China and Britain become brothers!

Naturally, this is a good thing for both China and Britain. Britain is an old powerful country, and China is an emerging country. If both sides can put aside their prejudices and differences, it will be good for both sides.

Maybe it will be such an opportunity. Of course, this is also because of one point: human vision is more open.

In the past, human beings only focused on the earth. And basically all the resources on the earth are owned. Whether it's oil, natural gas, or ore, it's all owned.

If you want more, I want less. It's a matter of personal interest. Who can be generous? But now it's different!

The era of interstellar colonization has begun, and our eyes are no longer on the earth. It's Mars! Yes, at present, everyone's goal is Mars. Although Mars is quite far away, it will take several years to go to Mars with current human technology. But that's before. With Lin Feng's "gravity magnetic field technology", the problem of energy separated from the earth was solved to the maximum.

Spaceships want to go to Mars from the earth. The place that consumes the most energy is to break away from the earth's gravity. Now this process has been omitted, and going to Mars will be several times faster than before.

And Mars, known as the second earth. Such a big planet, for these families to mine, you say, who still has eyes on the earth. Naturally, the relationship between them should be more harmonious.

"Your Majesty, I believe that as long as human beings look forward, they can go far and there will be less differences. I believe that we can make progress together!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Next, the two sides talked about some family matters. Her Majesty gave a detailed introduction to the royal family's etiquette and the occasions where she had to be present. She talked with Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, you are a prince with a different surname, so you don't need to observe too much Royal etiquette. It's just that you need to be there on a very important festival. Of course, if you are too busy to be present, it is the same to appoint your wife to be present! You know, once you are appointed, your wife will have a corresponding title Her majesty said with a smile, "this time, I will not only be canonized as a prince, but also your 13 ladies will be knighted. I believe it's good for you and your ladies! "

Lin Feng understood the meaning of her Majesty's words.

Over the years, the background or foundation of Lin Feng has been criticized. This world, in the final analysis, is a world of identity, background and origin.

What kind of king, marquis and generals would rather have seed! That is to tear the face, when everyone takes a knife to do it, they will shout out such a sentence. Usually, it depends on the identity and background.

For example, where is your family's ancestral home? What are your ancestors doing? Or where do you learn from? All in all, it always asks where you are. If you have identity and background, people will respect you, or pay special attention to you. On the contrary, if you're a white man, you'll have a good time. Even if you have money and ability, people will look at you with a sense of superiority.

Naturally, Lin Feng has been treated with such contempt these years. But Lin Feng, the word must be reported, is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In addition, Lin Feng is so rich and powerful that we dare not underestimate him. But Lin Feng's ladies have become the public's criticism.

All the ladies except Li Yunxin and Ivanka are ordinary women, even Allegra. In this case, the outside world will often make fun of Lin Feng and his wife, ridiculing that they are just lucky to marry a good man who will make money, but the ugly duckling is still an ugly duckling.

Otherwise, except for Ivanka and Li Yunxin, why have all the other ladies never attended any party of the real upper class? It's simple. It's out of place!

They are all ladies from different walks of life. They all go back hundreds of years. Lin Feng, these ladies, have no such confidence. And the war between women is not like the war between men.

Women's war, it is insinuation, a hidden sword in a smile, refers to the mulberry curse Huai, refers to Luan scold the king. They are not suitable for this kind of occasion. After all, when people come, identity is enough to kill you.

But now, the queen has given many knights, that's totally different. The British royal title is the most valuable in the world. Of course, it's a little tarnished to say that it's valuable. It should be said that it has the most status.

You've been knighted by the British royal family, so basically, you're welcome and respected everywhere you go. This is the strength of old imperialism. Even the United States can't match this.

What Europeans think of Americans is businessmen. This is a country where businessmen control everything. There is no inside information, no connotation, no culture. Nothing but money!

"Then I would like to thank her majesty!" Lin Feng quickly got up to salute.

"Mr. Lin, you don't have to be polite. You are the prince of our country. Naturally, your wives are also the prince's wives of our country. If you don't have a title, you will be ridiculed for our royal family's lack of etiquette! Well, I'm tired too, so I'll go ahead and let William chat with you for a while to give you a detailed introduction to the royal family. William, come here and give grandma a ride! " Her majesty rose to leave.

Lin Feng hastened to reply.

To be honest, the most troublesome part of Lin Feng's ceremony is the etiquette. It is said that China's etiquette is complicated, and Britain is not bad. After all, it is also a royal family that has been handed down for thousands of years, and the etiquette is not bad at all.

Soon Prince William came back. But when he came back, he looked strange.

"William, what's the matter? What did your grandmother tell you? " As soon as Lin Feng saw William's strange expression, he knew there was something wrong. Otherwise, why does her majesty want William to take a ride? It's not necessary.

"Well, Lin, how do you say that? Her majesty wants me to ask you something, which she thinks is good for you. But I think so. I'm afraid you don't want to. I don't know whether to open my mouth or not! " Prince William hesitated.

"Motherfucker! Come on, we are brothers. What else can we say? If it's not nice, I'll treat you as a fart! " Lin Feng laughed and scolded.

"That's what I said. Well, your majesty wants you to marry my cousin, Princess Gabriella! She is 24 years old, and your age is just right, and is the most beautiful princess of our royal family, and, you are not excluded. And you, with so many wives, don't care about one more Princess Gabriella! And her majesty promised to hold another grand wedding for you and your ladies as long as you are willing to marry! A blessed wedding is not a simple banquet ceremony like the moon or in China A piece of news from Prince William shocked Lin Feng.

(it ends at three o'clock today and continues tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)