Inheritance system!

This time, it's a complete silence for all game companies. Because, players can perfectly retrieve their peak strength, including wealth, artifact and so on. What else can that say?

If you don't shut up, you just hit yourself in the face. This player, now it's all towards Lin Feng. Before you, you can still use rebirth to waste time to attack, but now, if you want to attack again, it's looking for abuse.

Of course, at the moment, all players are not in the mood to pay attention to the rumors of these game companies inviting shooters. For players, the most important thing now is to restore strength.

Inheritance system! They need to recover as soon as possible. Only when we recover our strength can we take the lead in all kinds of major events in the future. After all, this rebirth, although the changes of more than one billion players, will make rebirth full of all kinds of variables.

But the big events have not changed. What should still be there will still be. Then, the stronger your strength is, the greater the benefits will be.

But what is the inheritance system? How to get inheritance?

Soon, many players will know. What is inheritance system! That is to condense their past and several years of game life together, and then combine all their past experiences of success, loss, glory and disaster according to what they have experienced in the past, and then form a comprehensive task for the players to go through and finally get a comprehensive evaluation.

According to this evaluation, we can decide how much inheritance the final player can get and how much strength he can recover from his life.

Naturally, because each player's experience is different, so everyone's inheritance is different. It can be said that this time, we really experienced the strength of the second world.

More than 1 billion players will naturally have more than 1 billion inheritance levels. Any number, once more than a certain amount, is very terrible.

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change.

The 1 billion inheritance level is totally different. You can't let any company do it. No matter how small the pass is, it needs to be done by others. Unless it's as like as two peas. But this inheritance level is for all players and is completely customized.

In this case, more than one billion game levels are astronomical. This is killing me! It will take at least thousands of years for any company, even all the game companies in the world, to complete this billion level.

But the second world is finished. Such a short time to complete, you say how terrible it is!

"No way! It's impossible! " Many game companies roar.

They never believe that Lin Feng can design more than 1 billion levels in a short time. There must be a problem. These passes must be of the same size. Absolutely!

Although Lin Feng has "Nu Wa" here, the major game companies absolutely don't believe that Nu Wa is really so powerful. Powerful enough to design a game independently.

"If Nu Wa can complete such an independent design, do we still need to exist? How can we compete with Lin Feng? There is no competition at all! "

"Yes, we absolutely don't believe that Nu Wa has such ability. Never believe it! This one billion pass is absolutely the same. Absolutely, maybe it's just a change of name and skin. In fact, it should be the same! "


A lot of game companies are shouting, they absolutely don't believe it.

But often, ideal is very plump, reality is very bony. When you fly very high, you will be slapped and pulled into the mud.

They thought it was the same. But it turns out, it's totally different. It's not only completely different, it's almost the same.

"Heritage, what is my heritage? This, this is not the place where I met Xiaobing, fate a bridge, I met Xiaobing on this bridge. Why, this time? " There is a monkey face players in the inheritance level, excited to cry.

He and his girlfriend met in the game. And then they fight monsters together, upgrade together, and transfer together. In this game, they have everything.

In the end, they come together. In reality, they also become girlfriends and girlfriends. They have already made an engagement and are ready to get married. However, his little ice was sent to the South China Sea to build a national defense fortification. As a result, he didn't see him for more than a year and even couldn't get through the phone. They were almost lost.

Moreover, due to this loss of contact, plus some misunderstanding, the two almost broke up several times. He often teases and forces Xiaobing to get angry with him. As a result, Xiaobing falls into the sea in a trance because of a quarrel and is seriously ill. Some work data is also lost, leading to leadership reprimand.

Results emotional instability, two people call again quarrel, a big fight. At the moment, the monkey player is playing the game with a depressed face. Suddenly saw this bridge, that before bit by bit, instantaneous came back.

Just meet this, what is inheritance? What is the test of inheritance?

"The scenery here is beautiful!" In the inheritance, Xiao Bing suddenly said.

This, this, this should be the first words that the monkey heard Xiao Bing say when they met.

"Yes, it's fun here. However, this is also a place of right and wrong. Girl, do you know a legend about this bridge? " Monkey player involuntarily took a word.

"Ah, what legend? How do you look like that... "Xiaobing covered her mouth, embarrassed.

"Hey, hey, I'm like a monkey, right? Don't feel embarrassed. I'm really like a monkey. It looks like a monkey. Are you afraid of being told? If I'm afraid of it, I won't come out to meet people in my life! Besides, what's wrong with being like a monkey. How clever the monkey is, and the monkey king is also a monkey. How nice it is to make havoc in heaven and uphold justice! Hey, hey, my grandson is coming The monkey player makes a face and Xiaobing laughs.

"You are so interesting. But what do you think this legend is? " Xiaobing's flowers flutter.

Then, they chatted happily. Due to the contact in reality, the monkey players know a lot about Xiaobing's living habits, hobbies and personal hobbies. Therefore, it is very opportunistic for them to chat.

Originally, when they first met, there was no spark. Even Xiaobing didn't leave any contact information. It was after many encounters that she finally fell in love all her life. But this time, the first departure, are so reluctant.

"Monkey, I'm going to play. We just met on the first day, but I think we seem to have known each other for many years. How nice to meet you Xiaobing is reluctant to part with her face.

"Me too! Xiaobing, thank you for letting me meet you The tears have come out. He thought of his real ice. Why are you so stupid!

"Monkey, why are you crying?" Ice instinct wipe away the tears of monkey players.

"I, I, I'm ok, Xiao Bing. I just want to be sad not to see you. I'm useless, aren't I? " The monkey player sighed and said, "sorry, I shouldn't make you angry!"

"Ah, monkey, what do you say?" Xiaobing looks surprised.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Xiao Bing. Do you believe it? In fact, I've known you for a long time, and we've known each other for a long time." Monkey player emotional place, will be in the heart of the knot all said out.

"You, you mean I'm just a projection? A test of inheritance? " After hearing this, Xiaobing said with a smile, "monkey, you are so funny. Don't you know what I do to you? You idiot, no matter how angry I am, it's just a temporary temper. I can really ignore you! You go to apologize quickly. I'm a tough guy with a soft heart. And, you, don't think all day. I believe that people will not let go easily. Unless you ignore me. Come on, she's waiting for you! How nice of you

Before the voice falls, Xiaobing disappears. The inheritance is over.