. This money is the cost for all players to enjoy various services.