Nuwa mobile phone!

Now, for the whole world, at least for the world's science and technology circles, what they are most looking forward to is the "Nuwa" mobile phone.

What is the legacy of jobs when he is gone? Will it change the world again? Lin Feng made such a big bet and threatened to buy "apple". Is Nu Wa's mobile phone really so magical?

Especially during this period of time, Lin Feng's actions were too many. One day he would be crowned Prince of Falklands, and another day he would hold a new wedding, which was too noisy. In the case of purchasing apple, it can be said that Lin Feng did not move.

Not only Lin Feng, but also Soros and Abby Cohen. Most of Apple's transactions in the past half a month have been obvious. All of them are retail transactions. No big deal.

In this case, how is Lin Feng going to buy apple? Do you really expect Nu Wa to bring down iPhone 2? Is Lin Feng so confident?

Five days to go! Of course, there are still two days to go before it goes on sale. Two days later, those who book Nuwa mobile phones through Dingdang will begin to receive them one after another.

Two days later, the true face of Nu Wa's mobile phone will be revealed.

At the moment, Lin Feng, who has been in a state of indifference, finally starts to enlarge his moves on the penultimate day.

All people who buy Fuxi mobile phone can exchange for Nuwa mobile phone at a discount! It will make different discounts according to the purchase time. At least you can enjoy 50% off the new machine!

This news directly shocked the whole scientific and technological circles. You know, technological products are the fastest. And the biggest headache is undoubtedly what to do with your obsolete machine?

Generally speaking, they are sold to second-hand dealers for resale, or they can only stay at home as furnishings. After all, it's worth thousands of yuan when you buy it. If you use it for two or three years, it's cheap. So it's better to leave a memento at home than to sell it.

But it's too much at home. It's also a headache. And Lin Feng's "big move" is undoubtedly an instant breakthrough in the "throes" of high-tech product upgrading. We don't have to worry about buying things and having no place to put them. The key can be discounted, which is much more than selling to second-hand dealers.

Naturally, the "big moves" have come out, and the number of blind bookings on Dingdang has increased directly. After it exceeded 100 million, the rise has been relatively slow.

After all, "Fuxi", which came out only last year, will change mobile phones this year. To be honest, if it wasn't for "blind purchase", plus Jobs's posthumous works, it would not have been more than 100 million in advance. After all, the only way to change the mobile phone, even if everyone's enthusiasm is high and there is faith, there is a limit.

But if you ask them to use the original mobile phone to buy a new one, and the price is reasonable, then everyone will be happy. Who in the world doesn't want to use new things all the time. As long as within the scope of their own financial support and conditions permit, everyone is willing to use new ones all the time.

Therefore, in this short period of time, the number of "blind purchases" has increased again. In almost one day, the number of pre orders has soared from just over 100 million to 150 million, and the number is still rising.

"He's making a fool of himself!" The major mobile phone companies are in a rage.

What about mobile phone manufacturers? How to deal with the recovered mobile phone? This involves the most realistic problem: money!

If you recycle your old mobile phones, you will not only lose a sum of money in the sales of new phones, but also spend a sum of money to deal with these old phones. And this money is definitely not a small sum.

The most important thing is that this kind of e-waste will pollute the environment if it is not handled properly. What do you do when you ask the manufacturer to buy them back? If it is handled casually and pollutes the environment, it will inevitably encounter heavy punishment. And properly handling it, there is no doubt that it is a huge expense. For the pursuit of interests of businesses, why should they spend such a sum of money?

Although, this should have been the responsibility of the business. However, since there is no explicit provision in the law, businesses naturally will not do too much. After all, more is better than less. It's all money that we save.

Kelin Feng's doing this completely breaks the rules! When you do this, everyone will be staring at you. At that time, everyone will ask other companies according to your standards. Don't you say it's blocking other companies!

Can we say that the technology industry will also repeat the mistakes of the game industry? It's because of Lin Feng's unruly behavior that the game industry is now dominated by the second world.

The purpose of the game company is to design and develop a fun game for the players. The players have the game to pass the time, while the game company makes profits from the players. Everyone has his place.

But the wind is not good, all kinds of game Carnival activities, all kinds of welfare feedback, will raise the appetite of the players Diao Diao. As a result, other game companies were buried by players and met with boycotts from players. In addition, Lin Feng's game was really excellent, and eventually lost, making Lin Feng the only one.

Now, is the technology sector ready to do the same?

If so, it would be too sad for everyone. But if you want to say that they have launched such a policy like Lin Feng, it's absolutely asking for trouble. You know, Lin Feng's "phantom technology" has just begun to sell mobile phones. As for other mobile phone companies, they have been selling for many years, with more than 1 billion mobile phones sold abroad.

Such a huge number, you have to say recycling! Well, make sure that the warehouses of major mobile phone companies will be immediately filled with mobile phones from many years ago. And do not do well, your purchase price is cheap, but also be scolded, it is absolutely thankless.

So, these mobile phone companies hate it. Will Lin Feng hate teeth itch.

"Father, Lin Feng didn't tell us about this. He didn't treat us as his family. I don't know what it's for Li Zairong, the son of Samsung financial group, has an angry face.

"Well, there's no need to say more about it. That guy doesn't have the slightest concept of in laws. It's impossible to count on him. Besides, we can't offend him now. We have to rely on him to enter the Chinese market. At least our home appliance industry is selling well in the Chinese market, surpassing Japan, and has become the best home appliance brand in the world! " Li Jianxi, President of Samsung financial group, said calmly, "as for this matter, let's wait and see what happens first. We are in a hurry, apple is more urgent! We can bear it for a while, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and see how they are. We'll wait in the back! Remember, don't bother your sister about this! This card is only effective at the critical moment! "

Li Jianxi's resourceful face.

In China, Samsung is going to buy it. As for the huge mobile phone market, Samsung also wants to expand. But don't be in a hurry. If the enemy is strong and I'm weak, it's better to bear with me! Let Lin Feng be proud for a while, and Samsung will take advantage of it. After all, the two sides are in laws, there will always be some benefits.

(it ends at three o'clock today and continues tomorrow!)