Li Yunxin frowned. Well, she won't either.

"You, don't think about it. My brother-in-law needs nothing. As for him, if he is busy every day, he is most lack of people's care. How much you care and care for him is the greatest help to him! " Li Fuzhen said with a smile, "you're not good at other things, but you're clumsy. If you can't let him come to save the field, isn't that a hindrance!"

Li Yunxin thought about it. It's true.

"But I can't do anything?" Li Yunxin depressed to knock his head, "I can be really stupid!"

"Fool! You won't, I will! " Li Fu Zhen rolled up his sleeves and said, "let's go, I'll teach you some cakes eaten by the upper class of South Korea. This is something that ordinary people can't eat! "

Then, under the guidance of Li Fuzhen, Li Yunxin began to study pastry.

Now, where is Lin Feng? He has gone to the meeting to see the northwest king.

They met in a small cottage in a beautiful mountain area near the location of the northwest king. Of course, it's a small cottage. In fact, it has everything, everything, and it's extremely clean. It's just not that luxurious.

"Mr. Lin, it's the first time we've met. It's better to meet than to be famous! Nice to meet you The northwest King gently grasped Lin Feng's hand and then let it go.

Lin Feng exclaimed to himself. This one is also a hero among people and a person who does great things. There is a basis for advance and retreat, elegant and courteous, elegant and handsome.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Bo. Nice to meet you!" Lin Feng waved his hand and Zheng Zha retreated.

"Mr. Lin, we Mingren don't talk in secret. This time we see you, we also want to fight for you and win you over. But you can rest assured that I won't force you or ask you anything. I'm fighting for you!" At the beginning, Mr. Bo attracted Lin Feng's favor.

Although Lin Feng knew that he should not meet him, his sensory attitude to him got better in an instant.

"I'm just a civilian, but I don't have much ability!" Lin Feng said humbly that this also shows Lin Feng's attitude. You can hear it, but it doesn't mean you have any commitment.

Mr. Bo laughed. Just say that.

"Mr. Lin, I know that you are determined to revitalize the Chinese nation, so that the Chinese nation can return to the top of the world, but do you think you can do it?" Mr. Bo restrained his smile and said seriously, "do you think you can do this? In other words, can China do it today? "

"What does Mr. Bo mean by that?" Lin Feng asked patiently.

"In today's China, under the five thousand years of feudal system, we Chinese all have a kind of servility. When we see officials, rich people, and those who are better off than ourselves, we will instinctively rush out a wave of servility to comply with those who are better off than ourselves, those who are more hierarchical, and those who are more powerful. This is called kneeling and licking on the Internet Mr. Bo said.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Servility is based on the desire for existence, according to the limited rational choice of individual cognitive power in reality, and completely obeying. It is the product of violence, interest temptation and thought imprisonment. This is the totalitarian ruler's creation of a totalitarian power in which everyone obeys and adheres; These totalitarian rulers created an idea of self-respect, and made everyone a subordinate animal to this idea. When the state power becomes the private tool of the ruler, when "those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish" becomes a kind of culture, then servility naturally forms Mr. Bo said with emotion.

Lin Fengwen sighed at the speech.

"After China changed from the state to the family, servility gradually came into being. Later, Confucianism made the king supreme, and this servility became more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! " Mr. Bo sighed, "in China, we can easily see that a person in power can order someone to do something he does not want to do, even if it has seriously threatened his personal interests, or even made him very uncomfortable. This is not only brought by power, but also brought by personal thoughts. So, is it easy for the Chinese to rise? It's not a matter of money, it's a matter of thought! "

Lin Feng nodded. Lin Feng is also very clear about this.

"So, fortunately, you didn't promise the dividend of 3 million, otherwise, China would be ruined. If you really give each Chinese 3 million, then China will be destroyed immediately! Chinese people will lose their most proud virtue in 5000 years: diligence Mr. Bo sighed, "China is a country full of disasters. The sad history of nearly a hundred years has made our country and our nation bear too much and too much suffering. What we can achieve today is the diligence of the people. Without diligence, we can't have today's life. But the three million will destroy the best moral character! "

Lin Feng is silent. This is indeed one of the most important reasons why Lin Feng did not give out 3 million yuan.

"So money can't change the fate of Chinese people. Chinese people, in the international community, do not have a high status. Even with Mr. Lin's Zhu Yu in front, Westerners do not have a good impression of Chinese people. Why? It's very simple. It's caused by one's own low quality. It's not something that one person can change, but it needs all Chinese people to change. "

"If we want China to rise, we must change the thinking of the Chinese people. In my opinion, we should change it from three aspects! " Mr. Bo has a serious face.

"First of all, we should be a person, an independent person." Mr. Bo looked at Lin Feng, "I believe Mr. Lin should be very clear about the meaning of this sentence."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Dethrone hundred schools and respect Confucianism alone! Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the people have lost their independent thinking, and all of them have gone to study Confucianism. If one thought dominates the world, then the people will naturally lose the ability to think, and the consequence is herd behavior. " Lin Feng sighed.

Herding is blind following and blind moving. Now, everything on the Internet is clear. If any so-called expert makes a statement, many people will listen to it blindly and follow it blindly. Then they will regard the expert's statement as the truth. As a matter of fact, any expert's speech has its limitations and personal subjectivity.

A person with independent thinking naturally has the ability to think independently. He will carefully identify the differences between these thoughts and speeches. Will go to dialectical proof. Instead of listening and following blindly.

But in China, there are too many people who listen and follow blindly. This also leads to network violence! Of course, it's not just cyber violence, it's also true in real life.

This is the result of the lack of independent thinking. It was also the result of Emperor Wu's adoption of Dong Zhongshu's idea of "respecting Confucianism and deposing all schools of thought". Let him consolidate the throne, but also let the Chinese thinking was imprisoned.

When Confucianism is still leading the world, it doesn't matter. Once other ideas burst out and Confucianism can not keep up with the trend of the times, the Chinese people will lose the ability to keep pace with the times. In the end, it will be eliminated!

Eliminated, it is natural to be bullied. Weak, will be beaten!

"The second is the spirit of equality! We, China, lack the spirit of equality! Although it is new China now, it is unequal in many places. Not only is there no objective equality, but also there is no spiritual equality. Our people accept the fact of inequality and believe that everything is unequal. As a result, if we live better than others, we can despise them. If we live worse than others, we have to look up to them. This is a product of the Communist society, but it has lasted to this day. And it's never broken. Everyone has been treating everything in this society in such an unequal way. If you have money, I will flatter you. Even if I don't flatter you, I won't offend you. If you don't have money, I'll have less contact with you, and I won't care about you! If you want to be beautiful, I will get close to you and flatter you. If you want to be ugly, I will hate you! " Mr. Bo gives a lot of examples.

"We don't have the spirit of equality. Although it may not exist in the west, our inequality is too serious. Serious enough to let all our people become profit-making, become villains! And become so cruel Mr. Bo sighed.

Cruel! Human nature is cruel. How bad is the human heart? It's often too bad for you to imagine. Therefore, Lin Feng never gives himself or others such bad opportunities.

Otherwise, you never know how bad you or others can be!

"The third is that our people worship rights. Too much worship! " This time, Mr. Bo really had no choice but to smile bitterly. "Everyone hates being an official. They all think that being an official is swaggering, using public power to kill the people, taking bribes and embezzlement. Mentioning these officials' rights, they want to be cut to pieces. But do they really hate this right? No, they hate why other people have such rights, but I can't! What they hate is that people have me. Not the right itself! "

Lin Feng sighed.

"Yes, I don't hate this kind of totalitarian system in China. I just hate that I can't have such rights and that I'm the lowest class. Those who usually scold the most fiercely, let them become officials, they will be more greedy and more invincible than the people they scold Lin Feng sighed.

"These three points make our people enslaved. If we don't solve these three points, money will only make our people lazy, cruel, selfish and numb!" Mr. Bo poured a cup of tea for Lin Feng. "So, if you want to change China, you have to change it from thinking, not material. Are Chinese poor? Indeed, there are a lot of poor people. Many of us in China are very poor, very poor, so poor that we can't imagine. But relatively speaking, this kind of people, after all, is only a small number, a very small number of people. It is easy to solve the poverty and backwardness of these people. But it is difficult to solve the ideological poverty and backwardness of Chinese people! If we don't solve this problem, we will always be developing countries! "

(it ends at three o'clock today and continues tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)