
It's fair!

The two sides naturally quarreled. Of course, it is a very small number of people who are unfair, and most of them are very satisfied with the rebirth. This time of rebirth, let everything down again, let resources replacement.

Natural justice!

As for those who call it unfair, the minority is subordinate to the majority. Don't make trouble!

The game continues in full swing. Let's start all over again and let all players be fresh and familiar. In particular, it's all over again. This is so interesting.

What's more, players are beginning to really feel what rebirth is.

If you simply read files, it will only let you go over the plot again, and make up for the plot and missing equipment that you haven't had before.

But rebirth is different. Rebirth means you can get more.

In short, reading files is how much you can get in the first place. At most, you can only get so much. But rebirth, it means that you can exceed the original limit.

Of course, the normal understanding, every boss can burst out of the equipment is its upper limit. However, it's an online game, and it's a reading file, but it's framed by rebirth. It's just like an old Chinese saying: when you become a whore, you have to build a memorial archway. This kind of behavior is the shame of the business community. It's a shameless act to make everyone despise and shame.

Cyber homicide in the 21st century—— EA used the name of a very representative movie as a gimmick. Of course, it's very similar to this. And EA in the game, is outspoken to describe Lin Feng is a very philistine businessman to make money: the 21st century network to make money! This is a network that poisons all young people. The future of mankind will be completely degenerated because of this network. We must resist such a money making network, a terrible network that poisons all people's hearts, makes all people crazy, dehumanized, and has no morality to speak of.


All kinds of criticisms flooded the whole network, all aimed at Lin Feng and the so-called rebirth. Of course, is this fighting against injustice? Is this for the future of these players?

Of course not! It's jealousy, it's naked jealousy. I envy Lin Feng for making so much money. This time of rebirth, Lin Feng is rich again.

This is a big shuffle, and in order to be able to get on the stage that has never been on before, countless players spend money on it. And those players who once stood on the stage, in order to continue to be powerful in this life, not to be ridiculed, have to recharge, to maintain their own interests as much as possible.

It can be said that this rebirth makes people spend money crazily. On average, everyone has to spend more than 100% more than before.

As for what to sell? It's not game money, it's not time. All these forest styles are not sold. This is because the players trade on their own. Of course, in order to ensure safety, the transaction is limited to the Fengshen Pavilion of the game company, and the Fengshen Pavilion will only charge 1% of the transaction fee.

At first, it was 5%, and Lin Feng reduced the handling charge again. After all, with the increase of players' trading volume, Lin Feng naturally wants to reduce the handling charges to encourage players to trade. This is conducive to the prosperity of business.

It's like collecting taxes. If the tax rate is too high, it will scare away businessmen.

Lin Feng doesn't sell game currency or props. What does he sell? What is he going to sell to make money? What's more, will it attract so many players?

Hot sale!

It's very simple. It's something that all the Games in the world don't have. No one can sell it except Lin Feng!

Because what Lin Feng sells is memories!

Yes, memories. Memories of all players in the past. Their past experience in the game. Players can't remember, so Lin Fenglai sells their memories.