power failure!

power failure!

There was an exclamation all around.

At the moment, it's almost six o'clock in the evening. However, it's summer and it's still bright. However, the sudden power failure will inevitably cause a burst of cry.

After all, there are no lights in the room, especially inside the hospital, which is always a little darker.

"Why is there a power failure? Such a big hospital, how can power failure! How can I see a doctor? It's my turn. I've been waiting for three days. It's my turn! " There was a sudden clamor among the patients.

Naturally, the deans were silent. They don't care. They want you to make trouble. Anyway, it was agreed that the work would be finished at 6 p.m., so it would be over at 6 p.m. Lin Feng promised. They are not afraid of Lin Feng's repentance.

"It's OK with the power cut! No, we should treat it with traditional Chinese medicine! " Hua Shiqi said out loud to calm the restless masses.

Western medicine needs all kinds of instruments, but traditional Chinese medicine does not. Traditional Chinese medicine depends on two fingers. If you have a deep command of pulse, you don't need to see the patient's face, you can know what's wrong with him.

This pulse phase is really all encompassing. Therefore, TCM really needs to be knowledgeable. Otherwise you can't be a traditional Chinese medicine.

Chinese medicine is not afraid of power failure! Many deans naturally know this. The reason for their power failure is not that traditional Chinese medicine can't treat them, but that it's hot summer now. Once the power failure happens, it will get hot immediately.

It's a hot day outside. The sun hasn't set yet. In midsummer, the high temperature of the imperial capital is as high as 35 degrees. If you don't turn on the air conditioner, you can't stand it.

"Open the doors and windows to replace the air!" In a low voice, the president of the union command.

Now, as soon as the doors and windows open. The original power failure, but also to maintain a period of cold air, instant hot up.

At the moment, Hua Shiqi has just seen two patients and five patients, with 10 minutes left. As a result, the temperature of the whole hospital has warmed up. Everyone obviously felt the muggy heat, especially so many people queuing up here. Everyone was a hot stove. Naturally, the temperature would rise soon.

Lin Feng frowned!

These guys can use all kinds of tricks. But at this time, there are only ten minutes left. There are still five people left, and there is no time to do anything else.

Of course, time is short, but nothing can be done. At least for Lin Feng, no matter what circumstances, Lin Feng can do something.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come. I think we don't have to wait in line. I know that everyone is suffering from various diseases, suffering from pain, but the time is coming. Mr. Hua, after all, is 100 years old. He is old and has limited energy. To tell you the truth, he would not have been able to hold on these days if he hadn't seen people coming in long lines. " Lin Feng stood in the corridor and said, "of course, I know you will be disappointed. So, well, you go to my people to register and leave your address. As for me, I'll send you back the ticket money, and a little medical expenses. You wait for news at home! I will give you an answer

After listening to this, many patients, you look at me and I look at you. They can't refuse Lin Feng's proposal. After all, most of these patients, regardless of their previous family background, have been destitute after suffering from illness. They can't refuse the temptation of Lin Feng.

What's more, who can't give Lin Feng face!

These patients are gone. This air, also suddenly cool a lot.

Of course, none of this has affected the treatment of Hua 17.

For the treatment of patients, his concentration is extremely high. It will never be influenced by the outside world. After six minutes, he looked at three people again.

Of course, these are all male patients. Although it is difficult to talk about the disease, but for China 17, it is absolutely hand to hand. Moreover, these ten subjects are all male subjects, which makes Hua Shiqi easier to handle.

There are three left! There are three more, you can turn defeat into victory!

Of course, due to the power failure, the live broadcast here naturally ended. For the onlookers, it can be said that time passes like a year. It's been a tough few minutes. They don't know what's going on inside.

At the end of the day, did you turn defeat into victory! At the moment, the whole network, full of impetuosity, everyone, are waiting, waiting for the outcome of the duel. In the end, can traditional Chinese medicine turn defeat into victory!

"It's not good! It's no use cutting off the power! It's hot. It's not affected at all! " Many deans are worried.

"He must be stopped! He must be stopped! Or we'll be a total failure! And if we lose, we're all done. In the future, our position will be far inferior to that of traditional Chinese medicine. " Many deans are anxious.

This time, western medicine actually failed. If they can't keep the final result, they will be very pitiful. In the future, they will become the vassals of traditional Chinese medicine. When it comes to western medicine, we all say that western medicine should be used for common diseases and traditional Chinese medicine for serious diseases.

It's hard to make money for a minor illness. Only serious illness can make money. Moreover, Lin Feng will have more reasons and excuses to carry out health care reform. Although they don't know how Lin Feng is going to change it, they know one thing, that is, Lin Feng will surely show them.

So, you have to win.

But how to win?

Many deans, you look at me, I look at you, and I know that there is only one way to do it. I don't want this old face.

"All go!" Many deans gritted their teeth and came out for the first time.

"Dereliction of duty, dereliction of duty, this is the dereliction of duty of our hospital, actually the power failure. I'm really sorry! " President Xiehe apologized, "how is Mr. Hua? It's so hot. The temperature in the room is more than 30 degrees. How about we change places? There are still more than five minutes left. Let's change places and time again! "

"Yes, it's too hot and there's no electricity. It's not convenient to see a doctor. Why don't we change places! See a doctor again! Time is still here The rest of the deans also advised.

What kind of heart do they have? It's very simple that Hua Shiqi will not continue to see a doctor like this. As long as they change places, they will be able to change patients. As long as it wasn't for a group of male patients who came from nowhere, Hua 17 couldn't finish it within the prescribed time.

More than five minutes is enough to deal with the real problems. See the doctor! Dream!

Lin Feng naturally saw through their careful thinking.

"Just a few minutes. Just hold on. The biggest characteristic of traditional Chinese medicine is that it does not depend on the environment. And the patient's environment is ever-changing! We need to adapt to the patient, not let the patient adapt to us! " Lin Feng, with a slow word, choked up all the dean's words!

(I really don't feel well today, just two! Continue tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)