
When I saw Ali's trembling figure, everyone could not help but stand up, including the one in front of the screen.

No one expected that Ali would come.

In this world, there are two champions. One is Ali, the other is Tyson. Of course, it is Tyson who really has the most ruling power. In his peak period, he swept the boxing world. Often, before you buy tickets and sit down, the competition ends in dozens of seconds.

Tyson is the most powerful fighter in the world!

Ali was also the champion of that era and the most respected champion in the history of boxing. Unfortunately, old age, replaced by Parkinson's disease, so that its mobility. Moreover, the disease is becoming more and more serious.

Everyone knows that Ali will die of Parkinson's disease one day. This is progress that cannot be changed. All patients with Parkinson's disease, one day after the aggravation of the disease, so died.

Can't change the process! It's like water flowing eastward.

It's just, how did Ali come here? You know, all the people who have come to see a doctor these days are Chinese, without any foreign friends. Ali was the first foreign friend to come to see a doctor, and he was so famous.

Ali! He started his boxing career at the age of 12. In 1964, Ali, 22, beat Sony liston to win the heavyweight title for the first time. In the same year, he defeated Liston again, and from then on, professional boxing entered the era of Ali. Since then, Ali won the heavyweight title 22 times in 20 years. In 1981, Ali retired from the ring.

Also this year, Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

"Why is Ali here?" Many deans exclaimed, as such a heavyweight, they did not have any news, this is their dereliction of duty.

"It must have been invited by Lin Feng!" Many presidents speculate.

you bet! Except Lin Feng, no one can invite Ali.

At this moment, it's time for Lin Feng to enlarge his moves. On the last day, Lin Feng will enlarge his moves.

Traditional Chinese medicine, OK? Nature is good! But does Lin Feng's wild hope just make it shine in China? No, that's a little too mean for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's wild hope is to make Chinese medicine a household name in the world. At present, it is impossible for traditional Chinese medicine to be popularized, which needs time. However, if Lin Feng wants to let the world know that western medicine is only basic medical technology, and the real high-end medical technology depends on traditional Chinese medicine.

In the next 20 years, Lin Feng's goal is not to popularize traditional Chinese medicine. It is impossible to popularize traditional Chinese medicine in this 20 years. Traditional Chinese medicine is not so powerful in hematopoiesis, it is impossible to popularize in a short time.

Therefore, what Lin Feng wants is to make traditional Chinese medicine a high-end configuration, so that common diseases can find western medicine, and difficult and miscellaneous diseases can find traditional Chinese medicine. Of course, after 20 years, if the hematopoietic capacity of traditional Chinese medicine keeps up with that of Western medicine, then it will be the time to really popularize and completely replace western medicine.

For 20 years, this is the limit of hematopoiesis in traditional Chinese medicine. It will take 20 years to cultivate a qualified TCM. Otherwise, it's all bullshit.

As for the top ten disciples, they are gifted. With Hua 17's words and deeds, and the help of Nu Wa, they can be faster. But have they really left school? Can they really be independent?

Obviously, not yet! They still need time to build up.

Therefore, twenty years is really necessary. No way. TCM is such a time-consuming industry. According to Lin Feng, Chinese medicine should start from primary school. When you are four years old, you can learn Chinese medicine. Twenty years later, I was just 24 years old when I graduated. Five years later, I was almost 30 years old. I entered the golden age of my life and began to help the world. This is a very suitable age.

Therefore, if we start to recruit students again, we will recruit them in batches, one batch a year, sign contracts and train them for 20 years. After graduation, he followed the class for the first five years and only took the living expenses. After that, the salary will be paid according to work.

"Sit down, please!" Hua Shiqi speaks fluent English.

This once again shocked people.

Can Chinese medicine speak English? This is amazing. It's totally incredible. The Western Medicine Association is in English, which is very normal. After all, western medicine originated in the West. If you don't know English, you can't become a master of Western medicine.

But Chinese medicine, does it need English? In the whole western world, there is no classic of traditional Chinese medicine. What English does Chinese medicine need?

It's true that Hua 17 didn't do it before. But since then, he has kept pace with the times and learned English. After all, you can't speak English in foreign countries, which is always inconvenient for you. So Hua Shiqi learned English.

He was 96 years old and spent three years learning English. This man is never too old to learn. As for the old, do not learn, that is all excuses. Only you are willing to learn.

Of course, learning English is also good for Hua Shiqi. You can read western medical journals and the latest medical reports to learn more about the progress of Western medicine.

For traditional Chinese medicine, the biggest regret, or defect, of huashiqi is the lack of a special research institute similar to western medicine. In the past, in the past two thousand years, too few people have really devoted themselves to the study of medicine.

In the pre Qin and ancient times, Shennong was the only one. In Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica, only these two people were really interested in studying the pharmacology of various herbs. As for the others, they all studied how to save people. Zhang Zhongjing's treatise on febrile diseases, Bian Que's Bian que Nei Jing, Bian que Wai Jing, Hua Tuo's Hua Tuo acupuncture Jing and so on are all means of healing, Instead of studying pharmacology.

In China, only Shennong and Li Shizhen studied pharmacology. This is relatively rare. Although these two are also gods, their research achievements have benefited China for thousands of years.

However, if we can not keep pace with the times, we will naturally fall behind this era, which is one of the important reasons why traditional Chinese medicine is inferior to western medicine.

For Parkinson's disease, huashiqi also has research. In TCM Pathology, it belongs to the type of qi deficiency and blood stasis, wind phlegm obstructing collaterals. It mostly happens in the elderly. Over middle age, the Yin Qi of liver and kidney naturally attenuates. If you take care of it carelessly, it will easily lead to yin deficiency of liver and kidney and loss of nourishment. The liver wood loses its nourishment, the right of catharsis is lost, the Qi mechanism is not smooth, the Qi stagnates for a long time and the blood coagulates into blood stasis; Or due to deficiency of Qi and blood, Qi deficiency is unable to promote blood circulation and lose circulation, blood circulation is slow, blood stagnation and astringency, causing blood stasis and blocking channels; Or obese people, phlegm dampness block, qi movement is not smooth, stagnation and blood stasis. All of the above reasons can lead to blood stasis block, vein obstruction, blood flow is not smooth, tendons and veins lost in nurturing, resulting in limb tremor, flexion and extension disadvantageous.

This kind of disease, if treated by traditional Chinese medicine, can be cured. But that is before the onset of the disease, conditioning, of course, the early onset, can also be cured. In this regard, traditional Chinese medicine is better than western medicine. But once it's serious, it's hard to cure.

"If it hurts, it doesn't work. If it doesn't, it doesn't hurt. This is also caused by poor Qi and blood. Mr. Ali, I'll give you acupuncture first, and then I'll steam and fumigate you with herbs. In this process, your whole body will be numb and itchy, but you can't shout it out. You have to resist it. Make use of this energy to open up Qi and blood. Through, after can recuperate, can cure. Otherwise, I can only help you delay the onset cycle Hua Shiqi said.

Hua Tuo's most famous is acupuncture. Acupuncture and moxibustion is indeed an extremely magical technique. The use of several silver needles can open up the acupoints of the human body and help people to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

Ali was also surprised that the doctor could speak English. However, he has been suffering from Parkinson's disease for many years. He has spent a lot of money, but he can't relieve the pain.

This time, at the invitation of Lin Feng, he came to have a try. As for whether it will work or not, he didn't have much hope. But at the moment, Hua Shiqi's words made him feel calm in his heart. Perhaps, this time there is really hope.

He stripped off his coat to reveal Ali Na's aging but still strong body. The former champion is still awed. But at the moment, the champion's whole body was shaking, uncontrollable.

This disease, that's it. It's almost like death. But are you really going to die? Life is so beautiful, so you say abandon, abandon it? Can you do it? This obviously can't!

In that case, it is also too disrespectful for life.

"Master!" Many disciples came forward to help Ali and avoid his influence on Hua Shiqi's needling.

"No! Remember, the key point of silver needle acupuncture is stability! Be sure to see the acupoints and stab them stably! The patient's condition is ever-changing, you must be fast, accurate and stable! " Hua Shiqi teaches experience.

Although he is not ready to teach them "silver needle needling", he can teach them some common sense.

This time, Hua Shiqi put out 108 needles and stabbed Ali. From a distance, he looked like a porcupine.

"Well, prepare 47 degree warm water and let it soak in. Remember, it must be soaked for two hours. All the herbs should be changed every 30 minutes! " Hua 17 said.

Then, with the help of the top ten students, Ali went to another clinic.

Seeing that Ali could still move, Hua Shiqi nodded secretly. He had a number in his mind about his illness. It could have been directly injected in the clinic and then directly steamed. However, Hua Shiqi did it on purpose, just to see if Ali could still walk after the injection. If you can still walk, it means that there is hope for a cure.

Of course, the hope of cure does not mean that it can be cured. The so-called accumulation is hard to return, he has been ill for so many years, can only through traditional Chinese medicine to slowly recuperate, to slowly treat. But when he was so old, he didn't know the final result.

After all, life is limited. In this regard, traditional Chinese medicine has no good solution.