The situation in Somalia is far beyond Lin Feng's imagination.

Mogadishu, as the capital of Somalia, was originally peaceful. Although it is not a place to sing at night, it is also brightly lit in its prosperous area.

Throughout Africa, if viewed by satellite, only Mogadishu lights up at night. As for other places, whether it's South Africa or Libya, it's dark at night.

As for the reason, it's very simple. Africa is short of electricity. Although Lin Feng cooperated with France a few years ago, he has been promoting nuclear power in Africa and supplying power to Africa. But Africa is too poor, too poor indeed. As a result, power plants in Africa are often stolen.

Although Lin Feng provided jobs for these African people and ensured that electricity would not be stolen in the transmission process as much as possible, he could only barely keep electricity for daily use. As for the street lighting system, please, the municipal government does not have so much money to provide road lighting.

So, in the evening, although it's not dark, you can't see a little light from the satellite. In Africa, only Mogadishu can see the bright light from the satellite cloud image at night.

At the moment, after Lin Feng arrived in Mogadishu, it was dark.

"In order to avoid the whole process of panic caused by the destruction of Tangfeng, we have used the power plant facilities for maintenance, carried out the city blackout, and imposed a curfew." Li Rui reported.

Although there is light, it is conducive to search. But at the same time, it is also conducive to Tang Feng's action. On the contrary, the whole environment is in the dark, and it's easier to catch Tang Feng's whereabouts for the wolf tooth, who has the advantage of a large number of people.

After all, in this world, there is something called infrared detector, and there is also something called thermal detector! Compared with ordinary people, the thermal energy of Tang Feng's martial arts practitioners is much higher than that of ordinary people, and it is easier to distinguish them when they are detected at night.

"Are you all right?" Lin Feng asked.

Li Rui understands the meaning of Lin Feng's inquiry. The biggest problem with the capture of Tang Feng this time is not only that Tang Feng's overall strength has been improved after being possessed by the devil, which is almost unmatched. The key is that he and Wang Meng are both people with "devouring insects" in their bodies. Therefore, their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced, and their sustainable fighting time is not long.

"So the instructor asked me to come back to protect you. The instructor and we appreciate your coming, but it's too dangerous here. After being possessed, Tang Feng may lose his mind, but he doesn't lose his judgment of danger. You might be his target! " Li Rui's face is dignified.

Somalia, it's too dangerous. In the face of people like Tang Feng, you can't use the army to eliminate them. You can't kill people like Tang Feng unless you have weapons of mass destruction.

You are not joking! This group of people, has been out of the scope of human understanding. Conventional individual weapons, it's hard to kill them. In particular, they have a strong sixth sense of danger. As soon as the sniper gun is aimed, they immediately change the coordinates. How do you aim?

Shooting birds? That's a mistake. It's not as good as a wide range of offensive weapons.

"Chiyou, go to find out the position of Tang Feng. Don't do it. Wait for me! All of you Lin Feng waved and said.

"Boss!" Li Rui and Zheng Zha were surprised.

Chi you come here, can really help, but all sent out, that Lin Feng safety how to do?

"Well, no more! This is also my problem. What's more, what are you going to do with it? Just kill him? That would be too expensive! " Lin Feng said in a deep voice, "also, I have informed Wu Zhaopu, but in view of the situation here, I didn't let him come back. You should give a damage statistics as soon as possible, and give it to him at that time, so that he can deal with the aftermath! "

Wu Zhaopu, as the Prime Minister of Somalia, had to return home to deal with the aftermath of such a big event. But it was too dangerous. Lin Feng didn't let him come back. Otherwise, in case Wu Zhaopu has an accident, where can Lin Feng find such a suitable Prime Minister.

It took Wu Zhaopu several years to tan himself, marry a Somali woman and have a baby. He just took root here and won the recognition of the Somalis. I don't know how much money I spent, plus all kinds of brainwashing education, before they recognized themselves.

If you're a black man, you're a black man. When you have given the money to the front foot, the back foot will not accept it. This kind of thing, you don't say, much!

In the case of Africa, if Lin Feng didn't covet the land and the black people died, it would be the best portrayal of Lin Feng's heart. Over the years, Lin Feng has not given less money and done more good deeds. But the result is that you do good deeds, instead of breeding their nature.

Black people are lazy and not lazy. With so many resources in Africa, they can at least become a developing country, not a country with extreme poverty and backwardness. Of course, relatively speaking, black women are more diligent. Unfortunately, in this race, men generally prefer leisure to work, so there is no way.

Now Africa, in many places, is waiting for relief. Of course, it's not just waiting for Lin Feng's relief. In fact, now that Lin Feng has Somalia, more money has been invested in Somalia. For other countries, it's just symbolic relief, not much money. But in addition to Lin Feng, there are also the United Nations and other countries or individual organizations providing assistance to Africa.

The only result of this kind of aid is that these black people would rather starve to death than work and wait for help. Therefore, Lin Feng only wants to say one thing about this situation: nigger to die.

Therefore, Wu Zhaopu can't have an accident. If he had an accident, Somalia would not work.

Chiyou left. However, Mogadishu is still, and the whole city is dead in the dark. Everything is hidden in the dark.

"Boss, why don't you go inside the plane, it's safer that way!" Li Rui persuades.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"If Tang Feng really has a brain and comes to me, I'd be better here to lead him out. Otherwise, Mogadishu is so big that he wants to hide and seek sincerely. Can you find out? " Lin Feng asked.

Tang Feng also knows how to hide. In a metropolis of 1.5 million people, it is not so easy to find it. Even if there is Chiyou, it's not so easy to find.

"But you are too dangerous!" Zheng Zha insisted.

"I know, but Chi you said that within one meter," Buddha lion roar "might make Tang Feng's brain clear again. In that case, there is always danger to face. If I hide, I may not have the courage to face him! " Lin Feng light said, "courage, that once lost, there is no!"

Li Rui and Zheng Zha were silent.

Lin Feng's words are indeed reasonable, but it is still too dangerous. If Lin Feng is injured, they would rather bomb Mogadishu in exchange for Lin Feng's safety.

As for regardless of Tang Feng, it certainly can't be done. If this guy let go, he will do too much harm to the world. In terms of emotion and reason, "Langya" can't allow the enchanted Tang Feng to wander around.

"Who!" Zheng Zha and Li Rui suddenly drink violently. They immediately protect Lin Feng.

The night was silent, and there seemed to be nothing but darkness. But Zheng Zha and Li Rui were dignified. They have already felt the threat, the strong threat.

In the darkness ahead, there is an enemy, extremely powerful. Powerful enough to make them all feel terrible.

Lin Feng's pupils shrank.

"Is it Tang Feng? If so, come out and talk! " Lin Feng gave a high drink.

Tang Feng? It should be him, only him! Zheng Zha and Li Rui clenched their fists. Facing the enchanted Tang Feng, they are not sure. Even two to one.

In silence, a figure appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Tang Feng! It's Tang Feng. But now Tang Feng's eyes are cold and red, and his face is as cold as death. Can he imagine with Chi you? no Chi you is expressionless, cold as nothing, everything in the world in their eyes, as if nothing. In their eyes, there is only their goal, nothing else.

At the moment, Tang Feng's eyes are twinkling with a desire. Lin Feng guessed that this should be the desire for power. And his eyes, though red, were not turbid.

"Tang Feng, do you want to see the boss?" Li Rui drinks violently.

Of course, there is no such rule among them. Lin Feng didn't like the rules and didn't ask for them. But at the moment, Li Rui is also testing whether Tang Feng can recognize Lin Feng.

Tang Feng forward figure, slightly coagulated for a while, then walked to Li Rui and Zheng Zha in front of twenty steps, stopped.

"Boss!" Tang Feng slowly spits out two words.

Zheng Zha and Li Rui feel a little relaxed. It seems that Tang Feng can recognize Lin Feng.

But in the two hearts slightly a loose moment, Tang Feng moved. The figure came crashing like a ferocious hippo.

"Asshole!" Zheng Zha and Li Rui drank at the same time and raised their arms to block them.

Behind them is Lin Feng. If they retreat, Lin Feng will be finished.

"Bang!" Zheng Zha and Li Rui's eyes were full of horror. They were so terrible that they both failed to defend Tang Feng. This is a monster. Moreover, they also felt an extremely terrible force, shaking in their body, but it seems that Tang Feng could not reasonably use this force.

This may be the internal force!

"Go away!" Tang Feng a violent drink, arms a left a right a swing, Zheng Zha and Li Rui flew away.

"Boss, danger!" They exclaimed in the air.

Tang Feng stares at Lin Feng and rushes to him.

Strong wind pressure, blowing Lin Feng, his face is rustling. I'm afraid it will be fatal if it hits right.