There is another thing! What else! Yes? Many insurance company managers look puzzled.

Lin Feng smiles.

"That's about the extraterrestrial mining business!" Lin Feng opened the big screen behind him. "As you can see, our solar system has eight planets (Pluto is excluded), but there are many satellites, especially Jupiter has 67 satellites. Among them, IO and Callisto are very valuable! And once we successfully explore the material that can be mined, the harvest will be unparalleled! "

Many insurance company managers look at each other, do not understand what Lin Feng actually means! What do you want to say!

"Aren't you interested in building a fleet?" Lin Feng smiles.

what! Let's build a fleet!?! The heart of all the insurance company managers almost stopped for a moment, and then began to thump wildly. They never thought they could get involved in this.

You know, they are just insurance companies. Although many of them have the shadow of the country behind them, they are only ordinary companies after all. This kind of space exploration has nothing to do with them. It's too high-tech. This is a matter at the national level.

As a result, Lin Feng told them to set up a fleet to exploit! This is incredible! This directly inflated their ambitions.

These people, who can sit in this position, are naturally ambitious. It's just that their ambition is limited by their environment. But now, Lin Feng has given them a platform, a platform to release their ambition to the maximum.

Inflation! Ambition expanded in an instant! They thought a lot, a lot.

The universe, what is the universe?

"Wenzi · nature" says: "in the past and in the future, it is called the universe, and the four sides are called the universe."

"Corpse" said: "up and down four said Yu, past and present said Zhou."

"Huainanzi" said: "the past and the present are called the universe, and the four sides are called the universe.".

Chuang Tzu · gengsang Chu said: "there is no origin, no orifices. There is a solid but no place, there is a long but no plagiarism. There is truth in those who come out but have no sense. If there is reality but no place, there is space; There are long and no plagiarists, Zhou also.

These are all pre Qin classics. In the eyes of ancient Chinese, they already had the concept of the universe. Regardless of the reason for the formation of this concept, the cognition of the universe is boundless.

At present, human beings can only be confined to the earth, a very small blue planet. And once human beings can go out, then human beings will not be limited, and human steps will set foot in every galaxy of the universe. It's just like human beings came out of the cave to live on the earth at first.

Soon, human footprints spread all over the continent. And once out of the continent, then the whole world has human footprints. If there is anything in the world that is endless, infinite, and totally not abiding by the law of conservation of energy, it is ambition.

Human ambition, with a little introduction, can burn the whole grassland, the whole forest and the whole world.

The executives of these insurance companies see a hope, a hope to get rid of the existing constraints. Once they have a fleet that can walk out of the earth, they can not only earn more wealth than they do today, but also have a foothold. Now, if they offend the upper class and make the upper class unhappy, they will be in prison.

This point, on earth, no matter where you go, it can catch you back. But if you can have a space fleet, the concept is totally different. Really can't, I escape to the outside of the earth, can you still capture me in the universe?

It is difficult to find a person in the vast sea of people. What's more, in the boundless universe, I can find a place to crouch, as long as there is enough material, then I can hide for many years.

In his eyes, there was a blazing fire. When Lin Feng saw this look, he knew that these insurance company managers had been convinced by himself, and they had already been moved. These people have been convinced by themselves.

"I can give you technology! You can pool funds to set up an insurance exploration team, and I believe the profit is very considerable! " Lin Feng said with a smile, "and the conditions are the conditions I just opened. Choose one of you

Many insurance company managers just took a look, did not think much, decided to agree down.

Half of the profits, it's a lot. But compared with the profits Lin Feng brought them, that's very little. In particular, this matter is more of a right of choice.

The greatest luck in life is that you have the right to choose! The biggest sorrow of life is that you have no choice!

Half of the profits, buy an option, worth it!

Of course, if it wasn't for Lin Feng, they wouldn't dare to buy it. But it's Lin Feng. It's Lin Feng. Only then can they buy it and dare to buy it! Because it won't say anything!

"Then, everyone, sign the contract! Nowadays, electronic contract signing is popular. I'm also implementing electronic contract signing to avoid damaging the ecological balance of trees as much as possible! " Lin Feng smiles.

On the platform in front of everyone, an electronic board was stretched out, which listed all the terms of the contract.

"Take your time!" Lin Feng did not urge.

Many insurance company managers, since they are engaged in insurance, naturally know the importance of this clause. Although Lin Feng's articles are not many, only more than 20, many insurance company managers still read them carefully word by word.

Finally, after confirming that there was no problem, many managers pressed their fingerprints on the electronic screen and signed the electronic signature.

"Ladies and gentlemen, congratulations on our agreement! I think this will be the most profitable agreement in your life! " Lin Feng said with a smile, "because it's priceless!"

Many insurance company executives breathed a sigh.

Anyway, they finally reached an agreement with Lin Feng. In recent days, the things that I have been struggling with have finally been completed. They don't have to worry about it anymore. In particular, there is no need to be afraid. I don't know what measures Lin Feng has taken to embarrass them.

You know, now those "Youzi" doctors are ready to go to court. Just because he had a quarrel with Lin Feng, all the ugly things were exposed by Lin Feng.

What about them? The same! Are they clean? Otherwise! Naturally, they have their own problems. This will annoy Lin Feng. If Lin Feng uses any means to expose them, everyone will be finished. They don't want to have a bright future because of Lin Feng.

Many insurance company managers, with such an electronic contract, have gone, of course, with satisfaction and vision for the future.

"Boss, don't they know that half of the future profits of this contract are due to you?" Melissa asked.

You know, the agreement Lin Feng signed with them is a long-term contract. After all, it's not just three or five years to explore space. Therefore, this contract is up to 30 years. That is to say, in the next 30 years, all the profits of these companies will be divided into half every year.

Even if they explore space, they have to share half of the forest and wind. In that case, the profit will be very considerable and terrible. Melissa didn't understand why they wanted to.

"Naturally they know, but they don't want to know." Lin Feng is meaningful, "because they are not willing to give up such an opportunity, an opportunity to get space exploration."

"But are they so sure that they can make enough profit in the universe? If this is divided into half, it will take more than 70 billion yuan to make up for this payment at least every year in the universe. It's not that easy to do! " Melissa was puzzled.

Although the space is very large and the wealth is infinite. In particular, Lin Feng's "gravity magnetic field technology" perfectly solved the problem of large-scale material transportation. But you know, the universe is so big that you have a lot of time when you go. Moreover, you need technology for mining, and there are many problems.

Within three or five years, we may not be able to see results. But these insurance companies signed this agreement. A few years ago, they gave money in vain.

"They're not just for profit, they're more for the technology of the space fleet!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "they long for freedom! They don't want to be jailed one day for some reason! So, they are very smart and choose to cooperate with me. In particular, this time I lost so much money that all the people saw it. They're all poking at the back of these people. It's good that they work with me. Many benefits! Especially the money, it's not their own. I didn't agree before because I couldn't swallow it, or I didn't have enough benefits. Now, what is more important than freedom

Melissa suddenly realized.

Then, Lin Feng announced the cooperation with 64 domestic insurance companies‘ Lin Feng and 64 insurance companies will share the huge deficit of universal medical insurance.

However, due to the huge deficit, which amounts to more than 200 billion yuan per year, 64 insurance companies are willing to give half of their profits to subsidize for the health and happiness of the Chinese people. As for the rest of the deficit, Lin Feng personally bear!

When the news was announced, the whole nation was in jubilation. Originally, people have a bad impression on the insurance company. When collecting money, I beg you to be like a grandson to see my grandfather. But once you get out of danger, it will be reversed.

This time, Lin Feng came forward to solve the problem of universal medical insurance, but these insurance companies tried to push back, which made the people unhappy. Now, they are finally lost and willing to help Lin Feng bear all this, which is a good thing.