"But boss, you've been around so much, and you still haven't told me what you're going to make money on?" Natalie asked.

His secret told Lin Feng, but Lin Feng said for a long time, how can he rely on the "universal health insurance" to make money? Or, to fill the gap?

The deficit of trillions of RMB is not so easy to fill. In particular, with the popularization of universal medical insurance, people's awareness of seeing a doctor will become stronger and stronger, which will inevitably lead to more and more people going to the hospital. Even if the registration fee is not reimbursed, it may not be all hospitalized, but at least medication is certain.

is it? If you see a doctor, the doctor must prescribe medicine. Isn't this medicine expensive! Just open a few boxes, it's not cheap. If we have to calculate this, it is normal to lose two or three trillion yuan a year, and it is possible to lose four or five trillion yuan a year.

After all, most people in our country do not go to see a doctor when they are sick. Instead, they try their best to tolerate it, or go to a small clinic to see a doctor, so as to avoid the expensive expenses of seeing a doctor in a large hospital. But if universal health insurance is implemented, it's hard to say what a "great beast" will erupt!

At present, Lin Feng's annual profit is absolutely unsustainable. As far as Natalie knows, she can only rely on the solar project to make money. As for the interstellar colonization project, it is far from profitable.

But this money is paid every year. What should I do?

"Natalie, I said I had to carry the money myself!" Lin Feng's face is calm, "I can't rely on this money to fill this huge deficit!"

Natalie frowned.

"I didn't lie to you. I never expected to make up for it. On the contrary, the more I lose, the better! " Lin Feng said with a smile, "this time, I will benefit every Chinese. As long as they have universal health insurance, I believe the pressure of life will be much less for them! At least, don't worry about getting sick! "

If people don't have to worry about getting sick, the pressure of life will be much less. Especially for Chinese people, what they are most worried about is that they suddenly fall ill one day and can't afford to get sick. What should we do?

Although it is said that people are not far sighted, there must be immediate worries. But if you think of danger in times of peace all day long, your life will be very depressing and there will not be much fun. After all, it's hard to live in fear.

"What I do is good, so everyone owes me. The more I lose, the more they owe me!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "naturally, the more people want to compensate me!"

Natalie's eyes lit up.

"Boss, you've lost something and gained something. But can you earn it back! " Natalie is worried.

Lin Feng smiles.

"Why can't you make it back! Since I lost so much money on this, no matter what industry I set foot in, I will get the support of the Chinese people. They will buy my products at the same price and quality. With this prerequisite, what business do you say you can't make money? " Lin Feng said with a smile, "China's GDP has exceeded 35 trillion yuan in one year, and it will grow every year in the future. How can it not earn back?"

Natalie still has a knot in her heart. China's GDP is only 35 trillion yuan, and your deficit is several trillion yuan. Can this work?

"Natalie, have you ever thought that in this situation, the real estate has been rising, even if I control it, I can't control it. The local government needs to sell land to get construction funds, and the real estate developers are eager to get enough profits through high housing prices. Many enterprises are better off selling several apartments than doing business for a year. It's going to get them into real estate, too! " Lin Feng a smile, "this kind of circumstance, what evil result can appear?"

Natalie meditates.

"Then you need someone to take it! That is to say, no matter how high the house price rises, someone must accept it! " Natalie said, "there are a lot of Chinese people, but there are fewer and fewer married people of the right age in China, and there are fewer and fewer improved sex housing due to the high housing prices. Building speculation, and ultimately want people to take over the plate, it must be people to buy a house. However, according to the current situation in China, ten years later, at most 15 years later, with the gradual passing of the 40's, there are still 50 years of old age, close to death. Then there will be a lot more real estate in China! Then, the property market will certainly collapse at that time! "

Lin Feng nodded.

"But what does it have to do with your making money, boss?" Natalie wondered.

The property market is collapsing. There's no money to be made. Of course, if the property market collapses, the economy will certainly collapse. If the economy collapses, the stock market will collapse. Lin Feng can make money by selling short index. However, in China, the futures market is not as developed as in the United States, and Lin Feng's earnings are very limited.

Moreover, it is impossible for Lin Feng to make money through this kind of stock disaster. Moreover, even if he makes money, he will have to wait for several years, and Lin Feng will not be able to wait until then.

"In the face of this situation, will the high-level officials wait to die? Of course not! " Lin Feng said with a smile, "in this case, the best solution is not to cool down the real estate. In fact, it can not. Even I can't cool down the real estate industry, because I underestimate the ambition of those people in their official career. They are eager to go further in their official career. Where are their achievements? The report forms of local economy are the best achievements. They will try their best to improve their achievements! "

Lin Feng sighed helplessly. This is the problem of the system. This is also what Mr. Bo said at the beginning. It is a key factor for Lin Feng to stand up. If you want to change the system, you have to change it by outsiders.

No matter how the insiders change, they can't be separated from each other. Because you are an insider. How can you change what you have done?! You can't change it. Only outsiders can change.

If Lin Feng wants to change this situation, he must stand up. At present, Lin Feng will not. Because I don't have the strength. Today, all this is the result of inclusiveness. If Lin Feng stands up, it will be the opposite of everyone. Lin Feng was not only struggling, but also stepping into the abyss.

Although Lin Feng now has Somalia, a nuclear bomb, and a so-called "space fleet," unless Lin Feng does not return to earth all his life, he will be doomed.

Because the strength that Lin Feng has now is not absolute. What's more, even if he had it, Lin Feng didn't want to go through the muddy water. Five thousand years of Chinese history, two thousand years of feudal system, two thousand years of centralized monarchy, have long made everything deeply rooted. Change? easier said than done!

Therefore, Lin Feng will not stand up. Naturally, if house prices want to be restrained, it will become a fantasy.

"The upper class wants to change. It's very simple. Encourage more students!" Lin Feng sighed.

Encourage more students! Natalie's eyes lit up. Indeed, this is a very good response. With a large population, there will naturally be more needs in all aspects. Chinese people, in particular, are particular about getting married. This marriage must have a house. This is just a need.

With a large population, real estate will naturally continue to prosper. This is a wonderful move! It's also the fundamental solution! Of course, this population can not continue to be so large, but as long as a balance is maintained.

After all, the land is limited, but the population is unlimited. In particular, China's 70 year land policy will naturally usher in a new wave of prosperity as long as it survives these 70 years. In other words, the population base, as long as the guarantee of real estate prosperity for 70 years, then it can be infinite circulation.

Of course, there is also a premise, that is, the economy will continue to prosper, and there will be no economic crisis one day. Of course, the textbooks for primary school students tell us that economic crisis is the characteristic of capitalism, and there will be no economic crisis in socialism.

As for whether it is so? Lin Feng declined to comment. In primary school, the textbook also said that in the economic crisis, capitalism would rather pour milk into the ditch than give it to the poor people. And now? What capitalists are there to help the poor people?

Of course, this is not the focus of Lin Feng's discussion.

"What's more, many local governments are beginning to know how to adapt to the real estate market." Lin Feng said flatly, "in the past, the local government would rather pay more for houses than money for demolition. After all, losing money is real money. But now the rising real estate prices and the possible real estate bubble crisis make them understand that money and houses are bullshit. If the house goes up casually, it will be more than money. But money will depreciate

"Therefore, many local governments now prefer to lose more money rather than give houses. Because the house will appreciate. And not only that, I gave you money, you must go to buy a house to live, then you help me in disguised form to fry up the house price. House prices rise, land prices will not rise? As a result, the more money you need for compensation, the more the whole region will rise. Perhaps a small part will not lose, but more buyers will pay for it. Whose name is it? Those greedy demolition households! " Lin Feng said sarcastically.

Natalie took a deep breath. This is the routine! Deep routine!

"Of course, it's none of my business. What I want to say is that the demographic dividend will continue in the future. With a large population, the economy will be prosperous. Then I will earn back this loss! And everyone is willing to let me earn it! " Lin Feng said with a smile, "do you think I will lose money! I'm just fishing for a long time

Natalie looked at Lin Feng's eyes, hot again. My boss has a far-reaching vision. And full of courage! I dare to set up trillions of RMB to build a better future.

This courage has never been seen in the past!

Lin Feng smiles. In fact, there is another purpose to do so. That is, once you really want to stand up, have an absolute support rate! Of course, this is only a possibility. If there is no need, Lin Feng will never choose to stand up and do thankless things.