Prince Albert II's kneeling at Annabel Club spread all over the European royal family in half an hour, and almost all heard the news of his kneeling.

Of course, the vast majority of the royal family were cheated by the play played by Lin Feng and Albert II. After all, kneeling in public, being kicked in public, and being speechless, is too humiliating.

This is only possible if we owe a large sum of money and can't pay it back. If so, it would be reasonable to be kicked by Lin Feng in public.

Didn't you hear Lin Feng say $40 billion!

40 billion dollars! Good boy! What a lot of money it is. I'm afraid that's the sum of all the royal families in Europe, except for Lichtenstein. As a result, Albert II swallowed $40 billion from Lin Feng, which deserved to be kicked.

Of course, I don't know how many people want to be Albert II. After all, it's a big temptation to get 40 billion dollars. As for face, the reason why face is noble is that you don't have enough chips to abandon face.

40 billion dollars, which is enough to make most people on this planet abandon everything. This is not a joke, but when you really face such a temptation, almost no one can resist.

Of course, there was only one royal family in Europe who did not laugh at Albert II or admire him. It's worry! Deeply worried!

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?" The old housekeeper asked anxiously, "now that William has become king, it's time for you to rest!"

After the queen abdicated, the old housekeeper was not dismissed, nor did he choose to retire, but chose to continue to serve the queen. After decades of service, both sides are inseparable.

"Here comes disaster! Europe is in trouble Queen Elizabeth looked worried. "Albert II, this is revenge!"

Revenge! The old housekeeper was frightened.

"Your Majesty, do you think he will ask Lin Feng for revenge?" The old housekeeper naturally knew what her Majesty was referring to.

"Lin Feng didn't kick in vain. Europe is really in trouble! But we can't stop it. We can't stop this. Just hope things don't get out of hand! " Her majesty sighed, "fortunately, William has become king. He should have put it down! "

The night passed.

The girls found Lin Feng early in the morning.

"Well, I know what you want to say. Don't talk about it any more. I apologize for my impulse yesterday, and I have reached an agreement with Albert II that similar impulse will not break out between us to avoid Charlotte suffering. Charlotte, I'm sorry. I was too impulsive yesterday. I apologize to you! " Lin Feng apologized respectfully.

Now it was Charlotte's turn to be in a hurry. They were supposed to be here to make a case. Who would have expected that before they spoke, Lin Feng took the initiative to admit his mistake, instead of disrupting the plan they had made before.

"No, no, it's my problem, it's my fault! My uncle's fault Said Princess Charlotte, and tears fell.

Last night, she was in a dilemma. She is the saddest person to have a conflict between the two closest to her. She didn't know what to do. Now come to ask Lin Feng for a crime. That's also the proposal of the women.

Of course, they did not ask Lin Feng why he had a conflict with Albert II, but why he had a conflict with Albert II in front of Charlotte.

Men's affairs, women can not intervene, do not interfere. After all, most of the world is unsatisfactory, but you have conflicts in front of Charlotte. That's your man's problem. It's just not right. She shouldn't have suffered such a crime.

Who expected that Lin Feng suddenly apologized, which disrupted all plans. Also let Charlotte move don't want.

"Look, Charlotte, although he is a bit of a jerk, his heart is towards us. Well, don't be sad. Now, let's go back and have a good rest and have a good sleep. When you wake up, it's all over! " Liu Yingying came to enlighten and took the girls away.

Lin Feng smiles in his heart. It's my luck and happiness to have a wife like Liu Yingying.

"William, I'm ready to leave. I'll come back when you are officially crowned king. I've been abroad for a long time. It's time to go back! " Lin Feng calls William.

"Go now?" William was surprised.

"No, at night. Now, there are still some things to deal with. By the way, to remind you, there may be a bit of chaos recently. You king, although you have no real power, it is also an opportunity for you. You are a hero Lin fengxiao said.

If Albert II wants revenge, France must be the first to cause chaos, and then the whole European continent will be affected. As for Britain, because it is across the English Channel from the European continent, and because the British never admit that they are European, they are from the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Therefore, the impact will be relatively small.

But small impact does not mean no impact. And that's William's chance.

If the royal family of a country, a king, has no right to speak in this country, is it necessary for the king to exist? Just because of spiritual symbols and feelings? So it won't last long.

When a king becomes a vase, the value of his existence will be reduced to the lowest point.

"Is it related to Prince Albert II?" King William is keen to ask questions.

Lin Feng answered.

"William, I didn't want to talk about it now, but I guess you should soon know what Albert II wanted to do. So, I'll tell you in advance! " Lin Feng pondered for a moment, "Albert II asked me to help him revenge for his mother, Princess Grace, who died in a car accident 27 years ago."

William let out a cry and then fell silent.

"Thank you, Lin. I won't see you off later. I need to be quiet! " William Hung up in silence.

Lin Feng sighed softly. Originally William may have put it down, but Albert II's quarrel, the string in his heart, which he did not want to be touched, was touched again. Can he feel better! But now he's king, king of England!

A day flies by. When the girls wake up, Lin Feng greets them to set foot on the journey and fly back to China. When Lin Feng flew back to China, Albert II also started his anti black action against Monaco.

Albert II announced: Monte Carlo Casino, will be all owned by the royal family.

This can stir up a thousand waves with one stone!