"Why don't you stay for a light meal. My wife just learned a new dish. Have a taste! " Jin Yong has a happy expression of love.

If it's on the Internet, it's bound to be scolded for showing love. However, at this moment, the scene, people did not dare to say a word. No way, the old couple, that show love, you can only accept.

"You three, what's the matter with your love life? Richard, what happened to you and Leong Lin Feng asked.

"Ah, this..." Li Zekai glanced at Jin Yong sitting on one side.

"Well, I'm old. I'll have a rest. You guys have a little chat. I'll call you when dinner is ready Jin Yong can't see Li Zekai's thoughts, so he finds an excuse to leave the garden to Lin Feng and others.

"My father still doesn't agree. Now that he has two grandchildren, he doesn't agree either." Li Zekai held his chin and said, "I, to be honest, she's very nice and I'm very satisfied. That's the background. It's a little bit reassuring indeed! "

Lin Feng flew over with a white eye.

"It was the family you wanted to go to. They didn't chase you, did they? They gave you two sons. You're not very satisfied now. Background, what's wrong! It's the king's birth Lin Feng spewed directly, "I say you rich childe brothers, as for so shameless! Play is very normal, everyone is willing to fight, one is willing to suffer, this is nothing. But when you fall in love with someone and give birth to two babies, you say that you don't want to marry because of your background. Richard, we are brothers for so many years. Now that I have trained my internal power, I can't control my strength. Otherwise, I'll kill you with a move of "Kang long you regret!"

"Ah, ah, brother Feng, what do you say about me! I'm innocent! " Tang Jiacheng complained directly.

"Don't pretend to be innocent. I'll tell you later." Lin Feng stares at Tang Jiacheng, turns to Li Zekai and says, "Richard, you can't see other people. You can tell me. Don't talk about the background in front of me. Dissatisfied, we have no one to force you, but you take the background, I spray you

"Well..." Li Zekai thought about it and could not figure out the reason. In the end, he sighed helplessly, "in fact, I found that marriage is very scary for me, and it's better to be single. With her background, I will be embarrassed on many occasions. This is something I didn't notice before. "

In fact, today's Li Zekai does not need to look at his father Li Jiacheng's face. After all, his assets are tens of billions of dollars, far more than his father Li Ka Shing. But the problem is that he is from the Li family after all. This always takes into account the reputation of the Li family. Although many of the actors and actresses are married, it is inevitable that there will be all kinds of gossip, but they are still born in Britain.

"If you don't want to marry, you should pay more money for settling down. We don't blame you for that. Men, we can understand. But you have to say that considering the background, I really look down on you. A man is a man who stands up to heaven and earth. It's your own business to marry a wife. Are you afraid to talk behind others' back! Who dares to gossip, beat him. You can't beat him alone. Our four brothers help to beat him! " Lin Feng said angrily, "look at me, who has married so many people with a good background besides Ivanka - * *, Allegra Versace and the two princesses? Actors, athletes, singers, car models! Who dares to say I am Lin Feng's woman

"Pa Pa Pa!" Zheng Zhiheng and Tang Jiacheng applauded.

"Brother Feng is domineering!"

"Wrong, Fengshen is domineering!"

Li Zekai's face was awkwardness when they sang together.

"Well, I'll think about it again." Li Zekai said modestly.

He didn't dare challenge Lin Feng about this problem. After all, Lin Feng abolished Yang Shoucheng, the former president of the British emperor, and turned him into a eunuch. What else can he say!

After all, it is still the man's private heart, tired of crooked, want to change!

"Well, don't be complacent. You're so grown-up, and you haven't made a girlfriend. Don't tell me, Tang Jiacheng, that you like men! If you dare to like men, I will castrate you now! " Lin Feng stares at Tang Jiacheng, the realistic version of Hua zelei.

"No, no, brother Feng, I haven't met someone I like. As you know, I like the love story between Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu very much. I don't want to make do with it. But now the girl, really did not let me particularly moved Tang Jiacheng sighed, "also, brother Feng, your micro blog is really harmful. I'll open it now. Look what my micro blog is like now!"

Tang Jiacheng turns on Nu Wa's mobile phone and calls up her personal micro blog.

Needless to say, Lin Feng and others know about Tang Jiacheng's personal microblog. How to say, its personal micro blog can now be called: concentration camp for young grannies.

Why do you say that? Because Tang Jiacheng is young, handsome, rich, born well, and gentle, apart from the factors of money, external strength and national hero, Tang Jiacheng completely crush Lin Feng in all aspects.

Moreover, if you really want to pick a man, Tang Jiacheng is more reliable than Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng's flower heart is also famous. No one denies this. Including Lin Feng himself.

Tang Jiacheng is much more innocent. There has been no scandal so far. Some of the occasional communication news soon dispersed with the wind. Therefore, there are too many, too many women fantasizing about marrying Tang Jiacheng.

As a result, as long as Tang Jiacheng sends a microblog, there will be a woman who fantasizes that she has become a little grandmother. As a woman of Tang Jiacheng, she will report her daily life to Tang Jiacheng's microblog every day, and at the same time, she will be considerate of Tang Jiacheng.

This is not true. Before Tang Jiacheng published a microblog saying that he had just undergone laser correction surgery, a female fan immediately left a message saying: if there are sequelae, I will give you a cornea!

This is really moving. But if there are too many of them, it will be terrible. Moreover, this kind of female fans is not one, but tens of thousands. Under each microblog, there are tens of thousands of similar female fans' speeches.

Naturally, Tang Jiacheng's microblog was jokingly called "concentration camp for young grannies" by netizens.

These female fans are jokingly known as the young grannies group army.

As for those male netizens who come to see the play every day, they call themselves: young grandma sightseeing group!

In a word, Tang Jiacheng's microblog has been completely spoiled by these female fans. It also directly affected his personal life. But turn off Weibo. This is not suitable. After all, it's Lin Feng's company, and it's really convenient. If you want to close it, it's hard to avoid that you're too small to bear.

However, Tang Jiacheng really wants to find a girlfriend because of this, a little bit difficult! Besides, he is a little afraid of women! It's horrible!

Today, I'm lazy for another day, only two! It's three o'clock tomorrow! Thank you for your support! Tomorrow will be November, 2016 will be two months, come on