"Natalie, don't worry! Money, take your time! You have to know that this is 1% of my income. In fact, it's better to lose 3 trillion yuan a year now. But will it lose money every year? " Lin fengxiao said.

"Boss, I don't understand. Put aside your big secret, what I am most curious about is why you are so optimistic!" Natalie looked puzzled.

Over the years, following Lin Feng, another unsolved mystery of Natalie is Lin Feng's smile. You said, this kind of thing, how serious.

"Universal medical insurance" has been popularized, and now the number of people going to see a doctor is increasing all over the country. After all, people also want to know if they are sick. You say, how much does it cost.

Natalie can't say anything about it. After all, it's normal for people to see a doctor, isn't it! If you think that many people see a doctor and it's expensive to see a doctor, you don't want to introduce universal medical insurance!

"Natalie, do you think Chinese people will always have such a low income?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "our country's economic growth point is more than 7% every year, so every year, our losses will be reduced at a rate of 7%, so that we can not lose money in 14 years at most."

Natalie opened her mouth and did not point out the mistake of Lin Feng's calculation method. According to Lin Feng's economic growth, it will be enough to make up for the loss in 14 years, or at most nine years.

However, this means that the national economy can continue to grow every year, and the medical expenses have not risen to the premise.

"The economy is bound to grow. With the start of the "interstellar colonization program" and the start of interstellar exploration, mankind will usher in a golden period of development in the future. This economic growth point will stimulate the continuous rise of human economic aggregate in the next 30 years. Once human beings have mastered the technology of planet colonization, we will usher in a greater period of economic development! " Lin Feng was full of expectations, "so the money we lose now will soon be wiped out by economic growth, and we will make money in the future!"

The total economic volume will continue to rise, while the materials found on other planets will greatly reduce various medical costs. Lin Feng believes that it won't be long before he can balance out and make money.

What did Lin Feng get? The harvest is the National Heart of a country. People in a country are their own members. What else can they do!

Now everyone ignores the fact that the largest organization in the world is the party, with 80 million members. What about Colin? The people of the whole country are members of Lin Feng. Moreover, everyone feels the debt to Lin Feng.

If human psychology, the first three years, people will owe you, will repay. After that, people will not feel indebted and will not have the heart to repay their kindness. But suppose we all know that we owe it to you, and if we just ask them to do something that will not harm their own interests, do you think people will do it?

1.3 billion members! This is what Lin Feng sees as a member of a country. What's a loss now! After that, you can earn it back. What does the coming of the interstellar age represent?

Maybe you don't realize it. But Lin Feng realized it. Of course, this is not what Lin Feng realized. It's what I realized by communicating with Nu Wa.

The arrival of the interstellar age represents that human beings have returned to the time when transportation was inconvenient in ancient times. Before human technology invented wormhole crossing, transportation would be extremely inconvenient.

From one planet to another, it will be extremely far away and take a long time. The world is as long, or even longer, as one country went to another in ancient times.

In particular, the risks of navigation in the universe are enormous. It is possible to encounter any unexpected event. In the universe, everything is possible.

At the same time, it's also deadly. That is, at present, communication can not solve the problem. Nu Wa has been working with Google to study the feasibility of quantum communication.

However, at present, there is no suitable scheme. In Nu Wa's "model of the universe," it has not been successfully studied. Without quantum communication, you will not be able to communicate with people on other planets in real time.

What does inconvenient transportation and communication mean? The event of taking the mountain as king will become feasible! In short, Pirates of the universe are bound to emerge.

Of course, if Lin Feng strictly controls the "gravity magnetic field technology", then the chances of the emergence of space pirates will be greatly reduced. But Lin Feng doesn't plan to do that.

This practice will only delay the arrival of human interstellar civilization. Only under the stimulation of absolute interests will the interstellar civilization of mankind arrive ahead of time.

Of course, the biggest drawback of space pirates is self-control. All colonies will be self-governing. The colony is small. It's OK. Once they are big enough to be self-sufficient and have a certain amount of armed forces, then the careerists will appear greatly.

The dominion will become a private empire.

In short, the arrival of interstellar civilization makes the era of Empire return to the cradle of human civilization. In the future, there may be more empires.

Dictatorship will become inevitable. Of course, not all will be dictators. But there will be more and more authoritarian regimes, and it will be possible to compete with democratic regimes.

Lin Feng will not entrust his fate to anyone. His own destiny is under his control. Therefore, Lin Feng made a layout ahead of time. Once the situation changes and the expansion of the interstellar civilization is too fast, Lin Feng can also become a dictator when necessary.

Although Lin Feng is very lazy and unwilling to take care of too many things, one thing is that what he has is coveted by others. If you want to keep what he has, you must have strength.

This power can include power, money and force. In a word, you have to have power so that people won't make up your mind. Otherwise, you are a fat sheep, to be slaughtered.

Therefore, Lin Feng has now launched "universal medical insurance" to exchange a little money for the people's trust. In the future, if necessary, a single call will be answered.

These, besides Nu Wa, Lin Feng naturally won't say with anyone. Because this idea, too terrible, will be regarded as magic! He may even regard Lin Feng as a terrorist.

After all, this world, no one can see so far.

Interstellar civilization, what a distant term! At present, it is difficult for human beings to get out of the earth. What about interstellar civilization.

However, according to Nu Wa's analysis, the progress of human civilization has been accelerated in recent years. Five thousand years of history tells us that the progress of civilization is very slow. But why did modern times speed up suddenly?

(end of two today, continue tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)